
Wednesday 23 December 2009

RIP Phoebe cat

Well I had lots of cards to blog today but I really can't face it now. We left our lovely Phoebe at the vets last night, so that they could xray her today and find out what was going on with her - she's had a cough and trouble breathing recently. About an hour ago the vet called to say they'd found a large mass, and they were going to ring and go through our options, but sadly while she was coming round from the anaesthetic she passed away.

Morgan's so upset and although Dex obviously doesn't understand, he's going to miss her so much, he loved that cat and she loved him. Even our other cat looks a bit lost without her and they couldn't stand each other really! Happy Christmas to us eh?


  1. Oh babes I am so so sorry for you all, Phoebe was beautiful she looked just like my little Tulullah who as you know I lost 3 and a half weeks ago and I miss so much. There is nothing anyone can say to help, but you will be in my thoughts hun
    love and hugs Mandy xx

  2. Hi Lisa,I am so sorry you lost your beautiful Phoebe,such a sad time for you all and just before Christmas.Take care of yourselves and try to enjoy Christmas.
    Hugs xx

  3. Thinking of you all, not the best time to happen. At least she's not suffering anymore.

    Sarah x

  4. So sorry about your cat Lisa. What a beautiful cat she was too. When our last cat died he had got really thin and poor looking, although he still had a lovely purr when you clapped him. He was an outside cat and he just went away. We couldn't find him but my husband found him a few weeks later near the farm next to us. Given a chance they will just go away and die and that is what he obviously did.You always miss them! Not a good time to happen but hopefully the excitement of Christmas will get you all through the first little while.
    Have a lovely Christmas with your family.

    Kat xx

    ps I am going to make Christmas cards all year next year too. At least that's the plan!!

  5. Hi Lisa

    I am so sorry to hear this news, having been in the same situation a couple of months ago my heart goes out to you and your family. There is never a good time for something like this to happen but it is always worse near Chrismas.
    Lots of hugs on their way to you all.

    Take care

    Love Ali x

  6. I'm so sorry about Phoebe, Lisa :( We lost our oldest family cat around the same time last year :(
    RIP Phoebe xxxxx

  7. Hi Lisa, So sorry to here about Phoebe, it's always so sad when we loose one of our pets, it's like loosing a family member. Thinking of you. Love Sue x

  8. Aw Lisa - so sorry to hear about Phoebe. Lots of hugs to you all at this time. Rx

  9. Aww i'm so sorry to read this its so sad losing a much loved pet as they are part of the family, i hope you and your lovely boys can still enjoy Christmas a little, take care. luv gina xx

  10. Oh babe, I am so very sorry. It's heartbreaking I know - I still haven't got over losing my precious Mollie over two years ago. Phoebe was such a beautiful little girl and she will stay like that in your memories. She's on her way to heaven now and Mollie will look after her for you. I know this couldn't have come at a worse time, I wish I could do something to ease the pain. You know where I am if you need a shoulder. Hugs, Squirrel xx
