
Wednesday 11 July 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays wk26

It's week 26 of my little Waste Not Wednesdays challenge, here to get you using all your neglected and unused stamps and stash :o)  Last week was prize week so we need a winner, and that is....

Number 17 - Little K Smith

Congratulations Kelly!  You won a £5 voucher to spend at DigiStamp Boutique - could you email me hun, so I can sort out your prize.

Here's my card for this week....

I've used one of the very cute LOTV printed images, so no colouring involved on this one... I tend to buy these and then feel bad about using them, so they just sit there - silly really!  The papers are very old, possibly Papermania, with bright pink cardstock from Papermill Direct.  Whimsy pennants die set and matching stamps from The Stamp Basket, butterflies cut with a Kars punch.  Ribbon, pearls and thread from my stash.

Sorry if I'm a bit slow visiting your blogs at the moment - we go away in a little over a week, and I'm trying to get everything done before we go.  We're off to Norfolk this year, haven't been before - anyone know if there are any craft shops there lol?  Good to have a little spend while you're on holiday isn't it ;o)

Hope you're all having a lovely evening!


  1. gorgeous card. know what you mean about the preprinted images - but this looks great! love that bunting too.
    Kim x

  2. Gorgeous little card hun - I had to laugh coz I'm just the same with the printed images! Yep, those are Papermania papers - the Colossal packs, they were brilliant value, shame they stopped them. Hope you have a super holiday hun - it might have stopped raining by then - which part of Norfolk? Hugs, Sxxx

  3. Fabulous card Love th bunting.

  4. Brilliant card think i have that paper and oh my 2 little nephews are going in just over a week so becareful you might bump into them mind you jake will come craft shopping with you. xx

  5. gorgeous card Lisa..hope you have a good holiday and I am sure there will be craft shops in the Norfolk area...


  6. Gorgeous card love the image. The layout is fantastic love the bunting and the bright colours are gorgeous. Caroline xxx

  7. Gorgeous card Lisa, love the bright colours they look so cheery and summery. Janette xx

  8. Gorgeous card Lisa, I love the image and the gorgeous summery colours. The layout and embellishments are fab too


  9. What a terrific bright and beautiful card! I love it - perfect for cheery birthday wishes!

  10. Gorgeous card, beautiful colours, love it !!!

    Hugs Astrid

  11. Great card Lisa. Love the colour combo and the sweet image. I love these LOTV printed images. I sometimes feel a bit guilty but if time's short they're really handy!

    Kat xx

  12. super cute card Lisa. Fab colours as well.
    Big hugs
    Doreen xx

  13. Love the pink and yellow combo - very striking. Such a cute image too.
    Denise xx

  14. Congrats Kelly! Lisa I love your card..that is the sweetest image and the banner is a really nice touch :)

  15. Love these fab colours and cute image on your gorgeous card.
    Hugs Emma xx

  16. Aww this is lovely! Love the bright colours and the butterflies on the edge of the circle, lovely touch! Beautiful colouring of the cat! Laura x

  17. Soooooo cute and gorgeous Lisa.

  18. Gorgeous and beautiful card Lisa love the image and fabulous colour's
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  19. Very cute Lisa, love the bunting. Where are you staying? I live in Norwich. Sadly Norfolk isn't great for craft shops. We have The Range and Hobbycrafts in Norwich. Also Jarrolds department store do crafts mainly Docrafts though. There is Sew Simple at Taverham, again lots of Do Crafts but some thers and lots of sewing stuff, Craftmania in Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft, independent stores, lots of dies, not many stamps, lots of papers and decoupage.

  20. What a delightful card and image :o)
    Jackie xx

  21. Gorgeous! Love that fabby colour combo and the bunting.
    Hugs Jo x

  22. Great card Lisa, I love the colour combo and such a cute image. If I don't get to say it before you go have a great holiday! xx

  23. Oh Lisa, that is so adorable honey, love all the detail!

    Congrats to Little K Smith!

  24. Gorgeous card Lisa. Love the colours and design. I have a box full of these die cuts too - must use them!!
    Have a lovely holiday.
    Lorraine x

  25. Gorgeously sweet card Lisa, so cute and love the banner...
    Can't help with Norfolk at all, but have fun.xx

  26. so gorgeous lisa.i love the sweet kitty and your colours are stunning ;D

    xx coops xx

  27. Wednesday already? wow, time is flying by. Aw, your card is so sweet! The printed image looks perfect with the papers you chose. Also love the banner! Have fun on your vacation!

  28. Hi Lisa..

    Lovely card.. Perfect use of that preprinted topper! I have some of those too... And a bit like you, they sit in my drawer!

    There is a blogger called Lisa from Norfolk.. Maybe she could help you?

    Christine x

  29. Fabulous card! Thanks for the fun challenge--I'm working on my hoarding! ;)

  30. I know what you mean about feeling like you're "cheating" with pre-coloured images... it's funny but if you didn't use an image at all you wouldn't feel it was cheating, would you? I think it's smart... and it means you're setting a good example and using your stash :-) Donna

  31. I just finished a bunch of what I call "cheater" that use store bought embellishment elements.

    They are stash cards...I could make a card a day for years and not use up all that stash!

    Thanks for the challenge to help us use up our stash.

  32. Me again... this is the other Lisa's blog addy.. the lady from Norfolk... who may be able to answer your question re craft shops there!

    Christine x

  33. This card is just TOO cute! I love that image! And your banner is adorable!!!!

  34. Week 26 already?!!! Another fab and perfect card Lisa.

  35. gorgeous. love the image. don't matter if they are already coloured!! they are still stunning x

  36. Adorable card...I have used a couple of pre-colored sure makes the process go faster!

  37. I've been meaning to post a card for your WNW challenge for ages and finally got round to it!!

    Helen x
