
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Cocktail Imogen - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello everyone :o)

I'm here with my DT card for DigiStamp Boutique, using another of those gorgeous new grown up girlies...

Isn't she fab?  I don't think you can really tell from the photo, but her dress is covered in Wink of Stella and is lovely and sparkly.

It's been a bit of a worrying day today... I found a lump.  I wasn't sure if I'd even mention it on here, but here I am blabbing about it, so it looks like I am!  Hubby took the day off (his mum has terminal cancer, so we're probably more prone to worrying about these things than most)... I've seen the nurse today as there were no doctors appointments, but she doesn't know what it is so I'm booked in to see the doctor on Friday... she didn't think it looked sinister though.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary, and Pav had booked it off as a surprise... so I don't think I'll be blogging tomorrow.  I might drag him off to the cinema while the boys are at school.

Hopefully I'll be around for a bit of a commenting catch up later... hope you have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Great card.
    I know it's easy to say but try not to worry too much, it might not be anything serious.
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary too
    Sharon x

  2. Love your card Lisa, great colours to compliment the great image. Well done for getting the lump checked out Lisa, it'll be worth it just to hear that it's nothing!! Have fun at the snogging in the back row though even if it is your anniversary!! xx

  3. A fabulous 40th card - love the image and the fab colours you have used. Hugs, Claire x

  4. Love your bright fun card, but sorry to hear you've been worried. Get yourself checked out, and I'm sure they'll put your mind at rest. I've had cysts which feel like lumps and they either go away by themselves or have to be drained, so fingers crossed it could be something like that. Let us know how you get on. And hope you enjoy the flicks. It's been years since I've been, but it's a lovely treat. Enjoy your anniversary.

  5. Gorgeous card Lisa - stunning colouring of that beauty :o)
    Do try not to worry - hopefully it will be nothing but great that you are getting it checked out so soon.
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow - enjoy :o)
    Just doing a quick catch up since my holidays.
    Debs xx

  6. Lovin' what you've done with this fab image. As the girls have already said, well done for getting yourself an appointment straight away. Most lumps are nothing to worry about, I'm told, so I'm sure everything will be fine on Friday. Be sure to let us know how you get on. Have a lovely anniversary with Pav. Sending a huge hug xxxx

  7. Love this image Lisa and beautifully coloured. The papers and design are gorgeous.
    It must be a worrying time for you Lisa but I am sure the nurse will know what to look for and is correct with it not being sinister.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow and all the best for Friday.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  8. Another beautiful card Lisa x

  9. A fabulous 40th card Lisa, the pink and orange combo looks great. I can only reiterate what everyone else has said - it is good that you got checked out early and that these lumps usually turn out to be nothing at all so try not to worry. Have a fab time tomorrow too.

  10. Hi Lisa, this is a fab image, I think I maybe making a purchase soon lol! Your card is gorgeous BTW!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  11. Gorgeous card as usual Lisa! Fabulous image on a great layout.
    So sorry you've had this praying on your mind but getting checked out is the best thing. With Pav supporting you you'll be fine. As the others have said these things are usually nothing to worry about. Have a lovely anniversary and trip to the cinema it'll take your mind off it. Keep us informed so we can be here for you if you need us. Sending you a big hug Debra x

  12. Gorgeous card Lisa, I love the image and beautiful detailing.
    I can totally understand how worried you must feel but I am sure the nurse is right in thinking it's nothing sinister and seeing you doctor on Friday will put your mind at rest.
    Happy Anniversary for tomorrow, I hope you have a wonderful day.
    hugs Sue xx

  13. Fabulous card. Gorgeous image.

    You've done the right thing by getting it checked out. Hopefully your mind will be set at ease.

    Susan xx

    PS happy anniversary for tomorrow x

  14. gorgeous card Lisa - great colours - glad you're getting the lump checked out - better safe than sorry - hope you have a fabby anniversary tomorrow too! Big Hugs rachel x

  15. LOVE it Lisa! So know which gal pal I'll be using this image for!! ;) Love your gorgeous layout and papers. The pink and orange is fabulous together and the black accents just the right finish. Fabulous card hun. Hugs, Wends x

  16. Hmm, I should really read the blog before commenting! Babes, that is worrying!! I'll be thinking of you and sending loads of positive energy your way for a good result from the test. Love and hugs for this difficult time hun. I hope you and Pav can have a happy anniversary despite this worry. Love, Wends x

  17. Fabulous card Lisa :o)
    I hope the lump turns out to be nothing much at all, sending positive thoughts and hugs.
    Congratulation on your wedding anniversary.
    Jackie xx

  18. Gorgeous card, Happy anniversary and enjoy the pictures.
    Hope things work out ok glad you are getting it checked. Gail xxx

  19. Oh no, Lisa, how worrying for you. I’m sure everything will be fine but it’s best to check these things out. Hopefully you can enjoy your anniversary without it bothering you too much (easier said than done I would imagine).
    Gorgeous card! Perfect for all us 40 something’s who still like to think we’ve ‘got it’!!! :) Big hugs! xx

  20. It's totally understandable that you are worried Lisa, we all would be, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for you; probably it's just a swollen mammary gland (I once found a lump, too, turned out it was just the gland). Your card is stunning, truly perfect for somebody's 40th birthday, very festive! Take care, hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  21. Gorgeous card Lisa, fab image.
    Caz x

  22. Wonderful girlie card just love everything about it fabulous Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

  23. Great card, Lisa, I'm loving these new DSB images! Get your lump checked, you won't feel settled until you do, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about; I had a lump a few years ago, ended up having a fine needle aspiration - which sounds MUCH worse than it was, so don't be alarmed if they want to do that - it proved to be a cyst, and harmless. Happy Anniversary to you and Pav, Donna xx

  24. Cheerful colors and a fun design!
    This image is great for a youthful grown-up woman. I'd love to some of these in a masculine version as well...

  25. What a fun kicky card. Try not to fret yourself silly over the lump. It could be something not sinister as you say. Expect some extreme squishing to come soon.

  26. Hey you. Hugs xxx

    Love the colours on this gorgeous card xx

  27. You must be worrying yourself daft! Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.
    Happy Belated Anniversary!
    Oh yes, and a gorgeous card too!
    Lorraine x

  28. She is indeed fab and so is the card - love the zingy colours and perfect layering and flower placement - it's just spot on for me!
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  29. so gorgeous lisa.fabulous colouring and i love the fab sassy image.
    i hope all goes well at the doctors, try not to worry.

    xx coops xx
