
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays wk7

Well it's now week 7 of my little 'Waste Not Wednesdays' challenge, and I've decided to change things slightly, so you can now join in using anything that you need to use... for me this is usually going to be an unused stamp or digi, but for you it could be a pack of papers that have been neglected, something that you bought so you could try a new technique that's been gathering dust ever since (can you tell I'm guilty of this one?!)... Whatever it is, I don't mind - just get all that neglected stash out and get it on a card :o)

When I was moving some stuff around in the craft room, I found a pack of Gorjuss Girl sheets of die cut images... I vaguely remember buying them in a sale, must have been more than a year ago and the pack was still unopened.  I always feel like I'm cheating a bit when I use a pre-coloured image, but as I've got them it's better to get them used, right?

The papers are all scraps from a Cosmo Cricket pad, the flowers were also bought in a sale ages ago and the sentiment is from the Gorjuss Girl die cut pack.  The corner is my latest favourite die, the memory box Madera Corner and the pearls are from my stash.  The trim is from a bag of offcuts that my mum's boss sent me - mum makes window blinds for a little family run business... I was practically drooling going through the bag, there are some gorgeous pieces.  Mum thinks I'm very sad getting so excited over a bag of offcuts though lol!

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:

Thanks to everyone who's been joining in with me so far, I love popping round to see your creations :o)  Hopefully I've made it a bit easier for you to keep playing along now I've changed the 'rules', just for fun again this week.  See you soon, have a lovely evening!


  1. ooh i just bought that corner die! Love the image..nothing wrong with die cuts from time to time, fabby trim too!!

  2. Gorgeous card Lisa. Love the colour combo and that die cut image is adorable. Beautiful trim too.
    Denise xx

  3. Beautiful card, love the gorjuss image and fabby papers. The trim is just gorgeous too. I know how you feel about using toppers I am the same, I buy then thinking they are pretty then feel I cant use them cause it cheating but sometimes needs must lol!!!
    Lyndsey xx

  4. Gorgeous card Lisa! I love the colours you've used and your fab layout.

    Years ago my mum used to work for Clinique and I was always thrilled with the make-up samples she brought home. These days I'd kill for your bag of off cuts, lol!!

  5. Oh what a beauty Lisa!
    Love the colours!
    Big hugs Heidy

  6. Beautiful card Lisa, fab layers and such beautiful added detail. I'm really loving your corner die, might have to treat myself lol! Thanks for playing along with us at CES this week :) Donna x

  7. Hi hun
    gosh where did that week go! i was going to check back to see if it had to be a stamp, gorgeous card hun, luv the colours, pretty papers & embelies, hope to join you this week, sue,x

  8. This is just so gorgeous Lisa, love the cute image, pretty papers and scrummy trim.

    Donna x

  9. Lisa card is beautiful. Although the use of pre-coloured image, you made a good selection of papers and embellishments. Have a great day. Lily Anuska

  10. Simply fabulous hun...and so love the colours and my fave corner die too :o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  11. Hi Lisa, ooooh so not fair showing a wonderful corner die like that when I'm on a stash diet! And I've been after a corner die for ages too!!

    Seriously though, gorgeous card - love the colours and papers. I know just what you mean about feeling like you're cheating when using a pre-coloured image. Do love the Gorjuss girls tho - pre-printed or stamp.

    Will try to join in with you this week, but with Emily home on half-term crafting time is seriously reduced.


  12. Gosh is it Wednesday already? :D This is lovely Lisa, love these girls, fab papers and love that corner die too :)

  13. How lovely! Wish I had more time as I'd like to play along, Jo x

  14. Lisa its stunning, love the corner and beautiful colour choice. Joey xx

  15. Gorgeous card Lisa, and i am able to enter my scrap card, into WNW under the new rules!!! :-), Just wanted to give you a little support and my card happened to fit!!!! Have a great day Lou x

  16. What a sweet card hun, I have that image in rubber (somewhere). Ooh get you with your offcuts - you lucky girl, I can just picture you rummaging through excitedly :oD Hugs Sxx

  17. Hi Lisa, it must be scary the amount of stash we have all got.....we probably would fill a warehouse between us all. Love this card and fab corner die. I must find time to play along.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  18. Tee hee Lisa .. .. I would get excited about a bag of off-cuts like that too.

    I know what you mean about using a pre-coloured image .. .. though why we should feel like that I don't know. As long as we get a result we are happy with why do we worry?

    I don't even think recipients know when we have coloured them!!! LOL!!!

    Love your finished card and your lovely backing papers and layout.

    Love Jules xx

  19. This is so gorgeous and would have been a shame not to use her. I would drool too, fab offcut.

  20. It's how you put it all together that counts and you've done a beautiful job. x

  21. Hi Vicky

    I love this card.... so 'gor-juss'! And whether she's pre coloured or not doesn't matter.... your layout and design are fab... and I love that trimming too! Think I'd be the same handed a bag of off-cuts! Weird aren't we? LOL!

    Christine x

  22. Another gorgeous card from your neglected bits, you will soon have used them all :o)
    Jackie xx

  23. really gorgeous card the gg girl and your papers and colours are stunning.fab trim and the memory box corner is lush :D

    xx coops xx

  24. Hi Lisa, wow love your card, the colour choice is just fabulous as is your card design to, the end result is stunning. hugs Shirleyxx

  25. This is a lovely card. That ribbon/fancy binding looks delish. Lucky you getting the off cuts, i'd be drooling too Lol

    hugs sally x

  26. Really gorgeous card Lisa! Love your image and all of the beautiful details on your creation!! TFS! HUGS

  27. I definitely need to get on board with your Waste Not Wednesday. I have been trying to do the Use it Up challenge too, but they suggest you not buy more and I can't commit to that. But I definitely need to spend time with the stuff I do have too. I love your very sweet card with all its different papers, layers, elements, die cuts and that most excellent trim! Tell your mom that there is lots to get excited about a stash of leftover trim!!!

  28. Gorgeous Lisa, lovely colours and fabulous die!
    Helen x

  29. Aw, I love that Gorjuss girl stamp and your card! I keep saying I need to participate because I have so many uninked stamps, lol!

  30. Nothing wrong with drooling over a bag of offcuts! I'm sure I'm not alone in buying a box of chocolates because I like the ribbon!!! I love the different colours on this card -it really is quite striking!

  31. I understand exactly what you mean about pre coloured images but I'm also certain in my case that many of the recipients/purchasers can't tell the difference!!

    Now I've got my birthdays all behind me, I am determined to play along....goodness knows I have enough neglected stash including stamps....

    Hugs xx

  32. Beautiful card. Love the image and all the fab papers you have used. Thanks for joining us at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges.

  33. Hi Lisa, I've played along again... let me know if that's a problem, Donna

  34. Oooo, loving all the layers on this one honey, gorgeous!
