
Sunday 22 June 2014

PigWit Pig Out

Hello everyone :o)

I'm here with my annual piggy card... Every year my mum asks me for a card for her friend, who loves pigs... it gets harder every year to come up with something new, and I have lots of pig images that generally just get used once... because obviously I can't use the same one each year!  This year I spotted a fab image on Jo's blog that I think is really cute, so hopefully this one will get used again.

The papers are from an older MME pad, and the layout is from this week's I Heart Sketches challenge, which I'm entering right at the last minute!

Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Wow,Lisa this is gorgeous. How did you color the pig ? It looks amazing.
    Please remember next time to add our Sketch in your blog post. It´s one of our Challenge rule. THANKS :-)

    Thanks for joining our Sketch Challenge with a tWiSt @ From the Heart Stamps.

    PS: Did you see the brandnew Pigwit image in the store? It´s also super cute. Check it out, it´s worth !

  2. oh my-this is so oinkin' cute!!!!

  3. Love that image, such gorgeous colouring too, can I be cheeky and ask what copics you used. Hugs, Amanda x

  4. Fabulous card! Great image, a pig with cupcakes what more could you want when you love pigs? Your colouring is so good and matches the papers brilliantly. Good luck in the challenge. Debra x

  5. This is FABULOUS! The piggy is coloured perfectly and I love the layout. Will have to check out this piggy image - he's so cute. xx

  6. Just love that image, I have a couple of people that love pigs too so will definitely be checking out that image, thanks!
    Helen x

  7. Gorgeous card Lisa, I love the super cute image and beautiful design.

    Donna x

  8. Hi Lisa I love this fun card! The layout looks great too!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  9. Not a piggy fan myself but this image is so cute I can see why you love him. Great job with the colouring too.

  10. well done on finding a new piggy image! great card x

  11. Great card the piggy and fab colouring.
    Hugs Sallyxx

  12. I hope you do use him again - he's fab - and I for one would love to see him again! Great card xx

  13. Awwww such a gorgeous image and wonderful colouring. I love the papers too.
    hugs Sue xx

  14. LOL that made me smile!! He's adorable, and I love how you've coloured him, even the shading under his feet to 'ground' him. And those cupcakes look yummy. I'm sure your mum's friend will love him. So cute.

  15. Now he is just the cutest pig I have seen in a long time :) Love your card and sure your Mum's friend will love it!!

  16. So cute, I love your coloring! xxx

  17. Oh how cute, love this little piggy with it's cupcakes, no wonder you loved this image as I do too...super gorgeous ♥aNNieThe Journey is the Start

  18. Awesome take on the sketch!! I love this little guys and your coloring is fantastic! So glad you joined us for the sketch challenge this week at From the Heart Stamps!

  19. What a fabulous fun pig and a very cute card :o)
    Jackie xx

  20. He is piggin' adorable hunny, and I hope we do see him again! Oink! Hugs xx

  21. I see your piggy cards each year... and I think this one outdoes all the rest... LOVE the layout and the FABULOUS colouring... absolutely PERFECT for a piggy lover!!

    Big hugs
    Christine x

  22. This is fab I hate pigs but this is amazing just love him with the cupcakes the colours are gorgeous and great colouring. Bet she loves this years card better than all the rest .Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

  23. This is so sweet. Lovely coloring and great papers and distressed edges. Beautifully done. Thanks for joining us for the sketch challenge at FTHS!

  24. Oh! he is just gorgeous Lisa...wonderful colouring and papers and love your card design...fabulous.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  25. Oh Lisa, this is awesome! I love everything about this card from your fabby colouring to your gorgeous papers, and I love the black mats, makes everything 'pop!' :)
    Thank you for joining us for our I {heart} sketches challenge :)
    Jo xx

  26. Such a cute image, he looks fab! Love those pretty papers too, so beautiful.

  27. Just catching up on some of your work I missed out on while away on holiday! You've made so many fabulous cards in different styles, but is just fell in love with this one. The pig is totally adorable and you've done a great job putting DPs and colors together to make it so sweet! Love it!
