
Saturday 20 November 2010


Well today should have been a busy day getting all sorts of things done... but I dozed off in the chair!  Oh dear, that means tomorrow I'll be panicking trying to do everything.

Soooo... as I've absolutely nothing productive to put on here, I thought I'd show you the top I 'made' for Morgan. He had to wear something spotty for Children in Need yesterday but apparently they don't sell anything spotty for boys (rolls eyes), it's all stripes.  So I started with a plain white t-shirt, added splodges of fabric glue and then covered them in different coloured glitter - it never gets used anyway because I always seem to grab the glamour dust instead!

Not the best pic as we took it in a bit of a rush before school - you can see the missing bits where my 'little helper' Dex had his fingers in the glitter too!  He cried when I cleared up all the sparkly stuff!


  1. What 2 handsome little men you have there and Morgans T-Shirt looks brilliant, love the glittery dots :o)
    hugs and xxx

  2. Aww Lisa, your boys are just gorgeous. Love the spotty T-shirt, you and your little helper did a fab job.

    Donna x

  3. How gorgeous!, your boys are soooo cute Lisa and you done a fab job on the t-shirt
    hugs Vicky xx

  4. Fab pic of your boys. Well done on the fab t-shirt.

  5. Aaawwww, an adorable piccie Lisa :o))

  6. Aww both so cute!! Good job crafty mum is on standby armed with her glitter xx Jenny xx

  7. Well Im sure your little son was having a rare old time with all that fabulous glitter, and your older son looks very smart in his spotty teeshirt, hope he had lots of fun. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  8. nice pic of your sons =)
    have a great weekend
    hugs xx

  9. AWW~~ What a pair of adorable kiddos!!! HUGS

  10. I had the same problem with finding something spotty for a boy...........jamie ended up with an old school shirt covered in feltip pen blobs, nothing like as good as this!

  11. Hi ya hun
    aww fabby pic, luv the t-shirt, looks fabulous, sue,x

  12. A beautiful picture of your kids and that T shirt is fabulous!!!
    Hugs xx

  13. BTW I have an award on my blog for you!!

  14. Fab top :-) George had to make do with spotty socks :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  15. What a brilliant idea, and it looks great. Your kids are gorgeous. Love your boxes up top too. xxx
