
Thursday 23 September 2010

Hairy monster... hopefully!

What do you think - does he look hairy?  This image (surely the cutest monster ever!) is from Pollycraft, and he just looks like he should have shaggy hair... so I coloured him with promarkers, added some shading and glow with koh-i-noor pencils blended with sansador, and then used the pencils to add lots of little furry bits.  Needs a bit of practice doesn't it, but I still quite like it :o)  Papers are Doodlebug, cardstock is coredinations, buttons from stash and computer generated sentiment.

This is another card for my son, who'll be 8 on Monday - this one's for my mum to give him.  I did it in purple because that's his favourite colour.  It's taken me all day to make and it's only a simple one - my 2yr old has a rotten cold and wouldn't let me do much, and he couldn't get to sleep at nap time either.  It's been a bad day all round really - my car's making a terrible noise and hubby thinks it's the exhaust... don't really want to risk using it tomorrow, so that means I'll have to do a 45 minute walk to school and back, morning and afternoon, all uphill on way there, pushing Dex's buggy (he'll walk some of it, but won't manage it all).  So that's something to look forward to!  Oh well, I suppose the walk will do me good....

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:


  1. I love this and he certainly does look hairy. Your colouring is brilliant, so no more practice required. Hugs, Claire x

  2. He's fantastic. Reminds me of Monsters Inc. Bet your son will love this card and enjoy the walk, hope the weather stays fine!

  3. What a fab card and, yes, he does look hairy!!
    Good luck at the demo, I'm sure you'll be fine :) Make sure you share your cards on your blog xx

  4. Wow isnt he a fantastic image, beautiful layout and colours.
    Chris x

  5. he does look hairy! fab colouring, love the bp's and lo x

  6. Owww, he's soooo sweet!

  7. Ohhhh he is the cutest monster ever and yes he looks very hairy Lisa!! Have fun walking tomorrow and keep my figers crossed for good weather :o)
    Hugs Vicky xx

  8. Love this card! He is so hairy he could do with a shave! Fab colouring and papers.
    Bummer about the car :-( bet you sound like a boy racer! Hope it's dry for your walk tomorrow..
    Linds x

  9. Oh poor you, sick toddlers are not fun! Hope the car is not too expensive. As for your hairy monster, he's awesome and you don't need anymore practice. Love the card, it's totally cool. xxx

  10. Wow he looks like the honey monster from Sugar Puffs in purple! Very hairy and scary looking but sure you wee fella will love him to bits! Sheila:)X

  11. Ha ha! I love this Lisa! A great image for a little boy and so wonderfully coloured too! Great layout and love those papers!

  12. WOW he's fab & hairy,lol you done a fantastic job with him Lisa...luv the card hun it's gorgeous xx Lizzy xx :)

  13. Fabulous hairy fella! reminds me of my hubby! xx Jenny xx

  14. I totally love this, and the fur looks sooo good, he's going to love it. hope the weather is good for your big walk tomorrow!

  15. Hiya, really cool card, fab colouring, Liz x

  16. Great coloring! You did a wonderful job on this cute "hairy" monster! Thanks for participating in the Creative Belli Challenge.

  17. I think his fur looks wonderful! Very fun. Thanks so much for joining us this week at Just Inspirational!

  18. Have you been looking at my legs for inspiration hun?! LOL! Brilliant monster, and he really does look furry, amazing colour work babes. Hugs, Sxx

  19. Fab card Lisa. Thanks for joining us at just inspirational xx

  20. Oh fabulous card Lisa, such an adorable monster and wonderful colours.

  21. wow,fantastic card lisa.the monster is brilliant and very hairy :)
    i love your colouring and fab layout :)

    xx coops x

  22. Oh what a fab card, I love that monster. Scary? No he's too cute to be scary :o)
    Jackie xx

  23. Hi Lisa!He sure is one cute monster and your fur effect looks fab! :)
    love the paper's and layout too
    have a good weekend!
    hugs amanda xx

  24. Hi ya Lisa
    a gorgeous hairy monster, fab colour work,great colour combo, lovely papers & design, have great weekend hun, sue,x

  25. this is so fabulous i love the design and the cute image. Thanks for joining us at The Creative Cottage and pollycraft, Tracy x

  26. He is one big hairy monster and lovely too x Susan x

  27. Hi Lisa, he looks a really cuddly creature hopefully it wont frighten anyone, fabulous card the papers are gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  28. Hi Lisa,
    Your cards are amazing hon, I love them all and your cardmaking style is right up my street!
    I wanted to say thanks so much for your lovely comment, although it's horrible to think that you and sadly others know only too well how Im feeling. Life is tough now and always will be, thank goodness for car making right?!
    Lots of love

  29. A fabuous card, love the colours and the sweet monster image.Thanks for playing with Charisma.
    xx Vee

  30. Awww! He's sooo cute! Love the colours you've used. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  31. I love the detailed fur you have given him and the colours are fab! Thanks for joining us at Pollycraft this week! Sheena xx

  32. Hi Lisa, He's my favorite monster! You did a fantastic job with him! He sure does look Hairy! Love the colors and the layout on your card. Your grandson will love this one!

  33. Woooooooooooooow!!! Love your coloring!! P.s. your one of our Pollycraft favorites this week ;)

  34. Yes he is cute especialy in purple. Thanks playing along with JI this week

  35. what a great cute card thanks for joining us at JIC
