
Saturday 8 April 2017

Sweet Stampin' - mellow yellow

Hello at last!  Ooh I've got really bad at this blogging lark, haven't I?!

Today's card is for this week's challenge over at Sweet Stampin', where our challenge is 'mellow yellow'... one of my favourite colours so an easy challenge for me.

I popped up the yellow layer on foam pads with the sentiment behind it, to make a simple card a bit more interesting... but my biggest critic (Dex) said it was boring and I should add 'some beads or buttons or something'... so I did lol.

Items Used
Digi sentiment - NEW Large Brush Script Sentiments - DigiStamp Boutique
Flower - Single Daisies - DigiStamp Boutique
Colouring - copics
Paper - Simple Stories 'Sunshine & Happiness'
Buttons from my stash

Anyone else doing the dreaded dieting thing at the moment?  I've let the weight creep slowly on over the last few years, and keep saying I'll do something about it and never do... well I've been very determined this year, and have lost 18lbs since mid-Feb... there's a fair bit left to go though!  Lots of long walks and logging everything on My Fitness Pal - it seems to keep me on track when I can see exactly what I've eaten... oh and my Jawbone tracker (like a Fitbit) to keep me moving more.

Anyway... hope you're all having a lovely weekend so far.  Thanks for popping in :o)


  1. Lovely card Lisa! Love the daisy and ,of course, the buttons. Shhh, Dex was right but don't tell him :D.
    Well done you on losing all that weight!!! I'm sure you'll manage to get to the weight you want to be with that will power. Debra x

  2. Your cards are always worth the wait Lisa, life takes over sometimes.....this is really pretty....
    Congrats on the weight loss, it's SO hard I know, I never had a problem until my health began to fail and I also gave up smoking....but this year it's had to go before I do.....taking a while but I have now lost a stone and half, miles to go but fingers crossed....good luck'll do it...xx

  3. A lovely sunny card Lisa, buttons or not!! Really well done on your weight loss, that is some going. I am trying to shift a stone which has gradually crept up on me since hitting 50, I thought middle aged spread was piffle...turns out it's not!! xx

  4. Perfect CAS card Lisa, lovely design and beautiful sunny yellow!
    Wow, congrats on the weight loss...that's some going in such a short time! It's so not easy!!!

  5. Missed this one, fabulous sunshine card. Well done on the weight loss

  6. Loved your card Lisa. Georgie increasingly has something to 'add' to my creations of late. So funny as they get older, they get more opinionated! LOL. Gorgeous with or without the buttons hun. Hugs, Wends xoxo (I'm ignoring the weight thing, I'm stuck firmly in denial! Good on you hun, I need to take a leaf out of your book!)

  7. Beautiful card Lisa, love grey & yellow together. Well done on the weight loss, it's not an easy thing. Keep up the good work xx

  8. Gorgeous loving the yellow xx
