
Saturday 6 May 2017

Sweet Stampin' - cats and /or dogs

Happy Saturday :o)

Today's card is for our challenge over at Sweet Stampin', where our theme is 'cats and/ or dogs'.

Please excuse my awful colouring!  I coloured it a while ago and must have been in a rush, it looks very patchy... oh well, can't be helped now.

Items Used
Stamp - Little Claire (can't see it now, so possibly not available anymore)
Papers - LOTV (retired)
Sentiment stamp - Clearly Besotted
Flower - Wild Orchid Crafts
Flourish die - MFT
Heart Banner die - Memory Box or Poppy Stamps?

We've been out for a meal today with Pav's family... tried to choose diet friendly options, and then got talked into cheesecake lol, so now I'm very full!  I've lost 23lbs so far, so not doing too bad.

Thanks for popping in, hope you're having a lovely weekend :o)


  1. Love this fun card Lisa, such pretty colours too xx

  2. You're doing brilliantly with the weight loss Lisa, good for you! I love this card xx

  3. Hi Lisa what a gorgeous card and I love the image that you have used and the design is wonderful.
    Debs xx
    {Debs Cards}

  4. Wonderful card Lisa! Your colouring looks just fine to me. This is what I would look like if I lived alone , a slightly batty woman with lots of cats :D.
    You're doing brilliantly on your diet! The odd piece of cheesecake won't hurt occasionally. Debra x

  5. Hi Lisa, a lovely card, love the layout and colours. Well done on the weight loss, I've always struggled so know it's not easy.
    Hugs Sue W.

  6. Gorgeous card Lisa, so cute.....well done with the diet, mine seems to be at a stand still right now but fingers crossed it's just a hiccup....enjoy your day....x

  7. Well done on the weight loss. Fab card, great image and colours

  8. A gorgeous card Lisa, love the papers and layout.
    Well done on your diet, I have no will power what so ever!
    Lorraine x

  9. Such a gorgeous Mother's Day card Lisa. Love that sweet image and your fab paper choice and card design. Gorgeous hun. Hugs, Wends xoxo
