
Monday 2 February 2015

Without Words - Je t'aime

Hello everyone :o)

Well I'm a bit late, but I'm here with my DT card for this month's challenge at Without Words, where our theme is 'Je t'aime'... so we'd like to see all things lovey dovey!

I used a cute image from DigiStamp Boutique called Love You Mac and some random Doodlebug papers... My friend asked for a valentine's card for her hubby, and this little dog looks just like their dog Percy, so he'll be perfect.

I've managed to position a little bed for Chester in the doorway of the craft room, and even convinced him to sleep on it ;o)  So hopefully I'll be able to get a teeny bit more done from now on... I really need to work on him being left alone, but he just hates it and barks his head off the whole time.  We've tried ignoring the barking, feeding him in the crate, giving him a special treat when he's left, tv on, music on... I even bought an album that's supposed to calm dogs down, that didn't help either!

Thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. So cute Lisa and the colouring is just amazing on the dog. Black is so hard to do and he looks lovely and furry too!

    Sharon x

  2. Gorgeous & cute Lisa, love the lil' dog. Hope Chester lets you have some fun in the craftroom too hun.

    Donna x

  3. Gorgeous card, and I love the fact you bought Chester his own CD!!!

  4. Gorgeous card Lisa, so cute! Fabulous colouring!
    Wendy xx

  5. Awwwh, definitely worth the wait hunny, so gorgeous!
    Have you tried the away-for-five-mins-come-back routine? The time you are out of sight gets a tiny bit longer each time. He needs to work out that he's not being abandoned. Or you could let me look after him!! ;) xx

  6. Such a cute card Lisa, fab image. I'm sure Chester will improve through time. Carol x

  7. This is a very sweet and adorable card...yet at the same time it says Je t'aime. Looks wonderful.

  8. I love this image and your colouring is amazing Lisa, the papers are gorgeous too.
    hugs Sue xx

  9. OMGosh so super cute and I love your fabulous design and coloring.

  10. My Westie looked like this little pooch yesterday....hence she had to have a bath! Fantastic card Lisa. Puppy training is challenging but you will get there xx

  11. He looks fabulous Lisa, so beautifully coloured.
    Lorraine x

  12. Oh Lisa he's so cute I love him. and the design is wonderful.
    Debs xx
    {Debs Cards– my personal blog}

  13. Lisa this is too cute! beautiful colourwork on him! Jo x

  14. So cute, lovely card. Gail xx

  15. Is the CD "Who let the dog's out?" by any chance!! Sorry...couldn't resist. Suzy used to hate being left but we did as Squirrel suggested and left her longer each time. She soon got the hang of it especially as we left her without saying a word and then really went overboard when we returned. Love your card, Mac is such a cutie xx

  16. What a gorgeous image and card :o)
    Jackie xx

  17. Aaaaah what a super image & layout & poor you & Chester, I'm sure he will get used to it, Luv Sam x

  18. Very cute card and fabulous colouring of his fur. Gorgeous pics of Chester below too x

  19. Lisa, this is really precious!! I love how you've made this cutie look similar to your pup!! :) Hubby will love it!! HUGS

  20. Awww this is SO cute Lisa… what an adorable image and I love the fab papers and shapes that you've used…. gorgeous colours! :-)
    I hope Chester settles down for you
    Have a lovely evening!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  21. Wow what an amazing card and the colouring is fantastic !

  22. Absolutely gorgeous card Lisa love, love that cutie image also the lovely vibrant colours, super make.
    lorraine x

  23. Je adore cette carte voeux! I couldn't resist doing some of my comment in French, thank goodness for Google translate, lol. Your colouring is superb as black is so difficult to colour and the image is really sweet.
    The advice about leaving for increasing lengths of time sounds good but they sell calming plugins too although that's more cost if they don't work. The vet's nurse told me to buy them online as they were cheaper there than their surgery, not sure her boss would be cuffed if he knew she was telling his customers that though. Good luck with little Chester. Debra x

  24. Oh, the French just says I love your greeting card. Debra x

  25. So adorable and beautifully colored image!

  26. Stunnning colouring on that image Lisa! Love the bold papers and fab layout. Grabbing a moment where I can to do some commenting. Not many of those moments lately. Hope you're well. Hugs, Wends x

  27. Agree totally with Squirrel regarding leaving Chester. You could also try leaving him with an old t-shirt that you or Pav has worn, so that he can snuggle into that. xx
