
Friday 7 October 2011

Is it a plane?...

Well, yes actually... it is!  Or maybe it's a helicopter, I'm not sure...

Now don't laugh - I know you want to!

When we were in Hobbycraft buying door hangers and other stuff to alter, Dex spotted a little plain wood plane and asked if I'd paint it for him... sort of hoping he'd forget about it I said 'of course!' and he's not shut up about it all week lol.  So today, with the littlest dictator stood next to me telling me what colour I should do everything - his favourite colours are pink and blue - and requesting black spots and glitter, this is what I've been doing!

I've used Eco Green acrylic paints, added some stickles on most of the pink bits and some black spots using a Stampin' Up stamp.

I'm not sure why I'm even blogging this lol, seems like conclusive proof that I've gone completely mad :o)


  1. Hiya,
    That looks amazing!You're not mad at all - just a mum who loves her sons to bits! Thers's nowt wrong with a glittered pink and blue plane covered in black spots LOL!(Is there???) Sounds perfectly sane to me(i have five sons)and bet you had great time doing it!
    Have a great weekend
    Jo x

  2. your not mad your keeping your little boy happy, looks fab x

  3. fab little plane/helicopter!!
    actually I think it is a plane. its fab and know doubt Dex will be thrilled to bits and you will now have some peace!

  4. It's a fab little plane Lisa and I bet Dex spends hours playing with it. Carol x

  5. Hi Lisa, I hope Dex was happy with the end result, love the idea of a plane with spots. hugs Shirleyxxx

  6. Awwww Lisa that plane is adorable. I can just imagine Dex standing there directing you. I love his colour choices, and you can never have enough glitter!


  7. Fab little pink and blue (with black dots) plane - it's good to do something other than make cards occasionally and I bet Dex loves it.
    Denise xx

  8. Oh Lisa it's not silly at all, I think it's the cutest little thing ever, so sweet and Dex has great taste...well done

  9. Aww! Lisa, this is fab. Sounds like you had loads of fun with Dex, who by the way has a great eye for colour.

    Donna x

  10. I don't think your mad. If you are then I am completely insane. I love your helicopter

    There is a new blog ( details on my blog) we would love for you to become a follower and maybe mention it on your blog. There is some candy on offer too!
    hugs Sarah x

  11. Hi Lisa,your not mad,your just a mum who love"s her kids!
    Think its fab!
    Hugs Heidy

  12. Aww, it's so cute Lisa and you're a lovely mummy giving up precious card making time to make it for your little cutie, lol! xx

  13. Love it! the colors are just awesome. little Dex has good taste:)



  14. Lisa it's wonderful hun...Oh I wish my boy was young

    have a lovely weekend...hugs Vicky xx

  15. Oh how I remember doing stuff like that (in fact still do sometimes but my two are a lot older now).
    I think its fabulous

  16. Wow fabulous, its a sweet creation n I luv the colors too.


  17. It's great! Fabby colours and done with a lot of love :) Di xx

  18. Definitely a plane, a very cute little plane for little people :o)
    Jackie xx

  19. Quick, don't let Sweet Cheeks see it. Great colour job Hun. xxx

  20. This brought back, with a smile, some of the "mad" things I did for my boys when they were little: Now they're late twenties/early thirties but they still remember me doing this sort of stuff for don't ever think you're "wasting" time doing it; adding love to someone's life - especially a little someone - is always a worthwhile exercise, Dee xx

  21. You are lovely Lisa! A big hug for you! Vx

  22. Well, I think it's lovely! I don't think you are mad at all, and I love hearing about the little details in people's lives - so thank you for blogging it! The things we do for the little ones, eh!! I've stamped images and coloured them weird colours to my little madam happy! Sarah

  23. You've not gone mad - you're just being a good momma. I bet he loves his little plane!

  24. Awww... so cute AND you have to keep dictators happy or there's no telling what they will do!!
    Caroline xxx

  25. Awww! That's lovely :-) A lovely way to spend time together! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  26. Well I think it's perfectly lovely & how lovely you are to do this...mind you the 'nagging ' does help!! x
