
Saturday 22 July 2017

Teacher thank you cards

Happy Saturday :o)

I meant to blog my teacher thank yous earlier in the week but didn't quite get round to it... the last week of school is always so busy!  The school holidays have now officially begun (yay!) and Pav's off for the first week too (yay again!).

So anyway, onto the cards... the ginger ones were for Dex's teachers (Dex always wants ginger cats to match Boris)...

The black ones were for an order... 

The blackboard/ chalkboard bases are an MFT die-namics set - I've smeared a bit of white ink onto black card for a slightly chalky effect, and kept the embellishments simple... sentiments were added using 'longandlean' font.  The fab little cat is from Gerda Steiner HERE, coloured with copics.

We actually went out last night (very rare occurrence) to see The Wedding Singer at the Lyceum theatre... I wore a (new) dress and (new) very very high heels... getting brave lol!  It was lots of fun, we really must make the effort more often.... it's much easier to throw my comfy boots on and go for a walk though!!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend... thanks for popping in :o)


  1. These are brilliant Lisa, such a cute cat and the design is spot on. Enjoy your time off with your boys xx

  2. These are just fabulous Lisa xx

  3. These are just so cute! Lucky teachers I say! Love the chalkboard and the cats just looks fabulous with their little personalized signs. I'll definitely put the chalkboard die on my wish list.
    I'm really pleased you had a wonderful night out all dressed up. You must have looked fabulous after you weight loss. You definitely need to make date nights (says me who turns into a pumpkin at 9.30pm so doesn't go out at night :D) Debra x

  4. These are fab bet the teachers just loved them such thoughtful cards.Enjoy your weeks holiday Love and hugs Carole x

  5. Ooh these are fabby! Did the die set come with that fab wood grain embossing? It's brilliant! Such a fabulous set for Teacher thank you cards. My kiddos are just back to school today after 2 weeks Winter break. It's been a nice respite from the hustle and bustle of term time! I guess you're on Summer hols now, how lovely! Super cute that the ginger cat was coloured to be like yours. Kids are so cute about these things! Fab creation Lisa. Hugs, Wends xoxo
