
Wednesday 3 September 2014

Christmas Tweets - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello everyone :o)

I'm here with my DT card for DigiStamp Boutique, using another fab Christmas image, this one is from the Christmas Tweets set... ooh, I'm on a roll now with the Christmas cards!  I must have at least 6 lol.

I'll pop back later with product links, haven't had chance to do that bit yet!

Here's a pic of Morgan, looking far too grown up, ready for his first day at 'big school' this morning... 

He's had a great time... I've been a nervous wreck all day!  Not helped by him getting off the bus at the wrong stop on his way home, but I found him and all was fine in the end lol.

Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Great card Lisa, I can't really get into Christmas card mode just yet but have tried. I think the weather's too warm but I'm not complaining!
    Your son looks grown up in his uniform. Brace yourself, high school goes faster than primary school!
    Sharon x

  2. Adorable card Lisa - love the colours.
    Morgan looks so handsome (and grown up) in his smart new school uniform.
    Debs xx

  3. Super card. Your son looks great b4 starting big school today- glad to hear the day went well x

  4. cute card, Lisa!
    And very handsome young man! :-)

  5. A really cute card, love that set of Christmas birds and you colour them so well.
    Hope both boys had a great first day back to school.

  6. gorgeous Christmas card Lisa - and doesn't Morgan look grown up! Fab picture! Hugs rachel x

  7. Great card Lisa, actually it is too nice as now I want to go and buy that image lol! Glad Morgan got on well at school today. Grace goes back tomorrow, not looking forward getting back in the school rountine!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  8. Gorgeous card Lisa, stunning colouring of the sweet image to match those beautiful papers.
    Such a fabulous photo of Morgan, i am pleased his day was okay.
    hugs Sue xx

  9. Such an adorable card Lisa...and I'm pleased Morgan had a good day. x

  10. Gorgeous card, great colours. Lovely pic too x

  11. Awww what a cutie! Fabulous colouring Lisa and a great design, whoever gets one of your cards at Christmas will love it.
    Morgan is a good looking lad in his uniform. I'm so happy for you that he had a great first day at school. I hope Dex has/had a good day back too.
    Debra x

  12. My goodness, he looks so self assured and handsome! And isn't that a good place to be when you are starting at a new school.
    Your card is a sweetie. Great design!

  13. They grow up so fast Lisa , your card is so sweet an adorable image.
    Chris x

  14. They grow up so fast Lisa , your card is so sweet an adorable image.
    Chris x

  15. Great card, glad Morgan enjoyed his first day .

  16. Adorable sweet Christmas card. You son looks so grown up.

  17. Such a fab card. Love it!
    And my son started high school yesterday too. But luckily he had his big sister to get him there and back, lol.
    Hasn't stopped him losing both his tie and his planner already though... *sigh* x

  18. Fabulous cards since I was last here Lisa... love the dancing man on your last one... and this fabbie Christmas creation!

    Lovely pic of Morgan... certainly a handsome boy in his uniform... and I know that feeling at the end of the hols... I hated it and was always shedding a tear at the school gate!

    Christine x

  19. A gorgeous card Lisa. The image is so cute...need!! lol!!

    Morgan looks so grown up, glad he had a good day.
    Lorraine x

  20. Oh my this has to be the cutest xmas card of the year. I LOVE IT!!! It's just adorable and I love the colours.

    Morgan looks fab in his uniform. Great photo!

  21. Great Christmas card - love those papers (i.e. NEED those papers!) and the image is properly cute :-)
    I am way earlier than usual with starting my Christmas cards but you are still beating me with 6 made!

    Your little man looks so lovely in his uniform but the question is was it still so clean and tidy at the end of the day?!

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  22. so gorgeous lisa.really sweet image and i love your papers and colours.
    morgan looks fab in his uniform, i hope he is enjoying high school.

    xx coops xx

  23. so gorgeous lisa.really sweet image and i love your papers and colours.
    morgan looks fab in his uniform, i hope he is enjoying high school.

    xx coops xx

  24. A gorgeous card, I love how you've coloured this cute image - perfect with these beautiful papers!
