
Monday 11 July 2011

Crafty Cardmakers - one layer card!

It was my turn to pick the theme for this fortnight's challenge at Crafty Cardmakers and I decided on a one-layer card!  Now I used to be absolutely terrified of making these, and I remember wailing at Chrissie and Mandi at Less is More when they had their first one-layer week... I've made quite a few of them now and I've found that I enjoy the challenge.  I'm still not convinced that my efforts are all that great, but at least they don't make me cry anymore lol!

I have of course made this card so that it also fits with Less is More, where this week's challenge is a one-layer card featuring something with legs!

I dabbed distress inks (in Broken China, Shabby Shutters & Faded Jeans) directly onto an acrylic block, sprayed the block with water, and then used this as a background stamp - an idea I've adapted from one of Vicky's fab creations a while ago.  I then used a heat gun to dry the background, and added a stamp from the  Flourishes 'kids at play' set (yes, that set again!), stamped in 'paris dusk' memento ink.  The sentiment is from the same set.  I finished with a light spray of iridescent 'spray & sparkle' over the stamped area, which gives it a subtle shimmer, but that's not showing up in the pic.

I'm also entering my card for the following challenges:

Ooh and look what arrived today...

The Daylight Company have sent me this daylight lamp to review - how lucky am I?!  It's all set up in my craft room already, and I'll be trying it out this afternoon :o)

I've got a poorly boy home from nursery today.  Dex has had a streaming cold all weekend and hasn't been sleeping very well so I thought I'd better keep him at home today.  All I've heard all morning is "I need my nose wiping mummy!", every few minutes... hopefully he'll have a sleep soon so I can get something done!


  1. Still not talking to you!! ;) Love what you've done with the background splatterage. Thanks for playing at cupcake this week. xxx

  2. This is beautiful, Lisa - very elegant and I love the colours you've used.

    Hope Dex is feeling better soon!

    Helen x

  3. It is very beautiful! Love this sort of cards! I wish I had at least one of the Silhouette stamps at my and all my cards would be like this one. Love it)

  4. Really beautiful Lisa
    Love the background you have created HAs a mystical quality
    Very pretty

    Thank you so much
    Diva LIM
    "Less is More"

  5. gorgeous card, good luck with the lamp x

  6. Beautiful card Lisa, I really like the distress ink effect you've used and the image is very pretty. Using the blue ink is an inspired choice. I'm off to sulk about not having a daylight lamp :(.

    I hope Dex feels much better soon, poor little guy. Colds suck.


  7. Great background and a terrific card... hope your little man will be feeling better soon!
    Thanks so much
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  8. From a dislike to a choice of OL cards...very impressed:)
    Lovely image Lisa and the background technique is one I've still to try:)
    Jenny x

  9. this is fabulous!!! I do LOVE the inky effect you have created! Hugs Juls

  10. Wonderful card, Lisa you really have rocked this challenge, good for you! Hope Dex feels better soon, Gay xxx

  11. Great card love the image and the background is fab !


  12. Cool idea for the background - love the colours. Jx

  13. love this, I think it is perfect

  14. Oh this is beautiful! I love how you've used the distress inks and the shadow image on top. Very creative and very effective!

  15. Hi Lisa,

    your card is really adorable, I just love the background you've made. Thanks for the inspiration!


    Lins :-)

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT LISA! You suit that arty style too, fantastic!

  17. Ahhhhhhhhh I love this gorgeous creation x
    I always squeal with terror when I see a single layer challenge but you have inspired me to have a bash at it !
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  18. Hi hun
    fab one layer card, great background & image, i quite likes doin them now! lol, oh how lucky to test drive the light, aww hope little one is soon better hun, sue,x

  19. Hi Lisa,
    Thought I pop by & say 'Hello' I'm seeing a lot of you around blogland at the moment. It may be something to do with being on the PFP DT together, but I am loving what I see! This is gorgeous. I love this image & the other playing kids cards you've made. To be fair, everything is look fabulous! Hope Dex gets better soon!
    Andie xx

  20. Well I think your efforts are stunning Lisa, beautiful colour choice and such an amazing design...thank you for sharing with us at Cupcake this week...two challenges...go you lol! :) Donna x

  21. Hi Lisa, what a lovely card!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  22. fantastic card lisa.i love the image, so beautiful :D
    have fun with the daylight lamp hun and i hope dex is feeling better soon :D

    xx coops xx

  23. Ooooh! Look at you with your daytime lamp! Hope it's fab - do let us know as I expect quite a lot of us have issues with light, especially in the winter.

