
Monday 12 January 2015

Snowy Tag

Hello everyone... at last!

We picked Chester up on Saturday, and it's been non-stop since then really.  Even though I was expecting it, it's still a bit of a shock to the system... a lot like having a newborn!  He's lovely though, just very very attached to me, and doesn't like me to be out of sight at all.  So I'm expecting card making and blogging to be mostly impossible for the next week or two, while I slowly get him used to being alone for a little while!

So.... here's a card I made before Christmas, using some High Hopes stamps that I chose with a prize voucher.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges
High Hopes - anything High Hopes
Simon Says - something new (stamps... and does Chester count lol)

Here's a photo of the little gorgeous one, with part of his vast collection of toys...

I'm hoping to be back tomorrow with my DigiStamp Boutique DT card, but that might be a bit optimistic of me!

Thanks for popping in... apologies if I've not commented or emailed you back yet, this is the first day I've managed to switch the laptop on!  Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Cute card but an even cuter Chester!! He's adorable Lisa and I hope you all have a lot of fun with him for years to come xx

  2. Ha ha I recognise that gorgeous cute card as I was lucky enough to receive it, love that stamp. Loving the new addition so cute too x

  3. An adorable card Lisa - Love the sentiment and you cheeky snowman.
    Chester is gorgeous - you will love your new addition and all the joy he will bring to your home.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  4. Adorable card Lisa - love the image and fabulous sentiment and gorgoeus LO.
    Chester looks sooooooo cute - enjoy every moment.
    Debs xx

  5. Really adorable snowman creation Lisa! Fabulous colors and design!! Your little pup is a cutie!! :) HUGS

  6. This is so cute Lisa and the colours are gorgeous. Chester is a little cutie too. Carol x

  7. This is gorgeous Lisa. Love the cute stamp and fab papers.
    Chester looks like a cutie too.
    Lorraine x

  8. Lovely card. Chester is adorable, enjoy spending time with him. Karen x

  9. Gorgeous card Lisa, I love the image and beautiful papers.
    Chester looks so cute, hard work but worth it I'm sure!
    Hugs Sue xx

  10. Lovely card Lisa and Chester is adorable - have fun x Susan x

  11. What a cute post tonight. Love the stamp and your card and Chester of course, he's adorable.

  12. Great card x

    I had to chuckle to myself when you said its like having a newborn, lol. I know the feeling. My dog is almost 3 now, but I really do remember those first few months.

    Good luck with it all and there is light at the end of the tunnel x

    hugs sally x

  13. Gorgeous card Lisa and Chester is so Adorable. xx

    Debs xxx

  14. Gorgeous card and such a beautiful pic of Chester x

  15. A delightful card and a lovely pic of the very cute Chester :o)
    Jackie xx

  16. Both your card and your new member of the family are gorgeous!!

    Christine x

  17. Gorgeous card, and a gorgeous new friend too! He's a cutie! x

  18. Love the card the tag design is just great . What a sweetie he is can see why nothing gets done you just want to cuddle him Love and hugs Carole x

  19. Oh my goodness you've got a puppy!! Chester is adorable - have fun with him - life will never be dull - challenging, full of laughter & yes, like with a toddler he'll get up to a lot of mischief!!
    Great card too Lisa (sorry, distracted by the pup!)

  20. Oooo what a gorgeous snowman and a super sentiment.

    Did you watch the programme on BBC2 last week 'Six Puppies and Us', if you haven't try and find it on iplayer, as it was a real eye opener for looking after a new puppy - Chester looks adorable, but he's got the twinkle in his eye that say's i'm full of mischief ;-), Luv Sam x

  21. Fabby card Lisa! The snowman is really cute, it's great that you won him.
    You've finally got Chester, Yay!! He's absolutely gorgeous and I don't blame him for wanting to stay with his new mum. The lads must be so excited to have got him home at last. I remember how much work was involved when we got our kittens and they were already toilet trained. I hope you all have lots of fun with him :-) Debra x

  22. Stunning card, Lisa! Love the colours you’ve used!
    Awww, Chester looks a real sweetie! One of my dogs wouldn’t leave me alone when we first got her! She’s 7 now and nothing has changed!! :) xxx

  23. Love your card but today Chester has my eye! He's adorable Lisa. Absolutely adorable. And I'm sure deep down you are loving his clingy-ness! Give him a snuggle from me!

  24. Oh Lisa your Chester looks so much like my daughters Chester who's a working cocker in exactly the same colour! There's no denying you will find it a little hard work over the next few aka but I promise you, it will be repaid a thousand times in love, fun & happiness! I'm excited for you all!
    Gorgeous colouring Lisa, as always!
    Enjoy your new family member <3

  25. And adorable card and an adorable pup! :) Thanks so much for playing along with the Something New Challenge on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!

  26. Supersweet winter card Lisa and Chester looks so adorable! Must be wonderful to have him around! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  27. gorgeous card lisa.i love the fab snowman tag and your papers are stunning.chester is an absolute cutey :D

    xx coops xx

  28. Oh look at him! he is adorable! Your card is gorgeous too. Jo x

  29. Lisa I just got here from the cockatoo forum!!!! What a beautiful boy you have there. Chester is adorable and I am sure will make your life so happy. I am picking up our boy Olly this Friday so hopefully I will be asking for some advice as you will be a few steps ahead of us all time. We will have to get together us two playing craft and the boys playing tugs :) BTW Beautiful card !!!!

  30. Oh, Chester is such a cutie! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun times with him.

    Brilliant card design too, love the colours and cute snowman :-)

    Big hugs, Kat x

  31. Great colouring and love your papers with it too.

  32. Aww Chester is so cute! I hope you're all having a lovely time with him :) Your card is gorgeous - I love the beautiful colours and lovely image/sentiment.

  33. cute card, I love the sentiment Hugs Juls
