
Thursday 18 October 2012

Roller hockey...

Hello everyone :o)  Sorry to have been such a rubbish blogger over the last couple of days.

We had some horrible news on Tuesday - the little kitten who was supposed to be coming to live with us died, in not very nice circumstances, before we even got to meet him.  The boys were so upset, and my heart just wasn't in blogging at all, so I'm afraid I've got a bit behind with commenting on all your lovely blogs.

However, we managed to find someone with a little ginger boy who needed a home... and he's now here, asleep in his little bed, safe and sound :o)  We've called him Boris, he's 8wks old and gorgeous!

So... onto today's card, which is for an order - they wanted something with a 'roller hockey' theme, and I looked and looked, and discovered that roller hockey images just don't exist (someone's going to show me one now...), so I've adapted an ice hockey one from Bugaboo.  It's for a 13yr old, and I'm really hoping this will be ok!

Items Used
Base card - 6" x 8" made from Papermill white hammered card
Digi Stamp - Hockey Nut - Bugaboo Stamps
Colouring - promarkers & flexmarkers
Papers - old ones by Doodlebug
CC Designs Curly-Q border die
MFT dienamics corner die
Gems from my stash

I'm entering my card for the Stella Says Sketch challenge at Catch The Bug.

And here's a little photo of Boris :o)

Hope you all have a lovely evening!


  1. Ahhh that is so sad about your original kitten, and I completely understand why you were all so upset, but your new little addition looks so cute and I detect maybe a little bit of mischief in that face too!

    I love your card as well and I think the adaptation from the original image is a really clever idea.

    Sharon x

  2. Your card is great - I love the roller amendment!!!

    Sorry to hear about your kitten, but it looks like you've got a lovely little boy in Boris. I have a ginger and he is the naughtiest and most lovable baby boy cat I've had. He's so affectionate and seems to fear nothing. Boris looks so adorable. I want to snuggle him. He's gonna be spoilt, I can tell. He's already got someone wrapped around his little paws! LOL

  3. So sorry to hear about the poor little kitty but so glad you found Boris who looks totally adorable.
    Love your card - such a fun image and great papers.
    Denise xx

  4. So sorry to hear about the kitten very sad.

    Love your card the image is fab. Caroline xxx

  5. So sorry to hear about the other kitten but Boris looks lovely and he looks loved and adored too. Hugs, Amanda x

  6. Another fabby card Lisa. Great image and I love the wheels on his roller skates!
    So sorry about your original little kitten, this one looks like he's going to be a right handful of mischief!!lol, very cute with it!!
    Lorraine x

  7. Aaah that's so sad about the other kitten, but i'm glad you've now got Boris, and i'm surprised you weren't into blogging, i wouldn't have been either.

    Am loving how you have adapted the image into wheels, Luv Sam x

  8. Hi Lisa, it's so incredibly sad about your original kitten - I saw what you posted on Facebook and can't believe that people would let that happen, however it does look like you've found yourselves the most adorable little chappie in Boris!

    He looks so dinky!! Yep can see him being a bundle of 'fun'!!!

    Fab card as well, great image and brilliant how you've adapted the image!


  9. Little Boris looks like such a sweetie!

    Great adaptation of your skates into were really thinking on your feet, girl!

    Such a cute card.

  10. Hi Lisa
    FABULOUSSSSS card darling! Simply gorjuss and such a sad story about the poor little kitten. So glad that Boris came in to your lives and took away some of the sadness.

    Cherish and enjoy
    Hugs, Fae xxx

  11. Sorry to hear about your original Kitten Lisa thats so sad hun.
    Boris is a little cutie too and a handfull lol!!
    Your card is stunning,great fun image!!
    XXX Heidy

  12. such sad news about the other kitten but Boris looks like a sweetie! x

    Loving that card, you do boys card's so well! x

  13. your card is just fabulous - simply perfect! So sorry to hear abour the kitten - but glad you found Boris - he looks full of Mischief! Hugs xx

  14. Your card is STELLAR. I so love the image, layers, and papers.

    So very glad to see you got that amazing lil kitty. We have a little Sweety...that is very near and dear to our hearts.

    Be blessed, Beckie
    Stampin' Up Ind Demo

  15. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about the little kitten, no wonder you have been upset, poor thing. I'm glad you found Boris though and have given him a lovely new home.