    I love your beautiful leg card - great colours and lovely on the textured card base. Thank you for the mention although of course it wasn't my idea!

    Hope your poor boy feels better soon. I'm impressed that he asks to have his nose wiped - both my sons were certain that sleeves were invented for this purpose! Vx

  24. Beautiful OLC Lisa; I love the image. Hope little Dex feels better soon. xx

  25. Lovely card, love your background effect
    Beryl x

  26. This is gorgeous Lisa! I love your one layer cards..well all of your work, but honestly, this is just wonderful!

    Hugs, Kelly

  27. Hi Lisa

    I am still not comfortable with the total .. .. one layer thing!! Even two layers doesn't feel right .. LOL!!!

    You seem to have master the technique perfectly.

    Sorry Dex isn't well. Hopefully he will be much better soon.

    Love Jules xx

  28. Oh! Lisa, this is amazing, what a fab idea to make the background(1 I will be trying) Love the greens and blues and the gorgeous image. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration hun. Hope Dex feels better soon, bless him.

    Donna x

  29. Love your gorgeous beautiful card Lisa.

  30. A beautiful card, I love the image :o)
    Jackie xx

  31. FAB - LOVE your background technique


  32. stunning card. fabulous image. amazing x

  33. Hi! Such a gorgeous card... and two great challenges to have chosen! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Craft Challenges! Shelly x

  34. Cute card! Thanks for joining us for Sentimental Sundays Inky Fingers Challenge and I hope you join us again next time!


  35. Hi Lisa!
    Love your card! It's exactly what was wanted! Love the graphic quality and the spatters!

  36. Great card! Love the technique! Thank You so much for joining us at Sentimental Sundays this week. If you you have not already done so, you may want to hop over to my blog, as I am hosting a no-strings attached blog candy with many gifts to win. (Just scroll down to the blogoversary give- away, not the blogoversary.) I apologize if I already have sent you this invite.

  37. So lovely! I'm in awe of your ability with stamping direct onto a card like that!

  38. I love that image...I don't believe I've used it yet. It's so difficult to get a good solid inking...but you did a great job with it!! My Card

  39. Very nice card! Like the background with the girl.

  40. Oh wow! Your stamping is gorgeous! I hope Dex is feeling a bit better. My little Charlie has similar symptoms :-( Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  41. Your cards are stunning Lisa, this is beautiful!
    Hope Dex is feeling better? x

  42. Your card is GORGEOUS! I love your take on the challenge.

    Thank you for joining our Inky Fingers/Unconventional stamping challenge at Sentimental Sundays .

    Stop by my blog to check out my blog candy!

  43. Lisa, this is just gorgeous. Love the technique for the background, it's so ethereal.

    Lin xx

  44. Simply stunning card Luv Sue x

  45. Simply stunning card Luv Sue x

  46. I agree, this is simply beautiful!
    Helen x

  47. This.. is just BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE how you've created the background using the acrylic block - it brings so much to the card!!

    Such gorgeous colours and you've nailed the whole CAS and Less is More stuff!! No worries!

    Thanks for joining us over at Senitmental Sundays for our 'Inky Fingers' challenge this week. Good luck.

    xo, Lou Mac.

  48. Great card, love your background. Carol x

  49. Hi Lisa, what a simply beautiful card. I love the colours you've used and I wish my one layer cards looked like this! Thanks for joining us at cupcake craft challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  50. Hi, Lisa! Love the technique you used to get your background...sweet image...a wonderful card:)!! Hope your son is better:)!!

  51. Hi, Lisa! Love the technique you used to get your background...sweet image...a wonderful card:)!! Hope your son is better:)!!

  52. Wow Lisa, this is an amazing card. I was signed up to this challenge but completely lost my bottle.

    How lucky are you getting a Daylight lamp to review :)

    Love Mandy xxx

  53. A truly lovely entry for the Sentimental Sundays challenge Inky fingers.
    Tammy Louise
