
Saturday 30 September 2017

Basketball Owen - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Happy Saturday :o)

Today I'm sharing the card I made for Morgan's 15th birthday a few days ago.

Anything basketball related usually goes down well with Morgan, so I used Basketball Owen from DigiStamp Boutique.  I coloured him with copics and used the sentiment that's included with the image.  Buttons from my stash, and I can't remember what the papers are... will have to check later!

I'm entering my card for the following challenges
Simon Says - anything goes
Crafty Addicts - use a brad/ button
Addicted to Stamps - anything goes

I met up with an old friend this morning for a walk with the dogs (hers and mine that is, I haven't been daft enough to get another dog...).  We went to school together and lived on streets next to each other, but haven't met up since we were teenagers... so, some time ago lol!  She's got a very handsome dalmatian, and Chester played with him while we walked and chatted.  I was really nervous about meeting up, but it was so lovely to see her and the dogs are as silly and hyper as each other, so I'm sure we'll do it again.

Thanks for popping in, hope you're all having a lovely weekend :o)


  1. How great is this I must get for my nephew who has just started basketball.

  2. A brilliant boys card Lisa. Love your colouring and fab papers
    Lorraine x

  3. Love that fab image, will go down a storm Lisa, brilliant card...
    Nice to meet up with old friends, sounds like you picked up where you left off.....
    Enjoy your weekend...x

  4. Awesome card! The paper combo is great. Thank you for sharing your card with ATSM!

  5. An incredible card Lisa and sounds perfect for Morgan too. How lovely that you met up with a school friend and that your dogs got along too!! xx

  6. This is fabulous Lisa. Superb colouring and uber stunning style. Love very much!!
    Thank you...Sally-Ann xx

  7. Beautiful! Thanks so much for participating in The Crafty Addicts Challenge this time and good luck :)

  8. Love the pun sentiment, great papers and layering AND colouring as always. Can'tr believe he is 15 already.
