
Thursday 9 December 2010

Still alive....

I'm still without internet and I'm sooo fed up!  I feel completely cut off.  We had no post for a week due to the snow, so our new router didn't arrive.  Post has started trickling through again over the last couple of days, but they don't seem to be delivering any parcels yet, so it's a bit of a nightmare really!  If the new router doesn't arrive tomorrow, we'll have been without internet for 2 weeks.... scream!

If any of my customers happen to be reading this, everything has been sent out (1st class recorded as usual) so fingers crossed it will all be delivered soon when royal mail catch up.

Things are a little bit stressful at the moment, as I can't do anything I need to do, I had my eldest off school for nearly a week so it was like the school holidays... and now I've got hubby at home because he's put his back out - he's a terrible patient so that's great fun...

I have everything crossed that the postie will bring the new router tomorrow, I think I'll cry if he doesn't!


  1. Aww Lisa, can't believe it hasn't arrive yet! I do hope you get it soon and you can get back to normal again. Hope hubby doesn't put on you too much either. Big hugs, Claire x

  2. Hello Lisa. Oh my goodness, you poor thing, you must be tearing your hair out. I hope it comes for you soon sweetie. Thinking of you and sending you a hug.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  3. oh Lisa...I feel your pain...we haven't had any post for over 2 weeks due to the snow and ice. The motorway was closed for a day and a half but I did get a Christmas parcel today so hopefully I will get all my online orsers soon too.


  4. Hiya Lisa!
    I'm sooooo sorry you still haven't got your internet hun, I would be pullig my hair out too grrrrr. Hope your router turns up soon and sending you big hugs, Vicky xx

  5. I hope that router arrives soon - what DID we do before t'internet? lol. Hope your hubby & 'eldest' are feeling better soon too x

  6. Sounds like a right nightmare! all sorted for you soon and hubby has a speedy recovery...xx

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope it arrives soon Mary x

  8. Hi Lisa, really hope your router comes soon. Missing seeing your fab creations. Hope your hubby's back gets better soon.

    Donna x

  9. Hi Lisa. Hope you are back with us soon xx Jenny xx

  10. oh no it's so awful! fingers crossed it will turn up tomorrow x

  11. Awwww Lisa, I really hope all is well soon hun, internet alone would drive me insane, fingers crossed for you, take care.xxxx

  12. So sorry to hear that you still have no internet! I can empathise. When we moved into our new house (5 years ago now) we didn't have internet for nearly 5 months!! I nearly went mad! Hope it arrives soon.

  13. You poor love Lisa, hope it wont be long before the router arrives and your back online. Keep your fingers crossed it comes tomorrow. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  14. Oh Lisa this is awful, poor you. I don't know what I'd do without my internet connection. I'd be lost now without blogging....and shopping of course lol!

    Kat xx

  15. Aww hunnie really hope your router turns up soon
    Just to let you know our invites are here hun thankyou i have a happy partner now hehe they are fantastic thankyou xxx

  16. Oh no! Hope it arrives soon! We all miss you :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx
