
Monday 5 September 2011

Less is More wk31 - metallic

I made some cards at the weekend for the new challenge at Less is More, which is 'metallic', but waited to blog them because I wasn't really up to doing much commenting.  I'm having a better day today so hopefully I can have a bit of a catch up with you all.  It helps that the boys have gone back to school and nursery today, so I've had some peace!  And they both seem to have enjoyed their first day back :o)

My first 2 cards are very similar... the first embossed with silver and the second with gold, and I've used distress inks for the backgrounds.  The flower stamp is Hero Arts, 'birthday wishes' sentiment is Little Claire and 'happy birthday' sentiment is CC Designs.  Base cards made from Papermill Direct linen card - white for the first one and ivory for the second, black and red pearls from my stash.

I suppose my last one might not be quite 'less is more' enough... I've used a little metal present that's been in my stash for ages.  It's hard to tell from the photo, but the embossed layer is raised up on foam pads and the present is set in a circle aperture (cut with a nestie die).  Think the embossing folder is a Crafts Too one, the sentiment is CC Designs, mounted on a scrap of silver mirri card.

Thank you everyone who's left me lovely comments while I've not been feeling well, sorry I've been such a rubbish blogger lately... my next blood tests are on Thursday and hopefully they will decide exactly what's going on - in the meantime I'm trying not to panic and imagine the worst, but I do tend to be a bit of a worrier so I'm quite stressed at the moment!


  1. These are fab Lisa - I particularly like the second the rich colours! I've just got that stamp...and I love it so much - thanks for the inspiration!
    Helen x

  2. Oh my what a fabulous set of cards. The first two are wonderful but red and gold one is my favorite. Its splendid!! Youur thrid card made me smile. I have those metal embellisments too; though I can't find mine otherwise I would have used them too. LOL!!!
    Wonderful cards!!

  3. Three gorgeous cards, its so hard to pick a favourite they are all so lovely. Take care sweetie and hope you find out what's wrong very soon. Hugs, Claire x

  4. Lovely cards. I like how just changing the colours can make so much difference to the feel of a card. Hope you start to feel better soon.


  5. Hi Lisa 3 beautiful cards,can imagine that your a bit stressfull sweetie!
    please take care!
    Hugs Heidy

  6. Hi Lisa

    It is hard not to worry .. .. but I hope you manage to put things out of your mind for at least some of the time.

    Let's hope Thursday brings some better news.

    All of your cards are gorgeous. I particularly love the first two! Great look!

    Take care Lisa.

    Love Jules xx

  7. Hi Lisa, hope you get to the bottom of what's wrong soon, it must be a worry.

    Love all your cards, you can pull off CAS expertly!

    Liz x

  8. Hi Lisa, your cards are gorgeous, can't find a favourite this time.....

    Hope that all turns out well for you sweetie, take care.xxxx

  9. gorgeous gorgeous cards, loving the gold and red one! Fingers crossed it all gets sorted with your blood tests x

  10. Your embossed flowers are beautiful!

  11. Oooh these are soo pretty,esp. the first one well done :O) Viv xx

  12. These are lovely. First two are definitely my favourites, I love that HA stamp (and great inking too!) xx

  13. Oh I love them all Lisa. The stamping on the first 2 is gorgeous and i love the ef on the 3rd.
    Lynne xxx

  14. Hi Lisa, these are just gorgeous; I really love the second one - think it'e the rich, warm colours that appeal to me.

    Glad you're getting some 'you' time and good luck with the tests on Thursday. xx

  15. Three beautiful cards, Lisa. The colours on your second one are beautiful...My favourite!

  16. Three gorgeous cards Lisa, the second is my favourite too - love the colours. Hope all goes well on Thursday. Carol x

  17. Hi ya hun
    glad you are feeling a little better,hope all goes well on thursday, gorgeous cards, the flowers look fab embossed, luv the colour on the top one, sue,x

  18. Hi Lisa
    Just love your cards, they are so delicate and very very classy.
    Keep your chin up sweetie, keep crafting it will keep you calm.
    Take care.

