
Monday 3 March 2014

Without Words - hobbies & leisure

Hello everyone :o)

It's time for a new challenge at Without Words, and this month our theme is 'hobbies & leisure'... so I used the lovely James on his laptop, a bit like me at the moment (except I'm not cute and furry...)

Items Used
(not many, as this is about as simple as it gets!)
Kraft card blank - Anna Marie Designs
Stamp - James Laptop - LOTV
Colouring - copics
Sentiment stamp - Penny Black

I'm entering my card for the following challenges
Delightful - keep it simple
Chocolate, Coffee & Cards - teddy bears
Sweet Stampin' - cute
CAS on Sunday - colour me pretty

I'm very fed up today, as we found out that Morgan hasn't got into his first choice secondary school... he was completely set on going there and wouldn't even visit any other schools.  He's got his second choice, which is a good school and most of his friends are going there, but really we only filled in the other two choices so that he didn't end up with our catchment school which is in special measures at the moment, it's that bad!  He's been in tears this morning, but he's calmed down and more or less accepted it now.... very disappointed though.  Apparently 90% of children got their first choice school, which is about typical for us.

I'll be around for a catch up with your blogs later... Hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Och Lisa that's rubbish about the school. I'm so glad we don't have that here. Our kids just go to the local school unless they have a placing request for elsewhere.

    On a happier note. I LOVE this card. I feel I NEED to buy this stamp at the SECC this week. It would be rude not to wouldn't it?!

    Susan xx

  2. Oh thats a shame, can you not appeal the decision? Love the card and I've even joined in this time :)

  3. Oh thats a shame, can you not appeal the decision? Love the card and I've even joined in this time :)

  4. Sorry to hear about Morgan, at least it's good that he has friends attending the same school.
    Your card is adorable. Yup, clean as it can get, I like clean cards and they're great as alternatives on a budget:)

  5. Love the card, and James, and the thought of you being cute and furry!!

    Sorry to hear Morgan's not got into his first choice, but I suspect if most of his friends are going to the new school then it will soften the blow.


  6. Sorry to hear about Morgan but he will have some friends there at least - gorgeous card, beautifully coloured x

  7. Such CAS cuteness Lisa!! What a shame for poor Morgan,we had the same problem with our eldest. We did appeal and he luckily got a place, eventually. It's worth it Lisa if you are determined. Good Luck xx

  8. Gorgeous card Lisa. Poor Morgan he must be so upset. Sue x

  9. LOVE this card Lisa! James is brilliant enough on his own so he doesn't need lots of embellishment!

    So sorry to hear about the school problem. My son initially wasn't granted his first choice either, but we fought it. The school they wanted to send him to instead was on the other side of Leeds, would take us 2 hours to get to using 3 buses and was frankly rubbish!
    The school we wanted him to go to (and he now is, thank goodness!) is 2 minutes walk from our house, his sister goes there, and they've already been doing transition work with him since last year (He has Aspergers, so this is a necessity!). So relieved.
    I hope Morgan will come to love his new school! x

  10. Loving this one Lisa, beautiful colouring!
    Helen x

  11. If you're up to the fight I'd appeal the decision because even if nothing changes you'll all know that you did your best in the end. I hope everything turns out ok for Morgan.
    A really lovely CAS card which shows what two well chosen stamps and wonderful colouring can achieve!
    Not sure about the furry bit but I'm sure Pav will think you're cute! Debra x

  12. This is so cute Lisa. Carol x

  13. Your card is gorgeous Lisa, adorable James coloured beautifully and I love your CAS design.
    Sorry to hear about Morgan's school place, I can understand how upset you must feel, moving on to Secondary school is such a big step.
    hugs Sue xx

  14. Love your card Lisa, so cute. Sorry to hear that Morgan didn't get his first choice. Have you been in touch with Admissions in your LA to find out how far down he is on the list for the school? Worth doing and you could always appeal. I deal with admissions for primary and secondary transfers in my job at school and have had some unhappy parents this morning too - one parent is 74th on a list for one school!! Don't give up hope, he may jump up that list and some may not accept their places, so you never know, he could still get in. Hugs, Claire x

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Absolutely GORGEOUS hun, love this little guy :) xxx

    Sorry little man didn't get his first choice, I have seen quite a few people haven't :( xxx

  17. gorgeous card - love this image and that sentiment stamp is fab xx Sorry to hear about Dex's school xx

  18. Hi Lisa, I would appeal if I were you, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain if he really wanted that particular school. Then if it doesn't work out, at least you gave it your best shot.
    Todays card is so sweet, I love James, he is definitely on my wishlist for when I visit Birmingham NEC at the end of the month.