    Your card is wonderful, such a fab image and I love the way you have adapted it. The colours and layout are brilliant too

    hugs Sue

  16. A gorgeous card Lisa, love the image & design. Aww! what a lil' cutie Boris is. :o)

    Donna x

  17. Brilliant card Lisa and how cute is Boris! Hugs, Claire x

  18. Such a fab, fun card Lisa, so sorry to hear the sad news about the little kitten but glad you have found Boris, he looks adorable!
    Helen x

  19. Boris is adorable. My little ginger fur ball makes me smile every day.
    This is such a fun card, I am sure he will love it.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  20. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Hello Boris, you sure are adorable! Your card is gorgeous! Joeyx

  21. oh no :( that is so sad to hear about the kitten :( i hope it wasn't too bad :( boris is a total cutie though :) Love your cute card image :)

  22. A fab card, so sad to read about the poor kitten. Boris is very sweet
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  23. Super card, Lisa!! So sad to hear about the kitten, so sad!! But Boris is just adorable!! Hugs, Juliexx

  24. Hi Lisa how upsetting for you I hope Boris brings you comfort he is adorable.
    How clever of you to have adapted the image in this way, the card is fab xx

  25. Hi Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about the death of the little kitten but hope Boris brings joy to your hearts!
    Your card is adorable!
    Hugs, Renee

  26. What a shame for the poor little kitten, but looks like you have another little beauty there!
    Fabulous card, love the image and colours :o)
    Jackie xx

  27. I love cats, and I'm sure sweet little Boris has found himself an excellent home!
    Your card is so sweet too. It's such a fun image, and the gems on the skates is such a fun detail!

  28. Hi Lisa, I was sooo sad reading about your little kitten. But look at Boris, what a total cutie, but I'd still say Milo is cuter (but I am biased!!)
    Totally love your card today, a roller-skating nut, brilliant.
    Caz x

  29. So sorry to hear about the little kitty but pleased to see you have Boris. How cute is he! Oh, I love the hocket nut card too!!!

  30. OMG Lisa, Boris is so sweet...bless sorry about the other little kitten, what a shame, but Boris has now got himself a loving home...
    Love your fab card hun, that image is really

  31. gorgeous card Lisa. fab image. great colours.

    so sorry to hear about the first kitten - so sad - Boris looks so cute and gorgeous and snuggly!!
    he will be so cuddly and lovable x

  32. fantastic card lisa.i love the fun image and fab design.
    so sorry to hear about your original kitten but pleased that you have little boris, he is gorgeous.

    xx coops xx

  33. What a wonderful card and funny stamp. I think your card was very good :) So sad with the cat, but now you have a cute little red cat.
    hugs Isabelle

  34. Oh poor little kitten... no wonder you were upset... thank goodness little Boris can now fill your hearts with lots of love.
    Your card is so adorable Lisa, just love that super funny image! Big hugs, Ira xox

  35. Hi Lisa, I am sooo sorry to hear about that little kitten, poor little wonder you were sad. Boris is a sweetie, he will get lots of cuddles, I'm sure :) Love your card - and I bet it's perfect for that lady's grandson - great colouring and papers, you did so well finding that image :0 have a fab weekend, Big Hugs, Teresa xxx

  36. Super fantastic and inspired roller hockey card hun - that's a fabulous save, and your colourwork on the "peanut" is awesome!

    Hello Boris! Oh my, you are an adorable little chap ... Mummy needs to keep a close eye on you, I know where you live and I have a deep handbag .....

    Huggles all round, Sxx

  37. Awww, little Boris is adorable Lisa! :) He is one lucky kitten to be going to such a loving home too.

    Your card is really fun, great colouring and I love the bling on his skates! :)



  38. Hi Lisa I am so sad to hear about the little kitten but I am so pleased that you found Boris he is a little cutie. I love this fun, fabby card that image is ACE a perfect card for a hickey lover.
    lorraine x

  39. Aww what a gorgeous little Kitty......I am so pleased you managed to find's so sad about the other one. Love your cute funny x

  40. What a precious new addition to you family! Boris is absolutely adorable!
    We're so happy you joined us for theCatch The Bug “Stella Says Sketch" Challenge with Bugaboo Stamps! We hope you’ll join us again TOMORROW for a new sketch challenge!
    Hugs & Happy Days!
    Kaymin Kreations

  41. What a great project! Thanks so much for playing along with our SSS at Catch the bug! I hope you will join us again very soon! Thanks for using a Bugaboo image!

  42. another fantastic card
    Doreen xx