  19. Wow you have been busy. These are gorgeous, very classy.
    Diane xx

  20. These are all fabulous Lisa, the background colours are simply gorgeous and all the cards are superb.
    Let's hope things work out well health wise very soon.
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  21. Gorgeous cards, love the colours of the first two and great design on the second! Take care and try to keep positive!
    Helen x

  22. Love them all but my favourite has to be the first one love the shades of blue x

  23. Three gorgeous cards Lisa...and so love the last one... :o)

    take care and try not to worry...I know it's hard not too hun...

    biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  24. Hope you keep improving hun and hope the tests find the problem. My two went back today - 3rd year primary and Reception year - it was so quiet at home. Back to work for me tomorrow and after 6 weeks off I am really not looking forward to it!!!
    Your cards are all stunning, you have got the LIM style sorted.

    Take care hugs Ali x

  25. Three gorgeous cards Lisa, love them all. Hope you're feeling a bit better hun and they soon get to the bottom of it for you.

    Donna x

  26. fantastic cas cards lisa.i really love the beautiful floral stamps :D
    try not to worry too much about the blood tests hun, i know its easier said than done though.

    xx coops xx

  27. wow you have been busy. I just love all of them. Like the linen texture to the first ones. Such crisp embossing on the last one - fab.

  28. I have been thinking of you in your absence Lisa, try not to worry and be positive ;)
    These are all beautiful cards, Love the silver embossed flowers but the metal parcel card is so CAS...I just love it, fab EF too.
    Jenny x

  29. Lisa, your cards are gorgeous! Love the two types of embossing and the distress inking (reminds me that I NEED to play with mine)! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  30. Oh Lisa, these are wonderful!

    Crossing my fingers that your tests go well and you get some answers..good ones:-)

    Hugs, Kelly

  31. Fabulous cards Lisa, love them all. Just wanted to send my best wishes for the blood tests and results and hope you feel better soon. Oh and if you want a paper fix have found a new site with freebies, hugs Amanda

  32. Three stunning cards Lisa, but the first two are my faves :o)
    Jackie xx

  33. Oh I love your gorgeous cards

  34. Lisa these are really stunning, the first two in particular are very eye catching. The colours are fabulous. I really like the third one as well, it's very stylish.

    I do hope that the next set of blood tests will set your mind at ease and that you feel better soon.



  35. A beautiful collection of cards Lisa - love the background colours on the first two, and your LIM card is fabulous.
    I do hope all goes well with your tests. Take care - hugs, Sylvia xx

  36. stunning collection of card. fab colours. professional x

  37. Gorgeous cards Lisa - really love the bluey/green one.
    Will be thinking of you on Thursday and hoping you get some answers to put your mind at rest xx
    Biggest of Hugs
    Denise xxxxxxxxxx

  38. These are all really nice cards: so classy! I love the base's exactly the sort of detail a Less is More sort of card needs. Now, what's the bet that what your blood tests show up on Thursday is that you're stressed?!!!! Bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't it...I'm worried I'm not well; I'm not well because I'm worried. I won't tell you not to worry, as a born worrier I realise what a pointless exercise that is, but I will say Thursday is not far away so not long now until you feel you are at least doing something proactive about getting better. Hugs, Dee

  39. Fantastic card Lisa, that alst on is perfect!
    Do wish you better, hope you feel more like yourself soon

    Thank you
    "Less is More"

  40. Wowzer Lisa what a superb selection of creations, that first one looks like a designer canvas print, the image looks lovely in both colours, the third one is also a beauty, stunning inspiration and creativity.
    Lorraine x

  41. So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Lisa.....I know what you mean about worrying.....Sending you BIG cyber hugs....xo Oh...and your cards are stunning! I love the backgrounds!!

  42. These are all lovely. The flowers in silver and gold are stunning and the little parcel is cute. x

  43. Gorgeous cards Lisa. I love the distressed backgrounds you've created on your flower cards. Sue.x

  44. Your cards are always superb Lisa but the first one of this batch is a real show stopper! I love the colours, the lighting effect, the texture - everything about it is perfect! Vx

  45. Fabulous cards, but I especially love the first two. Gorgeous backgrounds with the distress inks. Ann
