
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Winter Stanley - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello everyone :o)

I'm here with my DT card for DigiStamp Boutique, using a very cute image from the new Winter Stanley set.

A super simple one... I just cut a circle aperture and popped Stanley behind it.  The snowflakes are a Martha Stewart punch, but I can't find a link for it.

So... we live at the top of a cul-de-sac... Every day I reverse down the road until I can turn round, several times a day usually, without any problems.  So, why is it, whenever there are workmen on our road (today, for example), they feel the need to stand behind my car 'helping' me to reverse?  What do they think I do when they're not there?  T'is a mystery!

Hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Hi Lisa
    Gorgeous "C" card, love the distressed edges of the lovely paper and the image is adorable. debbiex

  2. Gorgeous image and fantsatic colouring the snowflakes with green centres and must try an aperture in a card..fab design.I'm good at reversing too...probably better than going forward,but my problem is when the workers or any man is watching I go

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. I am having a little giggle at your story...
    I must say that whenever I am in England, I find the men to be very polite and helpful. More attentive to others needs...especially women.

    I live in Canada, and we do not see that same level of courteousness unless you are in a small town. I think it is refreshing and wish it was seen more, where I live!

    I do understnad how you feel is was strictly because they thought a women could not manage backing up!!!

    Your card is great. Love that little fellow...he is a sweetie! Great design, as always!

  4. Cute card, love it Lisa x

  5. Aww a cute image, perfectly coloured as always Lisa. Great papers and embellishments to go with it. I'm still chuckling about your helpful workmen, lol.

  6. Oh my goodness Lisa, I love Stanley even more having seen your fab card and I am holding you personally responsible for the money I am about to spend!!
    In my opinion men are a "mystery" full stop!! xx

  7. Love your card Lisa..he is a real cutie. That made me laugh about the reversing…..I think they think they are being gentlemen!!

    Sharon x

  8. This is gorgeous Lisa, such a cute image. Carol x

  9. Lovely card Lisa. He's a sweetie and coloured to perfection. The workmen made me laugh. Maybe you could lean out the window and ask them if they might be there in an hour when you return, to 'help' you again! I think Sarah had it spot on, men are a mystery full stop!

  10. Stanley is very cute and your colouring of him is fantastic. The aperture is a great idea, I'll have to try it. Love it!
    I get it too when reverse parking which I'm good at. What I really find annoying is when they feel I need help steering my power chair but I always smile sweetly and tell them I can drive a large MPV quite easily so this is doddle Thank You! Also my hubby has just retired from being a driving instructor so I have to drive well, lol. Debra x

  11. A gorgeous card Lisa. I love the cute image....need!!
    You gotta love workmen!! lol!!
    Lorraine x

  12. Gorgeous cute card Lisa, love the image.
    Sue x

  13. gorgeous card- love the colours you have used to on the image and the distressed edges

  14. Aaawwww just too cute! Gorgeous colouring too hun :)

  15. Aaah what an adorable image and great paper too.

    I bet you felt like running the workmen over :-), Luv Sam x

  16. Hi Lisa, this is a super sweet card!
    hugs Lynsey x

  17. Gorgeous card Lisa, I adore Stanley. Your colour and design are perfect.
    hugs Sue xx

  18. Oh Lisa, this is really adorable!! Such a lovely worded background paper! Goes so well with that darling image! ;) Hugs & Smiles - *Vicki*
    My Blog: Stamp Smiles

  19. Hi Lisa
    Fabulous card... Love the image....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  20. What a delightfully cute image and card.
    Men!!! They like to think they are in charge :o)
    Jackie xx

  21. Gorgeous cute card. Hubby says it must be female attraction re the workmen x

  22. So adorable, Lisa! Just love the texture you’ve achieved on the fur hat! I think workmen are a bit of a mystery all round really. Trying to figure them out could drive you mad!!! :) xx

  23. A fabulous little cutie as always Lisa!

    I'm laughing at your workmen tale too.. when that happens to me I wanna get out and shout that I've been driving for 30 years and haven't needed their help before!!

    Christine x

  24. Stinkin' cute card Lisa, perfect for Christmas! And the papers are splendid, too! Hope you're doing fine, hugs, Ira xox
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  25. so gorgeous the sweet image and your bright paper and colours are stunning ;D

    xx coops xx

  26. Fab, love the colours, very striking :-) xx

  27. So cute, I love your aperture design! Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)
