
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Sketchy Flowers - DigiStamp Boutique DT

Hello!  Sorry to have been so quiet this week... I've still been crafting, but I just haven't felt like blogging anything... We've all had this nasty cold, and then yesterday was the anniversary of our 2nd son's stillbirth.  I've had a very negative tearful week, and thought I just wouldn't inflict myself on you all!

Sooo... I shall try to get back to 'normal' from now on, although I must admit I'm feeling quite uninspired and negative about my cards too....

For today's card I've used one of the fab new Sketchy Flowers images from DigiStamp Boutique - there are loads of gorgeous new images this month!

Items Used
Digi stamp - Sketchy Flowers - DigiStamp Boutique
(image used twice, one of them flipped)
Heartfelt Paper set - DigiStamp Boutique
Sentiment - Mother's Day set - DigiStamp Boutique
Pale pink glitter & gems from my stash

I'm very behind with all your blogs, so I'm off for a little catch up... Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. Hi! such a pretty card,special wishes to you Lisa and your family too.Bless I know what you mean a bit,I have been trying so hard with my colouring and just feel I am not getting anywhere.Wow you have over 1000 followers that's fantastic :))) I have blogged for 3 and half years and don't think I will ever get to that.At times I have nearly given it up,your work is very lovely.
    take care,enjoy creating :))

  2. Sending you a huge hug xxxxx

    Love you card x

  3. Sending you a HUGE hug Lisa! You're very hard on yourself as you're bound to feel low as the anniversary comes round each year. I hope you feel better soon.

    Your card is as brilliant as always! If I could only do half of what you do I'd be happy!

  4. Hi Hun,
    I am sending you a huge hug too...sorry you've still got that bug...and you feel so down too, this card is a beauty, as all your cards are.
    Biggest of hugs,

  5. lovely card - thinking of you all and sending hugs xx

  6. Sorry to hear you are feeling so down, Lisa. It's a very sad time of year for you, and feeling ill doesn't help. I do hope you feel better soon.
    Your card is absolutely beautiful.

  7. Gorgeous card Lisa.
    Sending yo big hugs at this very difficult time. Sue x

  8. Thinking of you sweetie...and sending a mahooosive hug your way...

    take care my lovely...Vicky xx

  9. Your card is gorgeous hun and sending big XXX your way!
    XXX Heidy

  10. Aww sweetie, don't feel negative - we all have low points and understandably you have had a tough time of late, but this certainly has not reflected in your cards as they are still as brilliant and creative as ever. This one is no exception, this is a stunning card. Take care hun. Hugs and love, Claire xx

  11. Your card is just beautiful Lisa - sending out big crafty hugs to you hun :) xx

  12. Hi Lisa, always when I visit your blog I get really inspired. Your work is so beautiful and special! I hope you'll feel better soon.

  13. Aww I'm sorry you are not feeling good Lisa…
    your card is beautiful hun! I love the pretty paper and the flowers look fab with the nail heads and touches of glitter! :-))
    Sending lots of love
    Huge Huggies!
    Sue xxx

  14. hi Lisa your card is beautiful, sending you a little hug, hope it helps, x carol

  15. Oh big hugs to you honey - you can inflict yourself on me ANY TIME! I hope you are feeling a bit more upbeat now. And this card is gorgeous - you are so good at CAS as well as all the other styles you are brilliant at!

    Mary xxx

  16. This is gorgeous Lisa, very elegant and pretty. Lovely image.

    These images are always difficult and of course you feel a bit low this week. I know that having other children doesn't really make up for the one who wasn't meant to be.

    Hope you're feeling a bit better. Lots of nasty colds around, one of my colleagues still feels awful after nearly two weeks.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  17. Hi Lisa.
    My heart goes out to you, sending you big hugs.
    Your card is gorgeous. I really love the delicate design and beautiful colour.
    Take care
    Hugs Sue

  18. Lisa dont apoligise you take the tme you need yesterday was my sister's birthday she would have been 45 cant believe it has been 5 years but still just as difficult. Beautiful card and sending a great big hug. xx

  19. It can be tough sometimes, stay strong. Lovely card x
    Thanks for comments on my blog and taking time to look Carole x

  20. Lovely card.

    Sending you much love and hugs xxxxx

  21. Such a pretty card Lisa! Sending you bug hugs, hun......thinking of you & yours.
    Hugs Jo x

  22. A beautiful card Lisa, hope you're all better soon. Take care at this difficult time hun.

  23. This is a beautiful card Lisa. The image is gorgeous as are the papers.
    It is understandable that you feel low at the moments. My thoughts are with you. Hope you feel better soon.
    Hugs Sharon x

  24. I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling Lisa, my thoughts are with you and I'm sending you a BIG hug.
    Your card is gorgeous as always. The flowers look fab and I love the pretty paper.
    take care
    Lorraine x

  25. Hi Lisa sending big huggles .. Just blog when your ready, take all the time u need 4 yourself. Love your card hugs Juls

  26. Sending you crafty hugs across the ocean! Hope next week is better...It is a hard time with remembering your dear little sona and it is OK to be a bit teary. It was a sad loss and it is OK to grieve...

    Your card for your MUm is does not look like you have lost your mojo to me.

  27. gorgeous card lisa.really love the patterned paper and pretty flowers.
    sending you lots of hugs and i hope your cold goes soon.

    xx coops xx

  28. Sending hugs to you and the family Lisa {{{{{hugs}}}}}
    What a beautiful card, it is just perfect :o)
    Jackie xx

  29. Your card is gorgeous Lisa. You 'inflict' yourself all you want, thats one of the most wonderful things about blogland: the support and love and friendship is here for each and every one of us. Big hugs, Jo x

  30. HI Lisa... Love your card... simple and perfect... it's fabulous.

    So sorry to hear that you're feeling down... but can understand your reasons... and you're ALLOWED to feel that way. And the only good thing about feeling down... is that the only way is up.. (song cue there?? LOL)... so keep your eyes on the other side and you'll soon be there... Believe me, I speak from experience.

    Big hugs to you and hope you're feeling slightly better today..
    Christine x

  31. Hi Lisa, this is just a stunning card, I love the image and your paper choice.
    No one understands the loss of a child unless you have done yourself, and having lost my son at 6 months to Leukaemia and that was 48 years ago its still hard and the anniversary is always painful. hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  32. Anniversaries of tragic events are so terrible to live through, so my thoughts are with you.
    Your card today may be Cas but you really do have a flair for them Lisa. Great image and perfect for mother's day
    Eileen x

  33. Hi Lisa. Love your card. Stamping directly on the patterned paper looks fab. I hope your week is getting better. x

  34. It's a beautiful card Lisa, so pretty! I can't imagine how hard it must be for you at this difficult time, take care!
    Helen x

  35. It's only logical that your feelings are getting in the way at times like this Lisa... Hope things will start looking better for you next week... Your card is lovely with all the tiny hearts. Big hugs, Ira xox

  36. Aww thinking of you at this sad time sweetie. Hope you all feel better soon too. This is gorgeous, love that image xx

  37. I am sure that if we were all able to - we would come round and give you the biggest of hugs!!
    don't be so hard on yourself Lisa. anniversaries are always hard. been there myself and you do tend to feel a bit low and down - and also with you being under the weather too - that isn't going to make this time any easier.

    hugs to you. always.

    love the card. fab colours x

  38. Hi Lisa, just thought I'd let you know I was thinking of you; Hope your inner sunshine comes back soon, Donna xx

  39. Thinking of you and sending you and your family BIG hugs.

    Love this card, the image is fabulous. Am going to have to buy these now after seeing your stunning card!

    Love Sheila x
