
Saturday 30 July 2016

Christmas in July - Sweet Stampin' Challenge

Happy Saturday :o)

Ooh I really must get back into blogging properly!  It's not that I haven't got cards to blog, I have... just got fed up with all my blogger issues and it put me off.  Maybe one day it'll sort itself out though, so I really should keep trying.

Anyway... we have a new challenge starting over at Sweet Stampin', and this week our theme is 'Christmas in July'.  We're sponsored by the fab Michele R Designs, who provided the DT with some lovely papers to use for the challenge.

Items Used
Stamps - Rockin' Robin - Clearly Besotted
(stamped in Memento Toffee Crunch & Espresso Truffle, with tummies and extra shading using Spectrum Noirs)
Papers & Bow - Christmas Time Collection - Michele R Designs
Santoro Mirabelle Pearl Charm (bow centre)

We're putting a trampoline together today... we've been at it for hours already but we're getting there!  We asked the boys what garden things they'd like for the summer, in an effort to get them off their games and outside occasionally, and they debated between them and decided on a trampoline and a basketball net.  I'm quite pleased as I'll be able to use the trampoline for a bit of exercise myself lol.  Chester (the dog) seems to think it's a new den for him to lay under though!

Thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Oh, I just love this card! Those robins are so cute. Fabulous stamping there Lisa and the papers are very wantable :).
    Great that the lads are eager to play outdoors, I'm sure they'll get you playing basketball too :). Debra x

  2. Love those sweet robins. Touch wood no blogger issues for me. Hooe the trampoline is up now

  3. Such a fab card the robins are perfect I love it. I hope you get the blogger issues sorted it works OK for me on my laptop but iPad forget it. In the meantime have garden fun on your trampoline Love and hugs Carole x

  4. A SUPER Christmas card, love the robins, great colours.

  5. A gorgeous card Lisa, love those cute robins and pretty bow.
    We've had a trampoline for a few's been worth every penny! Enjoy!
    Lorraine x

  6. Such a gorgeous card Lisa! I love how you've used the sponsor papers, they look fabulous and those sweet Robins are so cute! Love the paper bow with that sweet pearl centre. Gorgeous hun, truly gorgeous. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  7. Gorgeous papers and super cute robins on your fabby card :-)
    Big hugs, Kat xx
