
Saturday 18 December 2010

It had to happen I suppose...


I've got the dreaded bug that everyone's getting... I suppose with both kids getting it, it was bound to get me in the end!  I feel completely wiped out, and haven't done any crafting today.  The most I've managed is clearing some toys out of the living room and putting the tree up at last.  I've still got a couple of Christmas cards to make, and I still haven't posted any - wish I was the organised type!  Dex is still really poorly too, so the rest of the day has been spent cuddled up in the chair together, watching Toy Story and Cbeebies pantos.

So I'm just blogging a card I already made, using another new stamp from Little Claire - available to pre-order here.  Haven't got the energy to find any challenges so I won't bother entering any!  Hopefully I'll get round to visit some of you later though.


  1. oh Lisa...poor you. I do hope you feel better soon. I am off to put my tree up..totally disorganised too!!


  2. :o( Hope you feel better soon hon, especially in time for Christmas. Your card is fab, as always :o)
    Take care hon, ((( ))) Big 'Get Well Soon' hugs to you all

  3. Hi Lisa

    Sorry you are feeling bad, lot of it about - my daughter missed her last day of school yesterday because of it.

    Hope you feel better soon, take care.

    Hugs Ali x

  4. Aaaww hope you're all better in time for Christmas :)
    This is adorable Lisa, love the super cute image.

  5. Ohhh I hope you all feel better soon. Lovely card as well.

  6. Oh hun,I know how you feel I've just got over it but you feel so tired, hope your feeling better soon, love your card it's so cute, hugs Liz xx

  7. Aww Lisa, sorry to hear your poorly too. Make sure you try and get plenty of rest, not easy with two little munchkins to look after too and try and keep snuggled up warm. Love this fab card, the little claire ellies are just fab and boy do you know how to colour them.

    Donna x

  8. Arrh Lisa so sorry to hear you are poorly sick! i had it last week, its horrible, oh well at least it should be gone for christmas.
    Your card is just lovely!
    Get well soon hugs Di xxx

  9. Oh dear Lisa .. .. only found you this morning and already I am feeling so sorry for you.

    Not to worry .. you have plenty of time to get better ahead of the big Santa delivery day.

    Keep resting up, and watching lots of films.

    Oh to snuggle up on a chair with a "little one" again. Those were the days!!! Although it is best if they aren't poorly sick!!.

    You are doing better than I am .. .. my tree isn't up yet!!

    Love Jules xx

  10. Oh poor you! I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Love the card!
    Linds x

  11. Ohhh Lisa so sorry to hear your poorly hun :o(
    Hope you feel loads better soon and your card tonight is just the sweetest.
    Take care and wrap up,
    Big bugs Vicky xx

  12. sorry you are not feeling well!...Hope you will be a lot better soon!

    Your card is just so so gorgeous!loving the polka dot brolly! HUgs Juls

  13. This is super sweet Lisa! Love it! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  14. This is just so cute! Get to feeling better cause it's almost the "BIG" day for the kids and you can't be sick for Santa. Bet you enjoyed watching those as much as Dex. "Hugs" Carol

  15. Love your gorgeous card.

  16. Awwww Lisa, take care hun, you actually sound wiped your card, hope your soon well.xx

  17. Gorgeous card Lisa, such a sweet Elli and fab papers! Hope you feel better soon hun :) Donna x

  18. So sorry to hear you have been poorly Lisa, hope you feel better soon. Your card is lovely by the way!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  19. Hi ya hun
    aww i do hope you get rid of that bug soon, gorgeous card, super cute image, fab papers & design, luv the flutterby, sue,x

  20. Super cute card, hope you feel better soon.

    Liz x

  21. Thinking of you all - can only get better huh!.....take care...and try and get a little break somewhere....xx

  22. Hope you feel better soon - make sure you get yourself well so you can enjoy Christmas! Love your elephant card.

    Helen x
