
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Candy reminder...

I've already done one redraw and don't really want to do another... so if you entered my recent candy draw, could you please check this post and see if you were the winner!

Seem to have come down with some sort of sicky bug today and feel very yucky, so no cards today.  Typical when I've got loads that need to be made.  I'm trying to return all your comments, but really do feel off so I'm sorry it's taking a while to catch up.  Hopefully I'll be feeling better and get some crafting done tomorrow :o)


  1. I checked - I wish it was me - but it wasnt :-( Hope you are feeling better soon and get in the craft room

  2. OMG! What lucky peeps dont know they won? lol. x

  3. Just take it easy. Hope you feel better soon. Mary x

  4. Oh well if no-one wants it, i know of a good home it can go too ;o) (only kidding)

    Hope you feel better very soon sweetie!!
    hugs and xxx

  5. Sorry to hear you are not feeling to good. Take care of yourself and don't worry about visiting us xx

  6. Hi Lisa
    Sorry you are not well,take care and get better soon,no it's not me,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon xx

  8. Hi Lisa, Sorry to hear you're feeling icky hun. Hope you get better very soon. :o)

    Donna x

  9. I hope you feel better soon x

  10. whoohoo....the winner is ....ME....thank you Lisa....I sent you an email!

    Hope you feel better soon!
    xxx Margreet

  11. hope you are feeling better now and can get your cards done.
