
Sunday 2 October 2011

Less is More - the colour of your eyes

Hmm... this week's challenge at Less is More is to make a card using 'the colour of your eyes'.  My eye colour?  Weird lol!  Well not so weird I suppose - they're hazel, which I've always known of course, but I've never really studied them.  So I had a proper look for the challenge, and they're a bit of everything!  There's yellow, green and brown in there... I got the distress inks out!

For once I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out :o)  I had no plan, I just played with the inks on a scrap of linen card, added a Hero Arts stamp and a Penny Black sentiment.  The base was going to be white, but then I happened to have some dark brown card on my desk and it seemed to set off the stamped panel quite well, so my base is dark brown card from Papermill Direct.

I'm also entering my card for the following challenges:

Further to my car saga - I've left it with my mum's hubby Andrew who knows what he's doing with cars.  He says fixing it isn't a problem, but it's going to take a while - I might be without my car for up to 2 weeks, which is going to be no fun for doing the school/nursery run as I'm about 30-40mins walk away and it's all uphill on the way there.  Not much fun for me, but even less fun for Dex with his little legs bless him!


  1. Great card Lisa! Shame about your car- hope it gets fixed soon :) HelenR x

  2. Great card Lisa, love the inky background. Hope your car is soon mended. Carol x

  3. beautiful Lisa!! I did think about this challenge but my eyes are a bit of a mix too...well I have 1 and three quarters brown and the other quarter is greeny brown, certainly as I was younger it was more prominent!!

  4. I love this card Lisa - perfect for Hazel, which is my eye colour too and I couldn't quite decide myself how to interpret this one. Hugs, Claire x

  5. Stunning card which has impact, the colours and image are truly wonderful.,
    Lorraine x

  6. Such a pretty card Lisa and a really striking colour combo too!

  7. Isn't it great when a card just comes together!
    This one looks tremendous!
    Thanks so much... I hope the car is repaired soon.
    "Less is More"

  8. A gorgeous card Lisa, I love the colours and fab inking. Great image and LO. Hope the car gets fixed soon hun.

    Donna x

  9. Hi Lisa, beautiful card, just my colour scheme, gorgeous! Sorry to hear about your car, fingers crossed it comes home soon, hugs Heidi xx

  10. absolutely beautiful Lisa x I do love Penny black stamps

    Jen xx

  11. Looks like you had some inky fun with this one Lisa :)
    Fab simple design to show off that gorgeous panel.
    Jenny x

  12. This is beautiful, Lisa!! Love the silhouette image and the colors you used. I have hazel eyes too :)

  13. What a stunning card Lisa & gorgeous stamp think your eyes are weird well heres goes my are hazel too so bit of green & brown but also i have another colour too which is.....grey blue!! yes grey blue, now thats weird LOL

    Sorry to hear your having problems with your car sweetie...hope its fixed very soon!!
    hugs and xxx

  14. Superb card Lisa. Lovely stamps which look fab in that colour.
    Isn't it a drag when you are without a car, hope you get it back soon.

  15. Another creative hazel-eyed crafter! I took the easy route and went with brown! This is so beautiful and the design is so effective! Love it!


  16. Love this, love that floral image!!

  17. OPh this is so pretty Lisa!
    Hugs Heidy

  18. Fab card Lisa!! Love the contrast of the flowers against the background! CAS, just stunning!
    Hugs, Victoria ~x~

  19. Hi Lisa
    If your eyes are the same colour as this card - they must be stunning - as is the card.
    Hope you get the car sorted real soon - it's a real pain in the behind when you have no transport - especially when you have little ones.
    Have a great day.
    Debs xx

  20. What a beautiful card :o)
    Jackie xx

  21. Fab colour combo Lisa - love it. Jxx

  22. stunning, stylish card!! HUgs Juls

  23. Such a gorgeous creation hun, love it! Hugs, Sxx

  24. Hi Lisa

    This is one fantastic creation .. .. love the finished look.

    It is surprising exactly what colours are in our eyes when we look closely isn't it!!

    Sorry to read about your car. I hope it gets mended quicker than predicted.

    Love Jules xx

  25. Superb card
    Love it when they fall together"
    Thank you
    Mandi LIM

  26. Oh yes! Simply gorgeous card. I wonder, could you enter with red for when you're red eyed from tiredness or a tad too much wine? Just thinking aloud :) Di xx

  27. Great card, love the colour combo and the stamp image looks fab. Hope your car gets mended soon or you'll be worn out - at least its a bit of exercise lol!!!!
    lyndsey xx

  28. Great card Lisa, I love it the inking and the stamp is beautiful. I hope you get your car sorted soon xx

  29. Hi Lisa, sorry to hear about your car, hopefully it wont take as long as expected. Love your card its gorgeous and such a simple design. hugs Shirleyxxx

  30. Beautiful card Lise I really love the colours and the image is super.

    I'm sorry about your car, I hope it doesn't take too long to get it fixed.


  31. Great card and lovely colour too, hope your car gets fixed soon...."his poor little legs"....awww bless :O) Viv xx

  32. Gorgeous card Lisa :-) Love the CAS style and the image and colour is fab :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge :-)
    Lols x x x

  33. Gorgeous card Lisa.
    Lynne xxx

  34. fantastic card lisa.i love your stunning colours and cas design and the stamp is gorgeous :D

    xx coops xx

  35. Fantastic card Lisa! Hope the car doesn't take too long to be fixed! xx

  36. Super card hun.

    Sorry to hear about your car problem, i hope for your sake, it takes less time than 2 weeks, fortunately i only live 20 mins from school, Luv Sam x

  37. Hi Lisa! I just love this beautiful card - you do this kind of thing so well! Sorry to hear about your car - it sounds like a nightmare. I was without a car for three days and thought I was hard done by. Fingers crossed for a quick mend. Vx

  38. Wow this is beautiful Lisa! hope you get your car sorted soon sweetie x

  39. What a fab challenge - love the card! Absolutely gorgeous! hope you get your car back soon :-( Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx
