
Thursday 28 July 2011

LOTV snippets card

I've used a LOTV die cut square on this card, so no colouring involved... so you'd think it would've been a quick one, but for some reason it's been hanging around my craft room half finished for days!

The card itself isn't very impressive, but I'm pleased because I've managed to mix snippets of different brands of papers (no idea what make!), something I usually struggle to do, I've used up one of the LOTV die cut squares which I never seem to get round to using, used a swirl die that I've only used once or twice before, and some flowers that I've got a box full of - it never seems to get any less full!  The photos have an odd pink tinge for some reason, and the cardstock is actually dark brown although it looks black in the pic.

I'm entering my card for Jules Craft Snippets Challenge, my second entry for this week.

I still feel tired from yesterday - must be getting old!  And I've managed to end up sunburnt, even though it didn't seem all that hot.  I had a halter neck top on so I've got strap marks around my neck - very attractive I'm sure!


  1. it's gorgeous Lisa...the colours are fab and the image is just so sweet.


  2. can't believe this is snippets, it's gorgeous!!! those bp's are lush and match everything!!!

  3. This is absolutely stunning Lisa xx Jan

  4. So gorgeous Lisa....and I love all those lush dp's too hun...

    hugs Vicky xx

  5. Wow Lisa this is adorable. Love those papers - they really do go well together.
    Denise xx

  6. Hi ya hun
    they come in well handy these toppers, totally gorgeous card, pretty papers & design, sue,x

  7. Fabulous card Lisa. Love the DP`s and the way they all go together so well.
    Your image is lovely too. Great use of snippets.
    Lynne xxx

  8. Oh I have fallen head over heals with these images!! So precious and your color choice is so pretty with this!! :)

  9. Love the colours and these die cuts are fab are't they. If you can't use up those flowers I have plenty of room in my craftroom, lol. Marianne x

  10. Wow Lisa .. .. this is a really beautiful snippet make!!!

    This is the thing I like best about Snippet Sunday .. .. I can mix and match anything with anything . .. .. and I don't have to remember where they came from or what they are called LOL!!!

    I cannot think why you have had this hanging around for days .. .. it is lovely.

    Thank you for joining in with your snippets for a second time this week.

    I hope your sunburn isn't the colour of your card!!!

    Love Jules xx

  11. A beautiful card Lisa, love the gorgeous mix of papers and pretty flower. Sunburn, ouch! I always end up the same, it's the wind that gets me.

    Donna x

  12. Very cute Lisa, love the effect of using dark mats on all your PP.
    Fab colour matching :)
    Jenny x

  13. I've never been quite sure and buying the already coloured squares, as it would then be finding papers to match !!, love what you have done and i'm glad i'm not the only one who doesn't use swirls very often either !!, Luv Sam x

  14. This is a lovely card Lisa. Love the image, great colours and considering all those papers are different brands, they all match so perfectly. Sorry to hear about the sunburn! Hugs, Claire x

  15. Gorgeous card Lisa - the DP's match perfectly with the image - I too have some LOTV die cut squares that I haven't yet got round to using - might just have to have a play later :-)
    Enjoy the rest of the evening.
    Debs xx

  16. gorgeous card your beautiful colours and the image is really sweet :D

    xx coops xx

  17. Fabulous snippet make Lisa. I love the sentiment looks really great.

  18. Awwww super cute Lisa!

  19. Thank you for your kind comments on my card, and digi papers don't count as they just sit in your puter and no one knows how many you have lol

  20. Gorgeous Lisa! I should take a leaf out of your book and use some of my many, many scraps. Yours look fab! xx Jenny xx

  21. What a gorgeous card. I love the colors and the layout and wow your coloring is amazing!

  22. Very cute card, the dp's you've used are really pretty.

    I hope your sunburn is getting better.


  23. Beautiful card, so cute and pretty :o)
    Jackie xx

  24. Gosh . . . I hope your sunburn isn't bothering you TOO MUCH.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this snippet card. I really adore the flowery sentiment too . . . what make is it?

    Hugs, Sandra

  25. gorgeous colours. love the papers. fab images. love the swirl embellishment too x

  26. Love this Lisa; you've done a great job with the papers and I love the layout (might 'borrow' it if you don't mind). Think I'm going to get some of those images as my colouring is so rubbish and it would save me a bit of stress!! xx

  27. Oh Lisa this is just full of sweetness and cuteness I adore that image and the colours/papers look totally gorgeous.
    Lorraine x

  28. What beautiful colours! Love that gorgeous burgundy!

    luv, Mags x
