
Thursday 16 December 2010

More snow!

It's been snowing again today - nowhere near as bad this time, but I think there's supposed to be more over the next couple of days.  Morgan's had his last day at school today though, so at least we don't have to go anywhere if it settles.

Here's a card I've made using a stamp and sentiment from this month's club stamp set from Little Claire - available here.  I've coloured the image with promarkers.  Papers are some MME ones that were free with a magazine, with coredinations cardstock.  Finished with some black card candy - they look very strange in this pic, think it's just the daylight lamp doing that.

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:

Thought I'd add a pic of my very grumpy looking poorly boy Dex, snuggling up with the cat earlier today.  They looked quite cute together, but he said he couldn't smile for me!  He's seemed quite a bit better first thing, but by this afternoon he was being sick again, poor thing.  I'm shattered, been up half the night with him and his upset tum, and Morgan's still suffering with his cough, so he had me up as well.  I seemed to be back and forth with drinks, calpol and sick buckets non stop... hubby sleeps through it all!

Sorry if I've not managed to come and visit you in the last couple of days, I've not had much time.  Off to try and squeeze some commenting in now...


  1. AWW!! Lisa, what a really sweet card!! You said "snow" in your title...and then I saw this elephant spraying water!! LOL!! Too cute! Love that darling photo too!! :) HUGS

  2. Lovely card, beautiful photograph :o)
    We've had a bit of snow this afternoon which has settled on the fields and grass verges but not on the roads and pavements, thank goodness!
    Jackie xx

  3. Aaawww totally adorable Lisa! Super cute image and love the papers too!
    Hope your boys are better soon :)

  4. Hiya
    Lovely card and your son looks so adorable. Hope they both feel better soon.

  5. gorgeous card, hope everyone is better soon x

  6. How cute is that Ellie Lisa!, totally adorable and love the layout too. Hope Dex feels better soon hun and you have a better night sleep :o)
    hugs Vicky xx

  7. A very cute card, Ellie Lisa!
    Thanks for playing by Cutie Sunday


  8. Wow,
    your arc is wonderful.
    Thank you for playing Cutei Sunday.

    Hugs Nadine

  9. Great card Lisa - love the image. Aww what a shame he is still poorly, being sick is horrible - hopefully he will be better very soon and you can have a rest - isn't funny how men just seem to sleep through everything??? Hugs, Claire x

  10. fab card lisa.the image is gorgeous and i love the papers and colours.
    aw your little boy is so cute.i hope he is better soon;.nothing worse than having to be the one cleaning up :S

    xx coops xx

  11. What a darling photo!! I hope he feels better soon!

    Your card is darling! I just love the image and your design!! Great layout!

  12. so cute!!!! Loving the colours! Hugs Juls

  13. Gorgeous, beautiful card. Hope the little ones are better soon.

  14. Oh This is gorgeous,thanks for joining fab'n'funky this week

  15. Hi,
    a sweet card

    Thanks for joining in at Cutie Sunday this time.


  16. Hi Lisa. A gorgeous card with fab papers and a very cute image. Thanks for joining us at Fab'n'Funky xx Jenny xx

  17. I love this image :) Your card is amazing. Thanks for joining Cutie Sunday this week......

