
Saturday 23 September 2017

Sweet Stampin' - cute & cuddly

Hello again... at last!

Oh, I've been a rubbish blogger again... shame on me!  I'll waffle on about why at the end, so you can skip it if you like ;o)

Our challenge over at Sweet Stampin' for this week is 'cute & cuddly', which fit in nicely with a card I needed to make for my lovely step-sister (from her dad and my mum).

The image is Girl's Best Friend from Tiddly Inks, coloured with copics.  Papers and enamel dots are Doodlebug, the leafy die I think is Memory Box, the flower is MFT die-namics.  The sentiment is a mix of LOTV and Clearly Besotted stamps.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges
Tiddly Inks Challenge - anything goes
Fab 'n' Funky - floral embellishments
Daisy Chain - in the pink
Creatalicious Challenges - anything goes with optional leaves
Use Your Stuff - pets

So, what have I been up to for the last few weeks?  Well, I was chatting with my mum, casually saying how I'd quite like to pick up some knitting again, and maybe learn to crochet... that would probably have been the last I thought of it, but hubby heard me and the next time he went to the shop he came home with the first issue of one of those weekly knitting mags, where you get wool and patterns to make squares each week, and it takes years and several hundred pounds to make a throw lol... and then signed me up for the subscription for it.  So then I had to have a go, didn't I?!  And I've got rather addicted already.  It's probably going on 20yrs since I last knitted but it's all coming back and I'm really enjoying my 'new' hobby.  I've finished a hat for myself and now I'm working on one for Dex, so I'm sure I'll share pics on here eventually... apologies in advance to anyone who finds knitting deadly dull lol.

Oh, and if anyone's still interested in the boring weight loss stuff, I've now lost 40lbs!

Thanks for popping in, hope you're having a lovely weekend :o)


  1. A gorgeous card Lisa, love the design and fab papers.
    I haven't done any knitting for years. I mentioned to my hubby last year that I would like to give it a go again and he bought me wool and needles for Christmas.....they are still sat there!
    Lorraine x

  2. Love this card Lisa, great colours and a cute design. I applaud you taking up knitting again, making things with yarn is addictive!! I taught myself to crochet a couple of years ago and always have something on my hook now. Looking forward to seeing what you make xx

  3. Good for you and what a lovely hubby to even hear what your chatting about, let alone act on it....he's a
    Your card is lovely

  4. Fab card great colours. Good to have another crafty hobby, I am really enjoying embroidering again. Well done on the fantastic weight loss

  5. Love this Lisa,gorgeous colours & design.. look forward to seeing your knitted makes and well done on your weight loss.
    Wendy xx

  6. Love your card Lisa! The image is the cutest, fabulous colours and papers. I've always got some knitting on the go, really relaxing and you can knit while watching TV! So impressed with your weight loss, well done you!

  7. Fab card Lisa and well done you with your weight loss! Can understand the knitting/crochet addiction. I used to have knitting on the go all the time years ago. It will be one of the things I'll pick up again when I'm eventually able to retire! xx

  8. Hi Lisa! This is so cute and your delicate floral embellishments add the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for sharing at Fab n Funky.

    Sharon x

  9. What a gorgeous candy coloured creation Lisa! Love that sweet image, that pooch is gorgeous and perfectly coloured! Love your gorgeous card layout and the sweet finishes. Beautiful card hun. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  10. This is a fab card Lisa. Love the papers. Thank you for sharing with us at Creatalicious and we hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Gale DT

  11. Awww...this is so sweet! I love the colors on this. Such an adorable card. Thank you so much for sharing at Tiddly Inks.

  12. A Beautiful card, love the colour and the dies, beautifully put together.
    Sorry having to catch up and being awol.

  13. Come back over to Creatalicious Challenges soon.
    There' a surprise waiting for you!

