
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Outside your window...

Hello everyone :o)

I don't have quite as much time for crafting as I'd like this week, as the boys are off school for the Easter holidays, but I managed to squeeze in a card for Less is More.  Their challenge is 'what's outside your window'... now, if I'm perfectly honest, from my craft room window I have a view of weeds and a lawn full of holes (Chester does like a good digging session).  I'm no gardener and neither is Pav!

So this is a prettied up version of the weeds... well they did say we could use our imagination ;o)

I've had a play with a pack of the new Tim Holtz distress crayons to make a watercolour background... just scribbling them on my craft mat and using a waterbrush to pick up the colour.  I'm totally out of touch with all the new 'must-haves', as I haven't bought anything really in the last year, but I fancied trying these.

Items Used
Stamp - Taylored Expressions 'Discover Your Wings'
(embossed with white detail embossing powder)
Sentiment stamp - Stampin' Up
(stamped in Memento Ink in Lilac Posies)
Doodlebug Sequins

Off to my mum's this evening for fish & chips... yum!

Thanks for popping in, hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. This is gorgeous! Your garden sounds a bit like mine (the effect of having the builders in for a year!) but I love your pretty version and beautiful distress background. Fab card!

  2. These are beautiful weeds, Lisa :) Love the background you have created with the distress crayons - looks like they were a good purchase. Great to see you at Less Is More!

  3. A gorgeous card Lisa, love the two finish for half term tomorrow but I don't finish til Thursday :-(...can't wait!
    Lorraine x

  4. Lovely background Lisa, such a great use for the crayons. Lovely card too.

  5. So beautiful Lisa.I love the flowers and gorgeous soft colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  6. A beautiful set of weeds Lisa, love the scene you have created with your new TH crayons.

  7. Such a pretty card Lisa, those crayons worked a treat xx

  8. Stunning Lisa. I haven't tried the TH crayons yet but what you have done looks amazing x

  9. Ooh it must feel so good to be back in your craft room! Love this card hun, the dreamy ink work looks gorgeous and the white embossing is fab. Hugs, Wends x

  10. Gorgeous card Lisa! You've created a wonderful background with the crayons. I can't Believe you haven't bought anything for a whole year!! You must have good will power :D. Debra x

  11. WOW Lisa love how you made the background and the flowers look stunning
    Ps : I am having a celebration on my blog with prizes...would love to have you join in.Here is the link : 5 Million Page-views Celebration

  12. love how you have created this gorgeous background, a stunning card xx

  13. Absolutely delighful hun, Luv Sam x

  14. I did smile when I read the word 'weeds' but your card is lovely. That background is so pretty. It may have been even more effective if the white space around the edge had been a little bit larger Lisa.
    Thanks for sharing this with us at Less is More.
    Sharon xx

  15. Lovely background for your 'weeds' Lisa - aka wildflowers :)
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    "Less is More"

  16. I love the way you've created that watercolour background with the Tim Holtz crayons. A very pretty card, even if you did have to use your imagination!Lou x (Guest designer at LIM)

  17. It's taken me a while to get around to seeing what's outside your window!
    ...and what lovely weeds they are too!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"
