
Monday 19 January 2015

Birthday Wishes Brother...

Hello everyone :o)

You might have noticed I haven't been around much!  I'm finding the whole puppy thing pretty exhausting really... have managed to make about a third of a card since we got him and starting to get a teeny bit frustrated now!  Other people seem to carry on as normal when they get a puppy, but I can't make a thing while he barks at full volume in the background.  We're all completely besotted with him though!

So here's another card I made before Christmas, for an order.

The dragon was a Silhouette file cut on the Cameo, sentiment stamps are Stampin' Up and the papers are First Edition textured ones.

And here's a couple of sleepy Chester photos...

 A few of you have asked if he's a Cocker Spaniel, he's actually a Cockapoo, but not an especially curly one.  He'll probably look quite different when his adult coat comes through.  He's now 9wks old and knows sit, stay (not for very long) and paw, he's getting the hang of toilet training when he feels like it (he prefers the rug and isn't keen on the cold!), and he sleeps through the night after a few minutes of extreme barking... every time I see the neighbours I apologise, although they claim it isn't bothering them.  I'm sure it will if it carries on much longer though!

It was my birthday last week and I had some lovely cards from some equally lovely blogging friends - thank you!  I'm getting a set of Inktense pencils with my birthday money, but there's no rush to order them seen as it'll probably be weeks before they get used properly... oh, and I've already ordered a copic carrying case, in the hope that I can do a bit of colouring downstairs... well you never know eh?

Thanks for popping in, hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. A really unusual card but a fab one, love those papers backed with black card it is very striking.
    Chester will probably calm down soon, do you let him in your craft room with you for company? He might be ok if he can see you. It's like having a new baby again isn't it - very demanding.

  2. Lovely to see you Lisa!! Great man card too, love the shape of the dragon. I don't believe that beautiful sleeping pup can be such a time waster...just look at him!!? Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday xx

  3. Oooo what a fabby dragon & a great layout too.

    Aaaaah Chester looks so adorable, I better appreciate Whisper even more then, as she sleeps for most of the day,but then she is 16 years old ;-), Luv Sam x

  4. I'm sure you'll get into routine and get more crafting done after awhile. Chester sure looks sweet - and quiet - in these photos...
    Nice male card, can't tell whether the card is more pink, grey or brownish, but I actually think all these colors work for a masculine card, even pink!

  5. A fabulous card Lisa, brilliant design.
    Chester looks adorable.
    Lorraine x

  6. Great card Lisa. Love lil, Chester, he is so cute.

    Donna x

  7. What a fabulous image and designed card Lisa. They do tend to take up a lot for tie these pups but like you say - worth it.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon. X

  8. A fabulous male card Lisa. Chester looks adorable and I'm sure he'll soon settle down. Carol x

  9. Such a fabulous card Lisa.
    Chester looks so cute, sounds like hard work but worth it!
    Belated birthday wishes, I am pleased you had a good day.
    hugs Sue xx

  10. Happy belated birthday wishes. Chester looks so cute. I know how hard it is to craft with a puppy, it does get easier.
    I have some Inktense pencils for sale, they are new, just that I had a few then my Hubby bought me a tin for Christmas and I already had some colours. If you are interested I will let you know what colours I have. Hugs Gail xxx

  11. fun!! Loving the dragon!! Hugs Juls

  12. Fabulous card and lovely puppy pics :o)
    Jackie xx

  13. LOVE this card! Simply brilliant!
    And the puppy is just adorable too. x

  14. Glad to hear you had a lovely birthday! Your card is perfect for a guy and I love your adorable puppy!

  15. Your card is amazing, Lisa! Such a wonderfully dramatic silhouette! Little Chester is such a sweetheart I know how hard work they can be but it does get better. Honestly!! xxx

  16. Dramatic card Lisa, great papers and layout too, LOVE it.

    Chester is so cute and yes the barking will stop, you have to show him it's wrong though and he will be the most fabulous companion. We had a cross Border Collie and Springer Spaniel, everyone told us as she was a "2 working breed" dog, she would be hard to handle, in her we had the very best dog we have ever had and miss her everyday.

    Keep at it, but he has to know you are the boss and all will be well. Ignoring him is a great tip, (until he does something wrong) and then you can get on with crafting, he'll be sitting at your feet.

  17. A fabulous card Lisa... and a very cute puppy!!

    Christine x

  18. Hahaha, just seen this!!! Love the little angel! (and the card!)

  19. Happy belated Birthday - I hope you had a lovely day! Your card is fantastic - such a unique and striking design! Love the cute photos - he looks so sweet and innocent there!

  20. Brilliant make card, gorgeous puppy photos and happy belated birthday x
