
Monday 3 September 2012

Printer help... pleeeeease?!

Our printer seems to have given up completely, so we're going to have to get a new one... and quickly, as I should be printing something out now and I'm a teeny bit stressed!

I need something that can handle 300gsm card, doesn't get through ink too quickly, and that won't smudge for digi stamps.  Do you have one that you'd recommend?  I've no idea which one to go for and don't want to end up with the 'wrong' thing.

Thanks for any suggestions!!  Hope you've all had a good day... Back to school for Morgan tomorrow and he's so ready for it now - they're back to squabbling constantly now, so I think they're bored!  Dex doesn't start until next week though, so a little while longer before we get back to 'normal' here.  Have a lovely evening, I'll be back in the morning with a card :o)


  1. Hi Lisa,
    we have a Canon MP620 colour inkjet printer which prints a pretty good image, doesn't smudge when I've printed and coloured with promarkers & copic pens and I print digi stamps onto 300gsm card and it goes through fine! Hope that helps! My youngest is back to school tomorrow - but starting in Year9 - should be fun!
    Kim x

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Until recently I had a Dell printer, which while it handled everything I asked of it, was costing me an absolute bomb in ink cartridges what with printing off digi images and papers. I've now got a Kodak ESP C310 and can't recommend it highly enough - it's fine for digis and I've even used 300gsm watercolour card through it with no probs. Not only that, the ink is the cheapest on the market!! Hope that helps, let us know what you end up with. Hugs Marie xx

  3. I've also got a Kodak which is absolutely fine apart from printing off reds, I find it comes out a bit on the brown side.
    Hope you get sorted, let us know what you go for

    Happy crafting
    Carole xXx

  4. Hi, I used to have a Dell and the ink cost a small fortune but now I have a Kodak ESP C315 and it is great (reasonably priced ink from the Cartridge People). Very happy with this printer!

  5. I have a kodax but fine I am changing my colour ink even though i ont print in colour so becareful it might be cheap ink but it uses colour even when selecting black and white and the red is not red

  6. Hi Lisa I have a Kodak , I've used 300gsm card and I've never had a problem with the ink smudging with digi images. The ink is very reasonably priced , but the down side is it doesn't print red very good .
    Hope this helps you
    Hugs Emma xx

  7. Poor Lisa, isn't it a pain when they go down :(
    Not much help really sweetie, as I have an old epsom D68 which I have a CISS fitted to. I actually bought two printers as they stopped selling them. I knew I could just refit my ink supply to the other one when this one breaks.I couldn't live without a CISS
    Topped my inks up once in the past 11 mths so still have loads of ink left to top up again. I print every day of my life, some days a lot more than others.
    Hope you get sorted soon xxxx
    Hugs Mau xx

  8. What a nuisance Lisa. I have an HP and love it. It is important for us to have a printer that prints good photos too, and copies and scans too. I use 250 gsm card and that is fine. All the olours print beautifully and digis don't smudge at all. Good luck.

  9. Hi sweetie, I have a Canon MP560 which is brilliant. Back and front feed, scans.copies, takes card fine and you can buy compatible inks without any fear.

    Di xx

  10. Hi Lisa, we have a Canon IX4000 which is brilliant but I don't know if you can still get them as its pretty old!
    Helen x

  11. I've got an HP Photosmart printer - its ok with the digis coloured with copics but the ink is prone to smudging if you add stickles. Good luck.

  12. We have a Canon MP640 - it was very reasonably priced and the colours are very true. The ink never bleeds or smudges when I colour my digis with my copics or watercolour pencils either. I love it!

  13. Hey hun. We have an Epson, which does take 250 gsm card, but it ain't so hot on the digi's (hence why I rarely if ever use them). Hope you find something suitable soon. Hugs Sxx

  14. I have an HP Photosmart which is really good but the ink is astronomical. I do find with digis that you have to use a good quality cardstock and then it doesn't bleed. I have had the Kodaks recommended and their ink is cheap!

  15. Hiya Hunny, I have a kodak, the ink never smudges for me using markers, The ink is cheap too. Joey xx

  16. Oh dear poor you I hope you get sorted soon x
    I have a Canon MP560 it is brilliant takes card, compatible inks and doesn't smudge.

  17. Hi Lisa,
    what a nuisance! There are lots of good printers out there, we've had good experiences with HP, Canon and Epson, but that's personal. Maybe you could ask the store to demonstrate some models for you? But also bear in mind that when you use ink printers in combination with certain papers these papers will surely smudge (some glossy papers will). Laser printers are more expensive, but they won't have this problem. Good luck! Hugs, Ira

  18. Hi Lisa not sure if this comment is too late but I have a Kodak printer and I never have issues with card (it happily takes 300gsm) or the ink running when I use Promarkers. You can pick them up for around £60 at Curry's. The real bonus is that the ink is cheap and seems to last a long long time to me.


  19. Mine's a Kodak Lisa, no real probs and the ink is cheaper than any other, just don't print red thats all, if you can live with that then fine, I have to confess it does my head hunting.xx

  20. What a gorgeous card Lisa, love the beautifully coloured image, pretty papers and layout. Congratulations on your new DT position, very well deserved.
    Caz x

  21. Aaaarghh! Don't you hate it when one of your most important tools lets you down! We run our own business and go through printers, we go through ink as well... but that may not be the business' fault, lol. I've had a HP, which was fabulous but WAY too expensive to run (I say HP is in the business of selling ink, not printers!), an Epson - okay, and I'm on my third lot of Canons now... I say "lot" because I was so happy with my last one that when it broke down (exhausted!), immediately after buying a bulk load of ink (of course) that doesn't fit the newer model (of course) I sent hubby on a mission and he found TWO, so I'm using one and have one in the cupboard for when the inevitable happens :-) though it may find it's way to my craft room before that; they're easy to use, print well, ink is readily and cheaply available and I print on 300g card, colour with Copics as well as pencils and solvent, no problem. Printers just seem to be better for less these days (my first dot matrix printer cost over $300, this last inkjet $69!), so I don't think you'll have a lot of trouble whichever you choose, Donna

  22. Hi Lisa
    I have just bought an HP Photosmart
    7510 from PC World. It's the first printer I've had that prints 300gsm.and I'm really pleased with it.Cost about £140 but well worth it. Hope this helps.

    Carol at Henlow.
