
Thursday 19 June 2014

Ualani - Little Miss Muffet DT

Hello everyone :o)

I'm here with my DT card for Little Miss Muffet, using a gorgeous new image called Ualani.... doesn't she look summery in these bright Doodlebug colours?

I'm entering my card for the following challenges
Seize the Birthday - anything goes birthday
Love to Create - anything goes
Sweet Stampin' - say it with flowers

Now that I've worked out how to add pages on my blog, I'm going to add a 'for sale' page and have a bit of a stash cull... so hopefully by tomorrow it'll be up, if you fancy popping back for a bargain or two!

Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Gorgeous sunshiny bright card, love it. Oh dear you said the magic word bargain! Summer crafting is a craft show at Doncaster on 12 and 13 July which is why I wondered if you were going. Let me know when you are in Norfolk, hope we can meet up with Lynsey this time, we can always come up to Watlington x

  2. Gorgeous summery card Lisa. I've just been trawling your blog for some inspiration for a male card I need to make tonight. I'm a bit low on mojo tonight but I've left it to the last minute as I need it tomorrow! :0(

  3. Beautiful card Lisa!!
    Sorry I´m such a bad blogger lately!!
    XXX Heidy

  4. A fabulous card Lisa! I love the cute image and sooooo beautifully coloured too :)

  5. Saaaaaaweet card. I love the juicy colours. (Don't need 'em, don't need 'em!) xx

  6. This is such a cheerful card Lisa, love the bright colours and your colouring, as ever is spot on!! xx

  7. Ahh, the girl is adorable with her big glasses!
    Thanks for playing with us at Sweet Stampin' this week. We would love for you to join us again next week.
    Pia xx

  8. Gorgeous colourful card! Great image which you've chosen such lovely colours for. Debra x

  9. She is so pretty and your colouring is stunning Lisa, I love those papers too.
    hugs Sue xx

  10. love those glasses - what a wonderful card xx

  11. Oh she is a lovely stamp and your colouring skills are amazing, really bring her to life.

  12. beautiful Lisa luv the colours and as always your gorgeous design.
    chris x

  13. Lovely, bright and sunshiney card Lisa... perfectly coloured as always! I thought it may match the lovely, bright, sunshiney day... but I just looked out of the window!! hehe!

    Have a good weekend..
    Christine x

  14. Hi Lisa just back from hols so catching up on comments your cards while I've been away are amazing as always such gorgeous designs over the last couple of weeks. Mt favourite is flying high I just so love it. Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

  15. She looks fabulous Lisa. So bright and summery. Not sure I would dare to look at your sale page!! lol
    Lorraine x

  16. Oooo what lovely bright fun sunny colours and an adorable image too, Luv Sam x

  17. So gorgeous, your colouring is absolutely stunning - love those bright colours!

  18. Super cute card, your colouring is just beautiful. Thanks for joining us this week for the challenge at Love To Create.

  19. Lisa, your coloring is amazing and yes the image screams summer!! Lovely card and so glad you linked it up with us over at Seize the Birthday...and hope to see more of your work.

  20. Adorable card. Love the cute image and your coloring is fabulous. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.
