
Thursday 24 March 2011

A couple of 'snippet' cards

While my mojo was having a holiday yesterday, I decided to give up on making 'proper' cards and see what I could make from my scraps.

I quite enjoyed myself, and will definitely make some more of these.  After a frustrating day where nothing seemed to be coming together properly, it was quite relaxing just to shuffle bits of paper around and see what happened :o)

As they're made from my 'snippets' this means I can finally join in with Jules' Crafty Snippet Challenge and I'm also entering them for Creative Card Crew's 'no stamps' challenge.  Although I'm not sure if the 2nd card qualifies as the sentiment is stamped.

Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday... I was obviously having a negative day and really appreciated them :o)


  1. WOW these are fab Lisa ..luv em!

    xx Lizzy xx :)

  2. brilliant idea, i keep meaning to do this but i always get distracted by pretty embellishments :-D

  3. Your mojo should definitely take a walk again if these are the kinds of cards you can produce - lol. They are great:) Hugs Denise xx

  4. Oh girl, these are so gorgeous!! I am loving the greens and I am a big fan of stars although I never think about getting them out that often...I wonder why?! HUGS

  5. Love what you've done with your scraps Lisa, 2 fab cards, I love the second one!

  6. such a fab way to use up your snippits!!!! I think Jules challenge is such a fab one!!...Love what you have done, so inspirational!!!

    Hugs Juls

  7. Fabulous cards Lisa,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  8. Fabulous Lisa! I keep meaning to join in with this too as I'm drowning in snippets! xx

  9. what a great idea, these look fab x

  10. Amazing what you can make with scraps, these are fab! Must have a rummage through my scrap box!
    Helen x

  11. wow- zers girl, your card is fabulous...LOVE the colors..

  12. Just wonderful hun....great layouts and dp's too...must try this myself lol..

    hugs Vicky xx

  13. Lisa these are brilliant cards hon!! Makes a pleasant change to not use stamps (although I'm not that brave, ha ha ha!!) Glad you had fun making them :o))

  14. Ooh! fab snippets Lisa. Love the papers and LO's. :o)

    Donna x

  15. Hi Lisa

    Lovely to see your snippet makes!!

    Both are gorgeous and lots of inspiration.

    I love messing about with just bits of leftovers. I think it makes you think differently .. .. especially when no image is involved.

    Pleased you enjoyed playing along and thanks for giving us all such great ideas.

    Love Jules xx

  16. Oh these are lovely! What a fab idea for using up your scraps! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  17. these are stunning i can't believe you said your mojo is on its hols as these look pretty amazing to me i really like them xx

  18. I love both cards. Great use of greens.

    Thanks for joining us at Creative Card Crew.


  19. These are fab Lisa and such a good way to use up your scraps of paper...brilliantly done :) Donna x

  20. Gorgeous creation dear. Love the colors too.

  21. fantastic cards lisa.fab papers and i love your fresh colours :D

    xx coops xx

  22. Oh I love both of these Lisa the designs on both look fabulous a great use of scraps.
    Lorraine x

  23. Its always amazing when you look in your scraps box and realise what papers you have . You have made some lovely cards with yours.
    I'm married to a second generation Pole. His dad came over during the 2nd WW, unfortunately my OH never learnt Polish which seems such a pity.
    x Tricia

  24. WOW - you've made a couple of lovelies here AND used your scraps into the bargain! Congrats. Came to see what you'd been up to after looking at Jules' blog.
    Hugs, Sandra
