
Saturday 6 December 2014

Christmas Wishes - Craft Mojo DT

Happy Saturday :o)

I'm here with my DT card for Craft Mojo...

I've used some of my favourite MFT goodies to make a fairly simple Christmas card... love the pierced snowflake dies, they're fab!

I had my scan, and although I need to wait for the official results from the doctor in a week, the sonographer thinks everything is fine... she couldn't see anything too worrying, which is such a huge relief!  Hopefully the doctor will agree, and that'll be the end of it.

Thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. So glad that everything went well for you. Love the card, the dies are fab and that snowflake die is very special.

  2. Finger's crossed for you Lisa sounds positive and just love your card
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  3. This is gorgeous Lisa, I love the elegant design and wonderful snowflake.
    I am pleased the scan went well.
    hugs Sue xx

  4. A gorgeous card Lisa. Love the snowflake and design.
    Fingers crossed the results are good.
    Lorraine x

  5. That's such good news, Lisa. I'm sure the doctor will agree - what a brilliant Christmas present that will be. Sending a huge hug xx

  6. Great card Lisa and fingers crossed the Doc is of the same opinion. Carol x

  7. Lovely card, Lisa - hope all is good news with the results x Susan x

  8. Stunning & so glad thinks went well for your scan fingers crossed the DR will tell you the same as the sonographer x

  9. Good news, bet that's lifted a weight off your shoulders for Christmas, let us hope that the official result is good too...hugs
    Love the card, great snowflake :o)
    Jackie xx

  10. Very striking!!! Love it xx

  11. A gorgeous card as always Lisa... and I'm so glad you've had your scan! Won't that be a wonderful Christmas pressie from the doc to find that all is fine?? Fingers firmly crossed for you!

    Christine x

  12. Great news Lisa. I'm sure the doctor will just confirm it. You and Pav must be relieved.
    Your card is lovely. I love the whole card design. Debra x

  13. So lovely that snowflake die is gorgeous a beautiful card in a fab colour scheme. So glad the scan went well must have been all our positive thoughts !! Take Care Love and hugs Carole x

  14. Gorgeous card Lisa & so glad the scan went well.....take care.
    hugs Jo x

  15. Lovely card, very clean and simple. I'm pleased your scan seemed to go ok. Hope you can close the door on this soon.

  16. First of all I'd like to apologize for being MIA last week, but whilst being in the midst of renovating our upper floor we had to go abroad to meet several suppliers (great timing, I know!). And on top of that we came home this morning to find our central heating broke down… Thank goodness it is fixed again now, so we don’t have to wash ourselves with ice cold water anymore ;-) No fun, let me tell you! I am truly very sorry for having missed out on all of your latest creations, but thankful to be able to enjoy them right now! Your beautiful work is always an immense pleasure for me to look at Lisa! Thanks for sharing, hugs, Ira xox
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  17. So glad to hear that your scan went well and I hope the official results come back fine too :) Such a gorgeous card - your designs are always so stylish!

  18. What a pretty wintery card. Those stitched dies are fun with the snowflake taking the cake! (There is cake, right?!)