  19. A gorgeous card little James and your fantastic the sentiment stamp too.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  20. Hi Lisa what a gorgeous CAS card. I read what you said about your son and hope you don't mind but here is a link explaining how to appeal if you are interested. Hugs Susan x

  21. What a delightful card, you've coloured the image beautifully :o)
    Hopefully Morgan will settle into his new school okay, especially as his friends will be there too.
    Hugs, Jackie xx

  22. Hi Lisa What a fab card loving the image I love LOTV and the gorgeous sentiment just perfect. Sorry about your son I would certainly appeal the decision I sit as a chair and panel member on admission appeals for a couple of Local Authorities in my area and it is worth trying. At least you have done everything possible then. Also make sure he is on the waiting list for his first choice school as things sometimes change over the next few months find out his position on that list to get an idea if he is close to the top . Hope this is helpful and good luck Love an Hugs Carole x

  23. Oooo fabby hun and a super sentiment too.

    So sorry to hear Morgan has not got into his first choice school, where i live there is only 1 choice, as it covers all the villages in the area, Luv Sam x

  24. simply gorgeous lisa.james is adorable and i love your colouring ;D
    so sorry to hear about the school, can you not appeal ?

    xx coops xx

  25. What a super sweet card! Fabulous coloring on this cutie too!
    <3 Emily L.

  26. So sorry to hear about Morgan Lisa it´s so sad!!
    Your card is fabulous as always hun!!
    XXX Heidy

  27. So sorry Morgan hasn't got the school he wanted. Is it worth having a go at appealing?
    Love your card, James looks fabulous.
    Lorraine x

  28. Gorgeous CAS card, Lisa. Amazing colouring as always and a great colour combo.
    Thank you for joining us at the Chocolate, Coffee and Cards Challenge. Jane xx

    (And so sorry Morgan could not get into his choice of school. I'm sure that things will work out for him though x)

  29. Love this! Thanks for sharing at Sweet Stampin' and good luck with the Challenge. Judy DT x

  30. Such a sweet card, so simple and lovely.

    I saw your later post and it is looking up for Morgan. I hope it all works out.

  31. Fantastic CAS card, this is such a cute James!

  32. You've coloured James so perfectly Lisa... and what a lovely sentiment to go with him... love this card.

    So sorry to hear about the school decision... it's happening all too often now... and there is such disappointment for some people. I think the government should learn from this.. so there AREN'T schools that nobody wants to go to - they should all be good!!

    Christine x

  33. Totally cute, Lisa! Love this CAS card! Lovely to have you join us at Sweet Stampin' this week.
    Sorry to hear about the 'school problem', it's so important for children to be happy at school, at least Morgan will have friends there.Hope it all works out for him!

  34. Soooooooooooooooooooo cute.
    Sal. xx

  35. Aw, super sweet CAS design and perfect sentiment with this cute image :-)

    Sorry to hear about Morgan's school place but hope he enjoys being with his friends and it all works out ok.

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  36. Super cute CAS card!! I love your colouring! I really love it to the bits, LOL.
    Thanks for linking this pretty card to Chocolate, Coffee and Cards Challenges. We're having another new fun tomorrow; come and join us ;)
    Hugs, Mikha

  37. Cute Card!
    Thank you for playing with us at Sweet Stampin' this week.
    Pia xx

  38. Just flitting back in with my DT cap on to say: Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week. Sammy-x

  39. Very pretty card, I love the colors!
    Thanks for playing with us at CAS on Sunday!
    Mariken xx
