
Wednesday 4 May 2016

Designer paper in a CAS style...

Hello :o)

Today's card is for this week's challenge at Less is More, where the theme is 'designer paper in a CAS style'... I might be back with another later in the week though, as this one isn't as nice as it was in my head!  I don't hate it though...

The white pieces are popped up with foam pads over the striped paper, and the flower was cut from some vertical blind fabric that my mum gave me ages ago (she makes blinds).

Items Used
Paper - Simple Stories - So Rad
Flower - MFT Blueprints 14
Thanks word die - Paper Smooches
Button & twine from my stash

I'm feeling a bit rattled at the moment... a woman was attacked on one of my regular dog walking routes, and I'm really not enjoying going for a walk now.  I went with a friend this morning (as we do every week), but obviously can't do that every day.  Even if I vary my route it doesn't help, as the path that the poor woman was dragged off links up to lots of other local fields/ woods... will end up walking in the evenings when Pav's back, but I like my morning walks.

Also... have any of you been having problems with Blogger?  For some reason yesterday's post didn't pop up on the dashboard until the early hours of this morning, and it seems to be doing the same today too.

Anyway... thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. This is gorgeous Lisa, love the design and my favourite flower die,
    Keep yourself safe.
    Lorraine x

  2. That's a great card, love your design and paper choice !

  3. Absolutely fabulous Lisa, love the design.
    Wendy xx

  4. Great the texture you used on your flower. Thanks for sharing at Less is More!

  5. I think your card is awesome Lisa despite what you think. It's full of beautiful elements, die-cuts, subtle colour yet totally crisp and CAS with yummy white space. Perfect take on the challenge. Thanks for sharing and playing along at Less is More this week. Sarah

  6. Love your card. The paper & flower go so well together.

  7. Your card is really effective. I love it. Be careful and stay safe x

  8. I think your card looks great! A wonderful CAS card design and some recycling of the blind fabric too.
    It must be frightening for you. Did the woman have a dog as the attacker may not hurt people with a dog? Can you get a personal alarm for some peace of mind?
    My scheduled post didn't post yesterday at all so blogger must be a bit crazy at the moment. Debra x

  9. Beautiful card Lisa
    Dianne xx :)

  10. I really like your card, it's a design I'll probably 'borrow'! Karen x

  11. Love this Lisa, the design is gorgeous!
    What an awful thing to happen to that poor lady and how horrid to be nervous of walking with your dog, but you're right to be cautious Lisa, take care!

  12. A very classy design Lisa, love that striped paper and gorgeous flower.

  13. This is a beautiful card, I love the "blinds" flower.

    Keep safe in your walks, what a worry.

  14. Stunning use of striped paper with the word die over. It looks fab! Great LIM entry :)

  15. Lovely design Lisa, I love the touch of hessian!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  16. I think this is fabulous, Lisa. And without the flower, great for guys too! Although some guys like flowers so that could work too. Love it!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More
