
Saturday 12 November 2011

A Gem of a Challenge - sketch

This week at A Gem of a Challenge, Christine has created a fab sketch to use but she'd also like to see some stitching and a sentiment.  Oh dear... I'm not very good with my sewing machine, and I'm never very happy with my faux stitching either.  My card is a bit of a disaster!

I did try to use my sewing machine but I ruined every piece I stitched - I'm going to practice stitching on a load of scrap pieces this afternoon because I love the look of stitched cards, it's something I really wish I could do.  So I resorted to faux stitching which always looks very messy when I do it -which is why I went for the distressed look, I was hoping it would blend in better!

I made some inky background pieces using 'scattered straw', 'ripe persimmon' and 'fired brick' distress inks, then stamped images from the Funky Flowers set (possibly my most used stamp set ever) to create the 'papers' and for the main image.  The only other stamp I used is a little Stampin' Up dot stamp.  All images were stamped in 'fired brick' distress ink.  I added some dark brown gingham ribbon from my stash and a card candy centre on the flower.

I'm a bit embarrassed even showing this card - not happy with it at all!  But I'll be back later with my DT card for Sweet Stampin' and that one makes me much happier :o)  Thanks to everyone who gave me advice about my cricut... still mulling things over but I think I probably will end up selling it.


  1. What a gorgeous card,I love the fabulous

  2. Your card looks perfectly fine Lisa, the stitching is great. Love the colour combo you've used. Carol x

  3. Hi Lisa

    Well I love it!!!

    Gorgeous colours and layout.

    Nothing wrong with your faux stitching .. .. and keep playing with that sewing machine.

    I have little marks on my sewing machine feet and I line those up with the edge of my card.

    Have a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  4. I love this card, Lisa it is so gorgeous, honestly

  5. This is fab Lisa and I don't think the stitching looks messy at all, don't give yourself such a hard time honey xxx I'd really like to treat myself to a sewing machine for my cards, like you I think stitching looks gorgeous on cards :o)

  6. Oh wow, what a lovely rich card, I love this Lisa!

  7. I love your background Lisa and your stitching looks fine to. I cant work a sewing machine so have to resort to my own faux stitching

  8. Lisa...I see no disaster!! this is gorgeous and I love your faux stitching...I am better at real stitching however it always looks wonky.

    Fab sketch too...will be using this one this week...hopefully.


  9. Well I think you are putting yourself and your card down Lisa, as its really stunning, love the warm colours and the faux stitching is just fab. We are all critics of our own work. Hugs, Claire x

  10. This is a gorgeous card hun I especially love the warm colour I have no idea why you dont like it even your stitching looks great.
    Now man up woman!!! lol, just kidding sweetie but there really is nothing wrong your card darlin' I love stitching but tbh half the time I dont have the time to do it if you know what I mean lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  11. Loving those bold warm colours Lisa :) Yep stitching on cards is a bit of an enigma to me too unless it can be messy!! Lol
    Jenny x

  12. Fab card - love the colours! I love the look of stitching on cards too but my hand stitching is always wonky so I tend to be a faux stitcher too :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  13. Hi Lisa, can't see what's wrong with it! Wonderful colour, love the layout and the touches of black.

    I would like my sewing machine to work too - I don't like my faux stitching either!!


  14. Nothing wrong with this Lisa, the colours are gorgeous and your stitching looks fab! Glad I'm not the only one who can't use their sewing machine, I gave up ages ago!!
    Helen x

  15. so gorgeous lisa.i love the hot and spicy colours and fab image and design :D

    xx coops xx

  16. I absolutely love this Lisa! I don't know why you don't like it the colours are warm and firey! The image looks superb and the faux stitching is great. I think this is truely brilliant! Hugs Rebekah xx

  17. Are you serious Lisa....this is fabulous!!! Great colors, love it!

  18. I like this card, Lisa. I love the colours... and the stitching - my kind of stitching. I love "real" sewing on cards, but I think it is best LTO (left to others, lol) Donna

  19. Oh wow, I love the bold colour here, fantastic card :o)
    Jackie xx

  20. Well it doesn't look a disaster to me hon.... it looks FAB! Lovin that bright colour!
    Christine x

  21. Beautiful. Love the bold n bright colors too.


  22. This is lovely hunny.....can't see why you should be embarressed lol! x

  23. Wow Lisa this is absolutely stunning the mix of distress inks look fantastic, the stamping is terrific, so is the gingham ribbon and faux stitching, this has an earthy look to it with I adore.
    Lorraine x
