
Friday 8 June 2012

A short break...

Well I had my doctor's appointment this morning, and it turns out I've got pneumonia - that would probably explain why I've felt so rough then!  I'm going to take a few days 'off' and get lots of rest while the antibiotics do their thing... I'm sure I won't be disappearing completely though, I'll still potter around visiting your blogs when I can, I just won't be blogging anything or crafting much.  See you soon :o)


  1. :( No wonder you've been feeling so bad. Your poor thing. Get plenty of rest and I hope you feel better soon. xx

  2. Oh Lisa, poor you, shame it wasn't diagnosed sooner. Take care and get yourself better. Hugs xxx

  3. Poor you I hope you feel better soon and can get back to making your lovely cards. I don't comment often but I do always pop over to see your fab creations.

    Sending lots of get well wishes

  4. Hi Lisa
    Hope you are feeling better soon take care
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. Sending lots of 'get well soon' wishes your way! Your family's really going through the illness wars at the moment! Take care and put your feet up. We'll all be here when you're feeling brighter! :)

  6. Oh Gosh Lisa hunny, wishing you well real soon, and dont be doing anything until you are back to full health. Joey xx

  7. Take card Lisa. Hope you feel better soon
    hugs Sarah x

  8. Feel better soon!
    Take care

  9. Oh my goodness - no wonder you have been feeling so rough!

    I hope you are able to rest up and let your family take care of you, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Sharon x

  10. Sorry to hear your poorly Lisa, take it easy & rest when you can..I can here you laughing Rest she says with small kiddos to look most of us have been there..but do try & take care of yourself.. my DH says if I get poorly the home comes to a stand still..nice to know they need me..I

    smiles Christine x

  11. Lisa I hope you are feeling better soon Sweetie! That sounds terrible :( Wishing you a speedy recovery :) xx

  12. sorry to hear this Lisa. rest as much as you can & let others help you. meds i have take for RA weaken my immune system so had pneumonia a couple of years ago felt dreadful and slept a lot. make sure you take all the meds too sending gentle hugs Karen x

  13. Sorry to hear you're poorly, Lisa. Make sure you unwind, relax and let it all go for a few days ;). I'm sure you'll be better soon xx

  14. hope you feel better soon xx

  15. Sorry to read you are so unwell. It's amazing how we keep functioning even when something is clearly not right with us. I once went for an interview feeling lightheaded and just not right - I stopped at the doctor's on the way home to discover I had pleurisy!!! Do take it easy, rest up and forget about everything but getting well again and I wish you a speedy recovery. Elizabeth x

  16. Poor Lisa...just take care of yourself and have a speedy recovey!
    xxx Margreet

  17. Oh poor you Lisa!
    Plaese take good care of yourself sweetie and take all the rest you need!
    Hope your feeling better real soon!
    Sending big hugs your way!
    XXXXX Heidy

  18. Take care and get well soon Lisa .
    Sending big hugs Emma xx

  19. Hi Lisa,you poor thing. Hope you're feeling better soon, just make sure you do get plenty of rest and someone looks after you hun.
    Take care.
    Hugs Sue W.

  20. Oh no Lisa you poor thing, make sure you get plenty of rest and let the antibiotics do their work. Hopefully you'll be feeling much better soon.

    Sending hugs


  21. Take care Lisa...hope you feel better soon...make sure Pav and the boys run after you!!


  22. Oh you poor thing, make sure you rest up good and proper and let them pills do there magic :0)
    Jenny x

  23. Oh Lisa hun so sorry to hear you are so unwell.
    You really need to rest and look after yourself - we will all still be here when you are feeling much better.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  24. so sorry to hear about your sickness. I am sending you lot of 'getting-better-wishes' from germany.
    Take care

  25. Glad you now know what is wrong ... make sure you take time out and get plenty of rest - we will all still be here when you get back. Take care and big hugs, Claire xx

  26. Poor you Lisa, no wonder you didn't feel well. Hope the antibiotics help and you get some rest. Not easy I know with little ones to look after.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. Hope you feel better soon!

  28. no wonder you have felt so poorly take care and i hope you are feeling better soon.

    xx coops xx

  29. Hope you feel better soon, sending gentle hugs.

  30. Hope you feel better soon Lisa..take care.
    Wendy xx

  31. Hope you are feeling better soon Lisa, make sure you have plenty of rest. Janette xx

  32. pneumonia?! Ouch! No wonder you were feeling so bad. Glad the doc gave you some antibiotics! Hope you get some relief soon. Take care.

  33. OMG Lisa, do take care. I hope you are soon feeling much better...hugs
    Jackie xx

  34. Hi Lisa,
    Sending big hugs your way and wishing you a speedy recovery.Get plenty of rest! :) x

  35. Get well soon, hope you have a speedy recovery. Hugs, Jill x

  36. hi Lisa.
    no flippin wonder you felt so poorly!!
    you rest and get that hubby of yours to look after you! chill in bed and get better soon.
    hugs to you x

  37. So sorry to hear that news, my friend has had the same and has had antiBs and is now much better so hope they work as well for you as they have for her. hugsheid x

  38. I had a feeling it was going to be pneumonia, I had it about 18 months ago and your symptoms were the same as mine! Please take it easy, I ended up in hospital and I would hate for you to end up there too!
    Helen x

  39. Wow, you poor lady. Get better. Rest, and do what you were told so you don't get worse!

  40. Hi Lisa!

    I'm so glad to hear they've got to the bottom of what's been the matter with you.. And that you're being treated for it! Rest loads... We'll still be here when you're fit and well again which will be real soon!

    Christine x

  41. Ugghh! At least now you're on antibiotics you should be on the mend pretty quickly (I had pneumonia a few years ago, and while you feel dreadful until treated, you seem to pick up pretty quickly with treatment) Drink plenty of fluids, and milk it for all it's worth is my advice :-) Hope you feel better soon Donna ☺

  42. Oh Lisa Im so sorry to hear that your not to well, do take care and look after yourself, good idea to take some time out and get yourself to bed for a few days. hugs Shirleyx

  43. Hi Lisa, hope you're resting lots and being well looked after! Hope you're feeling much better soon. Wedgie xxx

  44. ooooh awful for you...not nice at all....take it easy Lisa...don't go rushing back to things....Sally-Ann xx

  45. I'm so sorry to hear this - I've had pneumonia and it's certainly no fun - take care and hope the ABs do their work and you begin to feel better soon. x

  46. Hope you feel better really soon Lisa! Get some rest and hope to see you back on the craft soon! Laura x

  47. Lisa you've won at the Sketch Saturday blog - you have until 6.00pm tonight to claim your prize, Not sure you are checking your own blog because you're ill. I've left them a comment so I hope you or they get in touch before the dead line hugs Karen x

  48. Sorry I'm late wishing you a speedy recovery but not had much use of my lap top this last week.
    Hope you're feeling better soon, much love Carole xXx
