
Thursday 16 June 2016

Thank You Cats - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello :o)

A simple teacher thank you card today, using one of the super cute new images from DigiStamp Boutique.

This one's for an order, so I still need to make Dexter's thank yous... which is always the way for me.  I still have to make the kids' Father's Day cards for Pav, but all my orders are done obviously... I'm never organised with cards I need myself!

Items Used
Image - NEW Thank You Cats - DigiStamp Boutique
Papers - LOTV (retired)
Pearl from my stash

My blogger issues are really starting to put me off posting at the moment... my last post took 12hrs to show up!  I like to craft during the day and blog in the evening, but if I do that my post will usually pop up around 3am... sigh.

Thanks for popping in, have a lovely evening (or whatever it is when my post appears!).


  1. Love the paper combination and your cute kitty image too. Do you schedule your posts or just publish when you have finished writing it?

  2. So so cute, love it. Your post only now shows up but sats just after 5 posting? I schedule all mine for mornings and touch wood they work

  3. Blogger does like to paly silly at times doesn't it.
    Your image is just the cutest and I love deep tones of the gorgeous papers.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  4. Really cute card Lisa! I love the card design with the circles and fab papers.
    Yep, Blogger is a complete pain as it does just what it wants to. I'm sorry you're having such problems with it :(. Debra x

  5. Gorgeous card Lisa love the image and fabulous paper's
    Dianne xx :)

  6. Super design and papers, great image.

  7. Oh dear, naughty blogger strikes again :-( Don't be put off though because we want to see your gorgeous creations!
    This image is great for a teacher thank you and I love the bright colours you used and the circle corner details are fabby :-)
    Big hugs, Kat xx
