
Wednesday 13 November 2013

My DT news and a tricky couple of days...

Hello everyone :o)

I was invited to join the DT at Little Miss Muffet Stamps recently and was very happy to accept - if you loved Pollycraft, you can find lots of Paula's fab images there, and lots of other gorgeous stamps and digis too!  I'm part of the new Facebook team, so I'll be posting my creations there every week... pop over and join the group here.

Today's card is for the latest Little Miss Muffet challenge, which is 'seeing dots' - you can join in with that here.

Items Used
Scalloped card blank - Joanna Sheen
Stamp - Dexter Ice Cream - Little Miss Muffet Stamps
Colouring - copics
Papers - MME (can't remember the name, sorry)
Sentiment stamp - Personal Impressions
Snowflakes - MS punch
Impression Obsession Buttons die - MCH
Memory Box Party Lanterns die - MCH
Glamour Dust in Crystal

Apologies for the loooong ramble - feel free to skip it!  I'm very tired so it might not all make sense!

So... the last few weeks we've been getting sorted (and stressed!) ready for Morgan's first residential trip with school - 3 days away at an outdoor adventure type place.. abseiling, potholing, that sort of thing.  Morgan's quite accident prone, so I've been worrying about all the different ways he could injure himself.  However, what I hadn't planned for, was him injuring himself before he went!  They were leaving on the trip today... yesterday I got a call from school to say he'd had an accident during basketball - he'd fallen over and another child stood on his hand... the hand started to swell up and he couldn't move one of his fingers.

Off we trekked to the hospital... we finally left at 10.30 last night!  We waited for hours and then he was prodded and poked a bit, then we waited hours and he had an x-ray, then we waited a bit longer and it turned out he hadn't actually broken it, it was just sprained.  So they strapped it up, and thankfully his teachers said he could still go on the trip... although obviously there'll be a lot he can't do - he couldn't even put his shoes on without help this morning!

Now we've just got to wait very nervously until Friday evening when he gets back - he's not allowed to ring home, although I'm sure they'll ring me if there's a problem.

Right, off for a catch up with some of your blogs, if I can keep my eyes open long enough!  Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Huge congrats on your new DT Lisa - so well deserved. Your card is uber cute - fabulous LO and amazing colouring as always.
    Ouch!!! to Morgan's injury - poor little mite :o(
    I'm sure he will have a fabulous time away - even if things he can do will be limited. try not to worry too much - he will be well looked after.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  2. gorgeous card and colouring- well done on your new dt post! Ouch! He will be less able to get himself into scrapes now hopefully ;) x

  3. Gorgeous card Lisa, and congrats on your new DT. I'm sure Morgan will have a lovely time. Sue x

  4. ooooh Bless him, thankgod it wasnt broken, bet it is sore for him. Friday will come soon enough hun xxxx

    Your card is stunning! Joey xx

  5. What a lovely penguin and gorgeous coloring Lisa! Sending hugs! ;)

  6. Fabulous card and congrats on your new DT post. Really hope that Morgan enjoys himself and that the hand doesn't hinder his enjoyment too much! I'm sure he's having a fab time - I'd say try not to worry but that's pointless as I'm sure every mother would worry! The joys of motherhood :D Big hugs, jayne ss

  7. Lisa, this card is fabulous, your colouring really pops xx

  8. P.S. It's soooo fab to have you at LMM xx

  9. Fabulous card as always Lisa.... and brilliant DT news - congrats!

    Try not to worry about Morgan (easier said than done I know).. remeember... no news is good news!!

    Christine x

  10. Big congrats on your new DT place, will pop and have a look at the facebook page later - I love LMM stamps.
    Your card is fabulous, I LOVE that image and the papers and design are wonderful.
    Poor Morgan but thank goodness it isn't broken and the school have still let him go on the trip. I am sure he will have the best time ever.
    hugs Sue xx

  11. A gorgeous card Lisa. The image is so cute and I love the design and papers.
    Congratulations on your new DT spot too.
    Oooh poor Morgan! Hope his hand heals quickly, I'm sure he'll have a good trip. Hope YOU survive till Friday!
    Lorraine x

  12. Congrats on the new DT place Lisa, I don't have any LIMM stamps / digis - but I do have loads of Pollycrafts and love them!!!

    Gorgeous card - as always!

    Awww poor Morgan as well, my best friends' little boy had an accident at a birthday party we took the kids to a couple weeks ago. Almost the same thing, someone stood on his hand and bent his fingers right back. They thought he'd broke it, so off to A&E we went (I'd given them a lift there) and an hr later - bad sprain not broken. It's a shock ended up at A&E ain't it!

