
Thursday 14 June 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays winner

Yes, I'm still here... sort of!  I had no idea the antibiotics were going to make me feel so awful - I've been sleeping and very little else since my last post!  Thank you so much for all your lovely messages, I feel really bad that I've not been able to visit you all yet, but I'm hoping to be off the tablets tomorrow if the doc gives me the all clear... Hopefully I'll feel much more like 'me' again then.  And then I can get back to blogging and crafting, and visit all of you lovely lot who've been kind enough to leave me comments while I've been zonked!

Sooo, as you may have noticed I didn't do a Waste Not Wednesdays post this week.  But as last week was prize week I need to announce the winner of the £5 voucher from DigiStamp Boutique, chosen by the very helpful and that is...

Number 7 - Gillian

Congrats hun :o)  Please email me so I can sort out your prize.

I'm not sure when I'll be back with a card - I'm hoping soon, because I've still not made hubby's Father's Day card and haven't been near the craft room for a whole week!  So fingers crossed I'll be back in a couple of days with something to show you instead of a load of waffle.... Have a lovely evening, see you soon :o)


  1. Hello Lisa. I hope that you feel much better very soon. Just take great care of yourself, we will still be here when you are fit and able to enjoy your beautiful crafting again.
    Thinking of you.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  2. Lots of sleep is what you need, must be doing you good. Take care xx

  3. Really hope you're on the mend soon Lisa!!

    Hugs Vicky x x x

  4. Oh hun, so sorry that you are feeling so awful! You poor little sausage, I hope the ABs have you back on your feet soonest. Sending you the biggest of furry hugs, Sxxxxx

  5. You just get well. We miss you and we hope that you have a fast recovery.

  6. Sorry your still not well hun hope you recover soon,please take care of yourself!
    Sending big hugs yourway!
    XXXX Heidy

  7. Hi Lisa, Sorry to hear you are still not feeling great ... Hope you start to feel better soon.

    Take care

    Lisa x

  8. We miss you and hope you feel better very soon,

    Liz x

  9. You take care of ourself hon... If your body says 'sleep', then that's what you should do! It's the only way you'll get properly better..
    Christine x

  10. Hi Lisa,
    Hope you start to feel more like yourself real soon as have missed seeing your gorgeous cards
    Sending big hugs :) x

  11. Hi Lisa, I have been missing due to pc troubles and am shocked to hear how poorly you've been hun...I do hope your being looked after and the tabs; are doing they job, get well very soon darlin and take care.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. I cannot believe I have missed your last posting Lisa. I am so sorry you have been so poorly :(
    Just let the Antibiotics do their work sweetie and don't fight the sleep.
    Hope you are soon 100% again. Thankfully we have had the Pneumonia jab as it certainly seems to be on the rise again.
    Take good care Sweetie, sending you heaps of hugs
    mau xx

  13. So sorry to hear the tablets have made you feel so awful. Really hope you feel much better soon.
    I have some news that might cheer you up a bit - you made top 3 over at DYSU this week for your gorgeous paper pieced card!!!
    Denise xxx

  14. Good to hear from you Lisa, obviously your body is telling you rest so just go with it. Hope you feel better soon, take care
    Lyndsey xx

  15. Look after yourself first and foremost! Thinking of you and sending get well wishes x

  16. Here's hoping you feel better soon hun, Luv Sam x

  17. so sorry to hear it's not completely gone yet Lisa! make sure you rest loads, sleep is the most healing thing for the body hugs Karen x

  18. Hi Lisa

    All the rest and sleep will do you the world of good .. .. you must need it!

    Take care of yourself and try not to worry about blogland. We will all be here when you are better.

    Love Jules xx

  19. Hope you are feeling better soon Lisa!! So terrible to be sick :( Sending lots of hugs xx

  20. i hipor you feeling better very soon lisa.take care.

    xx coops xx

  21. Yup, sleep is "Nature's cure"... if only it didn't take up so much time! lol Seriously, you've just got to "go with it", hope you're on top of the world soon Donna xx

  22. Hi Lisa, sometimes I think the antibiotics have something in them that make us zonk so that we get the rest we need! Took me a good 6 weeks to feel 'normal'. Take it easy and see you when you're better.

  23. Wow, sounds like you've got strong antibiotics. Glad you are getting a lot of rest...probably what your body needs to fight the pneumonia. Take care and come back when you're ready. We'll be here. :)

  24. Hi Lisa I do hope your on the mend, it does seem awhile since we heard from you and we miss you. Get better quickly. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  25. Hi Lisa, just dropping by to say Hi... hope you're feeling better and the family's OK.
    Big get well hugs,
    Jo x
