
Thursday 3 March 2011

Playing with the Cricut

Before I get on to my card, I have to say a HUGE thank you for all the congratulations messages yesterday - I really appreciate them all!

I've been playing with the Cricut this afternoon... I'm still at the 'let's hit this button and see what happens' stage really - I definitely don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'm having fun learning :o)  Apologies if it's all a bit boring while I'm playing with it!

I've cut the scallop card from 'Wild Card' at 5.75", the pink 'frame' from the same page... cut the spotty circle using 'Plantin Schoolbook', then cut the 'never enough cake' phrase and it's matching shadow from 'Once Upon a Princess' (yep, I've sneaked a couple of new cartridges into the house this week, they've gone unnoticed so far lol).  Added some punched flowers and pearls, and 'inked' the edges of everything with promarkers.  Not completely happy with it but it's not too bad!

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. Lisa this is lovely. I've had my Cricut for a few years now and must admit I do not use it enough!! Seeing this might just inspire me to get it out for more than just a few flowers here and there. Hugs Denise xx

  2. Just checked out your fab news form yesterday, well done you and well deserved. You use her images so well and I love the bright cheerful card below. Fab sentment too which made me smile. Great to see what you are creating with your Cricut too, very pretty. Marianne x

  3. Hi Lisa,

    I'm a bit behind with my blogs so have just seen your latest DT news.

    Congratulationsas this is really well deserved!

    Great card with the Cricut - I have to say you have done a lot more with your than I have with mine!!

    Looking forward to seeingmore of your digi creations too!

    Sharon x

  4. gorgeous!!!! Love how you have done the sentiment and the fantabulous dotty paper!!!! Hugs Juls

  5. Gorgeous card, Lisa! Fantastic colours and sentiment! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake and good luck! Delphine xx

  6. Hi Lisa this is lovely. Great colours and love the sentiment.

    Donna x

  7. Hi ya hun
    gorgeous card, fab colour combo, happy playing, sue,x

  8. looks fab, lovely colours x

  9. I love it Lisa! fabulous layout sweetie and great sentiment too hun :o)

    hugs Vicky xx

  10. wow ! what a fantastic card ! great shape !
    greetings, martina

  11. Hi Lisa I just happen to be watching Create and Craft who are showing the Cricut at the moment, I think you have done an excellent job with this one.
    Lorraine x

  12. Fab cricut card, love the spotty papers. And huge CONGRATULATIONS on your new DT post - Sally-Ann is amazing. x
    Sally. x

  13. Love your blog, there is so much cute eye candy everywhere to look at! lol Great card too, thanks for joining us over at FCCB!

  14. Well if you can produce such a lovely card when you don't know what you are doing, what are you going to create when you do know :o)
    Jackie xx

  15. gorgeous card lisa.the shape is fab and really sweet colours.i love how you have done the wording ;D

    xx coops xx

  16. Wow seeing this card makes me want to get my cricut out, it's lovely. xx

  17. Hi Lisa, what a pretty card. I love the gorgeous shape and the colour scheme is beautiful. Thanks for joining us at cupcake craft challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  18. This is fab! Love the flowers and the pearls :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  19. Love your card! Thanks for joining us at FCCB ths week!

  20. Lisa it's so good to see you creating with your cricut, I don't seem to find the time to do much with mine other than cutting mat shapes and flowers so I love it when you do something different. This is absolutely fab! Think I may need some new cartridges, lol!!


  21. Your card is so elegant! I think that you did a Fantabulous job. Thank you so much for playing along with as at FCCB this week.

    PS - I think you blog is super cute!

  22. Gorgeous creation and such lovely colours! Love the shape! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake! Shelly x

  23. This is so pretty! Love the soft colors. Thanks for playing with us at FCCB!

  24. So pretty! Thanks for playing with us at FCCB.

  25. What a lovely card! Those pearls are just the right touch. It looks like you are certainly hitting the right buttons on your Cricut!!
    Thanks so much for playing along at FCCB!

  26. How lucky you are to have a Cricut!! YOu seem to be having lots of fun creating and experimenting, and that's one of the joys of crafting, right? Getting to just play! I like the card and think it's cool how you did the letters.

    Michele R.(CA)
    LuvkittysFandF at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers
