
Friday 25 December 2009

Happy Christmas & thank you!

Well I had planned on putting the last of my Christmas cards on my blog today, but I'm still feeling quite down about losing our little Phoebe, so I've decided I probably won't bother - maybe I'll pop them on here when Christmas is all over. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to leave messages for me - it's so lovely to know that people out there understand how we're feeling. I know she was 'just a cat' but she's so missed, the house feels strange without her. Morgan is already working to persuade us to get a kitten, and to be honest I think we'd all like one - I'm just not sure we're prepared for how utterly bonkers kittens can be after being so used to our 10yr old cats!

It's been a long day at MIL's - Pav's family are Polish and their celebrations are on Christmas Eve, so we've had a huge dinner and lots of pressies there. We've been thoroughly spoilt, you should have seen the kids pressie mountain! And MIL gave me perfume and a £50 voucher for Bunny Zoe's :o) She's also given us a joint pressie of enough cash to pay for a holiday! See, I told you - we've been spoilt rotten today! And we get another Christmas at my mum's tomorrow, the boys are completely hyper.

Anyway, I've had a few glasses of wine so I'm rambling lol, but I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy Christmas. I hope you all have a fabulous time and I look forward to seeing everyone's lovely creations in the New Year :o)

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