
Sunday 8 May 2011

Less is More wk 14 - white on white

This week at Less is More the challenge is 'white on white', which I didn't think I was going to have too many problems with... you wouldn't believe how long I've spent faffing with my card though, and I'm not at all happy with it!

The photos are a bit rubbish sorry - it is white, not off-white.  I've cut the flowers on the cricut and then embossed them for a bit of texture.  The swirl was cut using a Sizzix die.  Sprayed the flowers and swirl with iridescent 'spray & sparkle' (much to everyone's disgust - hubby and both boys complain about the smell every time I use it!).  Scored some lines on the linen base card with my MS scoreboard, and added a sparkly button from my stash and a sentiment embossed in silver.  I thought it might do as a wedding card, but I don't think I like it enough!


  1. Spray and Sparkle and me haven't got on terribly well in the past. The nozzle became blocked and when I tried to unblock it, the complete contents of the can spewed out without stopping... so various areas in my craft room are delicately twinkled! I did manage to put a rag over it but not before much had escaped!
    I love the scored lines on your card, often I'm not a fan of them, but this looks great. The flower is super too.
    Thanks so much for joining us again!
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  2. fab card Lisa...I think this loos really classy and elegant!!


  3. Hi Lisa

    Your card is lovely .. .. I don't know what there is "not to like".

    I love your embossed flower and the embossed lines.

    Hope you have had a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  4. gorgeous effect - looks fab x

  5. Hi Lisa, I love it. Very elegant and love the beautiful flower you created. Love the embossed lines.

    Donna x

  6. Fabulous card - I love it

  7. the scored lines are a fab touch just lift a lovely card to a special card. XOXO Zoe

  8. Love it Lisa, very elegant.

    Kat xx

  9. This is really elegant. I love the sparkle and those scored lines are perfect.
    Caroline xxx

  10. Hi Lisa, Honestly I love this card, it's so elegant and pretty.xx

  11. Are you mad? It's gorgeous!

    Liz x

  12. Hi Lisa, I think it is really elegant and I would love to receive such a beautiful creation.

  13. What an elegant card, Lisa!! LOVE the scored lines!!!

  14. So very pretty Lisa! the white on white is wonderful!

  15. very elegant card Lisa!
    xxx Margreet

  16. This looks good to me, in fact I think its a stunner. Lobe the flower and embossed lines. Love Sheila x

  17. I don't understand why you are not happy with your card, it's so beautiful :o)
    Jackie xx

  18. This is such a gorgeous card - the flower is fab, especially like the added texture and the scored lines work really well. I really like it!!

  19. I think its lovely, really elegant. Mary x

  20. Your card is really pretty Lisa and very elegant, love the flower and the embossing :o)

  21. Beautiful, Lisa - the embossed lines work really well.

    I haven't had a go at this one yet - still thinking up some ideas!

    Helen x

  22. stunning card lisa.i love the white on white and the flower is beautiful :D

    xx coops xx

  23. That flower is beautiful! love the embossing :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  24. I love your scored lines behind your flower, it adds to the elegance. x

  25. I think it would be great as a wedding card, it is very elegant and I love it.

    Kath x

  26. Beautiful card, love that bloom!

  27. Lisa that is stunning, I love that white on white. with hug sShirleyx

  28. Hi Lisa,
    Wow I love this...looks very expensive.Really need to give these style of cards a go :) xx

  29. I think your card is lovely - I used the same two embossing folders on my own floral entry. If you used a couple less lines or maybe left the flourish off - do you think you might like it better?


  30. We're way too hard on ourselves sometimes Lisa! Yoour card is lovely. The scored lines really draw the focus onto the flower. Fab. x

  31. Isn't it funyy how we are not happy sometimes with something which evryone else loves. Less is more just isn't my style but I admire it so much in others and I love this card. I think you have the balance just right. I have a stamp giveaway on my blog. Marianne x

  32. Lisa, do I have to use my teacher's voice again?! This card is so modern, stylish, crisp and beautiful!! Write this out 100 times, lol!xxx

  33. Can't understand why you don't like this one Lisa, it's gorgeous! Love the flower fab scoring!
    Helen x

  34. Lovely card clean and simple yet so effective. Thats what LIM is all about. Sue x

  35. An elegant and stylish card all of it :)
    Sue x

  36. Hi Lisa, gorgeous card! I love the embossed lines. Sarah x

  37. I just wanted to tell you that anytime I need inspiration I come here! You are by far one of the most talented people out here in bloagland and for that I thank you!

  38. I just wanted to tell you that anytime I need inspiration I come here! You are by far one of the most talented people out here in bloagland and for that I thank you!

  39. Hi Lisa, what is not to like about your card! I can't believe how neat your score lines are, I can't do that at all they always go wonky somehow or other! Sarah

  40. this is amazing!!! So Luxurious!! I love it!! Hugs Juls

  41. So elegant - I love it!

  42. This is beautiful, Lisa!! Love the flower amidst the flourishes and scored lines...lovely!! Just found this challenge today...looks like fun!! This will make a wonderful wedding card...PRETTY!!

  43. Very pretty indeed. Love everything about it.
    Hugs, Sandra
