
Saturday 12 September 2015

New cut files from DigiStamp Boutique!

Happy Saturday everyone:o)  Sorry for the long gaps between posts... it'll probably be the same on here for the rest of the year, but will get things back to normal again next year!

Anyway... today's a bit exciting, because I get to unveil a brand new range at DigiStamp Boutique.  Sally-Ann is now creating cut files for use with digital cutting machines.  Here's one of the first ones that should be available to buy very soon.

This one is Snowy Landscape, cut on my Cameo... I've kept my card very simple and quite flat for posting.  Just a bit of glamour dust here and there for a bit of sparkle, and an MFT snowy background stamp (the white ink is Stampin' Up)... finished off with a sentiment stamp from Clearly Besotted.

This version was cut at just under 6", but I also cut another at around 4" and that cut with no problems too.  My plan was to make a few different ones, but Chester was at the vets being neutered yesterday, and they rang me a LOT earlier than I expected, because he was barking and howling the place down!  So I had to go and collect my very wobbly dog at lunchtime... and there went my planned day of crafting.

I don't usually do this, but while I'm here I thought I'd give a fab local company a bit of a mention.  We're trying to be healthier at the moment... bought a soup maker and we're eating more fresh foods.  I found a lovely family business on Facebook, where you can order fruit, veg and salad (they also have freshly baked cakes and breads, but I behaved and didn't order those... ooh and free range eggs, I did get some of them!).  They deliver straight to your door, and I'm so impressed with the huge boxes of fresh goodies we got, it's great value.  So if you're in or around Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Doncaster, Worksop, Chesterfield or Derby, have a little look at their FB page HERE.  I'm not on commission lol, it's just nice to support good small businesses isn't it?

See you again soon, hopefully... have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Hello You! Good to see you're posting your gorgeous cards. Love this scenic one.
    Lorraine x

  2. What a love card and the scene you have done is wonderful.
    Debs xxxx
    {Debs Cards}

  3. Good to see you Lisa and with such a great card too xx

  4. Lovely to hear from you and a lovely card too. Karen x

  5. This is slovely and lovely to see you here. Not into cutting files myself. Love our soup maker, use it most weeks from now until Summer when we use it occasionally. It is lovely to eat more fresh foods x

  6. Superb card, very eyecatching :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Great to see you again! Wonderful card Lisa. I'm so wishing I had a digital cutting machine right now as it's so lovely. Another thing for my wish list :D.
    Poor Chester! It is funny when our pets come back from the vets looking very drunk when they walk though.
    I shared the link about the company to my son in Sheffield. It's good to spread the word about companies that give great service especially little ones to help them expand. Hope to hear from you again soon, Debra x

  8. A lovely card and so nice to see you posting on here too. Those cut files sound interesting, I'm always on the look out for new files for my Cameo. Take care.

  9. Gorgeous classy Christmas card love the cut file it looks brilliant and I love the background colour. sounds like a great local business delivered to the door is special these days hope Chester is doing OK Love and hugs Carole x

  10. Gorgeous card. Hope you are well x

  11. Gorgeous card, hope chester is ok, xxx

  12. A very effective card, love what you have done with it.

    Good of you to share a good local business, shame I'm too far away to use it!

  13. Simple but beautiful Lisa. I agree about supporting local individual businesses, I make a point of it wherever I go. Have discovered some amazing places that way xx

  14. Hi Lisa, what a gorgeous card - I will definitely be interested in buying this. Sue.x

  15. Hi Lisa, what a gorgeous card - I will definitely be interested in buying this. Sue.x

  16. Fab card Lisa, it's good to hear you're still crafting a bit too. Poor Chester though. I hope he's feeling better now.

  17. Glad to see you back, Lisa! Your card is gorgeous and I love that fab cut file. Hope Chester is feeling better now, bless him! xxx

  18. Back with a bang...a very elegant bang I must say! Stunning card design and the layered die cuts look lovely :-)

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  19. Great to see you and your newest card, Lisa! It's beautiful.
    don't worry about the gaps, we are will you all the time. :-)

  20. That is brilliant Lisa! Love the white diecuts against that inky sky! Inspired hun. Hugs, Wends x