    I'm sure Morgans trip will be fine and they will ring if anything happens.


  13. gorgeous card Lisa, amazing colouring as always sweetie. Love the cutie Image xx
    poor Morgan xx He will be fine though Lisa so try not to worry xx When he gets there the excitement will take his mind of it too.
    huge hugs Mau xx

  14. congrats on your new DT post Lisa - hope you have lots of fun. Poos Morgan - I'm sure he'll still have a whale of a time - sounds like lots of fun to me! He's lucky to have been allowed to go - two boys at Lucy's school were going on a week residential in summer and just before one broke his wrist and the other broke something else - I forget now!!! Anyway - they didn't get to go! Big Hugs - I'm sure it will all be alright xx

  15. Hi Lisa, congrats hun on your new DT post.
    This is such a cutie, love the penguin and super layout.
    He'll be fine and well looked after, we worry so much and the kids don't give it another thought.
    Hugs Sue W.

  16. Beautiful Christmas card Lisa and well done on your DT place. I can understand you being so nervous about Morgan, I hope all goes well.
    Hugs Lynsey x

  17. Fab card honey and congrats on your new DT role. They're lucky to have you.
    Sorry to hear about Morgan, but I'm sure he'll have a fab time. He'll be the centre of attention too. Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it. :0)

  18. Great news on the DT Lisa your cards are fabulous so looking forward to seeing your Facebook posts. Hope the school trip goes well... They are a worry aren't they but no doubt he'll have the time of his life and wonder what you were fussing about back home. X

  19. Congratulation on your well deserved DT position - you will do them proud.
    Your card is so cute and I love the design. The orange, red and blue colour scheme is gorgeous.

    I am sure Morgan will have a fabulous time and you will think to yourself why did we worry so much once he is home - but that's what us mums do. I still worry about Sophie and she is 21.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  20. Oooo..that must have hurt..hope he enjoys himself at camp anyway...congrats on your new Dt Lisa and such a fabulous adorable and love the colours.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  21. Love your card Lisa, another little cutie with a great layout and colour combo. Don't worry about Morgan, he will be well looked after by the staff and they will let him to what he can with assistance so he doesn't miss out completely and I am sure he will have a great time!! Hugs, Claire x

  22. Congrats on the new DT! Love this cute image and a gorgeous card. Hope he is having a fab time away even with his poor hand

  23. Oh poor Morgan, I hope he enjoys his trip even if he can't do some of the things on offer...hugs
    Congratulations on your new DT appointment.
    Gorgeous card and image :O)
    Jackie xx

  24. Beautiful card Lisa, love the image. Hope your son has a great trip and his ankle doesn't bother him too much.
    Caz x

  25. Letting them go off on their first school trip is always the worst, you will worry till he gets back, he will have a fab time (poorly wrist or not)and everything will be ok, I'm sure of it.
    Congrats on your DT post, that's great news and well deserved. I love your cute cards and colour combos.

  26. Hi Lisa. Just reading about Mrogan and I thought I would let you know that my son went on a similar trip in March of this year. I was soooo worried about him as it was his first trip away from home and he is not all that sporty, but he had the time of his life and was really well looked after as the instructors are well trained to look after all types of kids. Word of warning son came back in the same pair of socks that he left in....yuk!!!

    Sharon x

  27. This card is too sweet to handle.. I love penguins!

  28. Congrats hun,love your card and hope Morgen is fine!!
    XXX Heidy

  29. Congrats on your new DT position, Lisa! It's well deserved and I'm sure we're going to see lots of great cards! This is so colorful and sweet!

  30. Aww he's a cutie Lisa. Was so sad that Pollycraft closed down, but as you say, lovely that Little Miss Muffet has some of the older stamps. Fab you've joined their DT. Look forward to more lovely makes from you for them. Hugs, Wends x

  31. so stunning lisa.i love dexter and your layers and papers are fabulous.
    i hope morgan is ok on his school trip.

    xx coops xx

  32. ooops forgot to say congrats on your new DT too :D

    xx coops xx

  33. Huge congrats on your new DT spot and I'm sure you will enjoy working with the sweet images - this little penguin is adorable!
    I love all the layers on your card and the gorgeous colours :-)
    I do hope Morgan is ok and has a lovely time on his trip.
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  34. Lisa hunny, I skipped through your posts so quickly the other night, as it's been a mare of a week for me! Today, I finally read 'properly' your post here about Mo! I so hope he had a good few days at camp and everyone pitched in to make his time there memorable for the right reasons! Thinking of you me lovely and hoping all went well xxx

  35. Fantastic card, Lisa! Fabulous colours and papers to compliment this really adorable penquin!
    Love the buttons in the middle of the snowflakes!
