
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Passion For Promarkers - white on white

Before I get onto my cards, I need to say a big thank you for all your comments on our house disappointment - you're all so lovely!  I'm feeling ok about it really, it obviously just wasn't meant to be and fingers crossed we'll find something perfect next year.

So onto this week's challenge at Passion For Promarkers... it was Debs' turn to choose the theme and she chose 'WOW' or white on white.  We're sponsored by DigiStamp Boutique and our lucky winner will receive 6 digi images of their choice :o)  Oh and just a quick mention - we're having a mini DT call at PFP so if you're interested pop over and leave us a link to your blog.

Sorry there are so many photos, but in a moment of madness I decided to make a set of six 5" square cards - I'm very irritated because I faffed around stamping snowflakes all over the base cards in versamark and then adding cosmic shimmer, and they're very shimmery and twinkly in real life... but I just couldn't get the blinking things to show up in the photos!  So my cards aren't as boring as they look here, honest!

I've used one of the new 'offer of the month' sets from DigiStamp Boutique, the Cute Santa Collection, which comes as individual images and also as a handy A4 sheet with all the images ready to print.  I used the A4 sheet and accidentally sent it to print from the rear of my printer where I keep linen card ready to print, so my images printed on a sheet of linen.  I decided to have a go with them anyway and ended up really enjoying colouring on linen, as you can probably tell by the fact that I coloured all six!  I'll definitely be trying this again, because I quite like how the shading looks too :o)  I added some glamour dust and an Elzybells sentiment.

I'm entering my cards for the following challenges:

Aww cute news - they're doing a nativity play at Dex's nursery, and he's going to be a shepherd - bless!!!  I wasn't expecting them to do anything as they're all so little.  Oh dear, I'm so going to cry though, how embarrassing will that be?!


  1. these are lovely, shame the sparkly bits don't show. Been away so missed the post on the for a look x

  2. Hi Lisa, what a gorgeous set of cards. I might well be heading off to shop very soon! I've not started my Christmas cards yet, am just not in the Christmassy mood.

    The nativity play sounds sweet, Emily did her first one with her nursery last year and I cried, as did all the other mums! Can't believe this year she's doing one with school - this year has just flown by!!
    This time I'm going to try not to drive the car into a ditch again, so that she can be there to take part when they video the play and I'll have some record of it as school don't allow you to take pics or video!


  3. Oh these are gorgeous - all of them!! Love the linen card - where do you get it??
    Denise xx

  4. What a gorgeous set of cards Lisa, they're fab images. Hope all works out next year on the house front. Always loved school nativities and always cried lol. Carol x

  5. Oh wow Lisa,those cards are all so beautiful,love them!
    Hugs Heidy

  6. Wonderful cards. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft.
    Nikki x

  7. Gorgeous cards! I love the WOW, it really makes the image pop! Lyns xx

  8. Wow these are all just

  9. Lisa I wish I could do white on white as good as you, these are so gorgeous. Joey x

  10. Super cute - I love them! Jo x

  11. These have real impact, love them,

    Liz x

  12. Lovely cute card Lisa. Sorry to read about the house, I know how disappointing it is when you have your heart set on a place. The one for you will come along. Sue.x

  13. These are all gorgeous sweetie & DEF not boring!!!

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xx

  14. Beautiful set of cards Lisa.
    Sue x

  15. They are all so gorgeous Lisa....

    hugs Vicky xx

  16. jakie cudne!

  17. A gorgeous set of cards, not boring at all, I love them despite not being able to see the cosmic shimmer :o)
    Jackie xx

  18. These are just brilliant Lisa, love the simplicity, you really do WoW very well! Jx

  19. They are all too cute Lisa, love them. Sorry to hear about the house, maybe something even better will turn up!

  20. You have inspired me Lisa I have some smaller cards and this is a great way to get them used up for Christmas. The WOW theme looks great so do those cute Santa's they all look totally ACE.
    Lorraine x

  21. These are just gorgeous Lisa. I love these DSB images - amazing cards. Hugs, Claire x

  22. Yay for happy accidents...these images look fab on the linen card and I can see the shimmery snowflakes when I look at my laptop screen from below...if you know what I mean!

    Bless your little shepherd ...just think this could be the start of an acting career!! Lol

    Jenny x

  23. Gorgeous cards Lisa, not boring at all. I love white on white cards and these are stunning.

    I'm sure Dex will be a cute shepherd and no-one will mind if you cry lol! Will he have a costume? When my kids were in the nativity plays at church shepherds used to wear two towels and a belt plus a teatowel on their head and a snake belt!!

    Kat xx

  24. Oops I forgot to say thanks for joining us at TG this week.

    Kat xx

  25. fantastic white on white cards lisa.i love the fun images :D

    xx coops xx

  26. I absolutely LOVE these Lisa!! They look fab on the linen card. Just gorgeous!

  27. Gorgeous set of cards Lisa.

  28. Fab cards Lisa!!! I have those images so am going to try to do some similar! Love that sentiment also, do you have a link to it? Or is it not made any more?

    Yes you will cry at Dexter's nativity.... it's part of being a mum!

    Big Hugs
    Christine x

  29. Fabulous set of cards, love the adorable images and they look fab printed on the linen. Love the simply look to them an will def be trying these out myself, have got loads still to make.
    Crying at your kids plays is all part of the job lol!!!, last year Abie was asked to if she would sing a solo in her christmas play -she was brill and so sweet. I wasnt the only one crying!!!!
    Lyndsey xx

  30. These are really sweet!! I love the images, of course, and don't they look great printed on linen?! I know what you mean about photographing glittery bits... they just don't, do they? I can see the snowflakes though, now I know where to look :-) Very nice. Re the Nativity; of course you're going to cry, that as a Mum is your job!! TFS, Donna

  31. such fantabulous cards!!! Love the WOW. with the fabby coloured images!!! fabulous creations!! Hugs Juls

  32. Oh my word Lisa - these are AMAZING! em...xx

  33. Wow, Lisa! These are fabulous, love the images and love what you have done with them!
    Helen x

  34. Awww - what a gorgeous set! So cute :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  35. Wow I absolutely love these santa cards. Awsome design in white with gorgeous colouring details. Thanks for playing at Totally Gorjuss this week and good luck. Hope to see you back tomorrow for a new challenge. Bettina xx

  36. I love these cards - they're all fab! I've read your posts out of order - sorry! ust wanted to say, I'm exactly the same about the dentist, I've not been for years and I really need to because the radiotherapy I had has left me with some problems with my teeth and gums but I just can't, I'm terrified.....I'll be gutted when my teeth fall out though LOL!! Hugs, Marie xx

  37. I LOVE THEM!! Perfect, perfect, perfect in every way :o)

  38. Gorgeous! I would love to know what die the big scallop circle is?
