
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays wk22

Before I get on with my post - I'm really, really sorry that I've been a bit rubbish over the last few days... so many of you have left me lovely comments and I've felt so ill I've not managed to visit many of you in return.  I promise to catch up eventually!  I think I've got a chest infection, but the docs can't fit me in until Friday so I'll have to put up with it until then...

Anyway... it's week 22 of my little Waste Not Wednesdays challenge, and as it's the first Wednesday of the month that means it's prize week :o)  So there will be a £5 voucher provided by the fabulous Sally-Ann at DigiStamp Boutique for one random lucky winner!

I'm sooo not happy with my card today!  The colouring didn't really work and the whole thing ended up a bit boring, but never mind...

I've used the very cute Louie and Cupcake, fairly sure I haven't used this one before.  I coloured him with promarkers and flexmarkers - I was going for a 'furry' look but it needs a bit of practice!  The spotty paper is from my scraps, the pink piece is core'dinations, embossed using a folder I've probably only used once or twice before, and then sanded back.  Sentiment is LOTV, corner was cut with a Whimsy die, and the pearls, buttons and velvet ribbon are from my stash.

I followed the sketch at Sketch Saturday so I'm entering my card there.

Right, off to do some very slow commenting!  Hope you all enjoy what's left of the evening :o)


  1. So gorgeous Lisa! The embossing and buttons just perfect!

  2. I think it's a lovely card. The image is sweet and I love the embossing. Hope you feel better soon.
    Sarah-Jane xx

  3. He looks very furry and cuddly to me Lisa!
    Sorry to hear you are feeling wretched.... that's rough you cant visit the doc until Fri either!!
    Just when you have the little folk at home too :0(
    Hope you're soon on the mend.
    Jenny x

  4. aww i think it's gorgeous!! hope you feel better soon x

  5. This is adorable Lisa - not at all boring and the colouring is so pretty. Love the embossed panel.
    Hope your infection clears up very soon.
    Take care
    Denise xx

  6. Goodness me, don't worry about blogging and commenting when you're not feeling well. Put yourself first! If that card is boring, there's no hope for the rest of us! He looks lovely and furry to me!

  7. Are you kidding?? It looks absolutely stunning to me - I adore it...xx

  8. Oh hun I really like this, gorgeous colour choice, do hope your feeling better real soon. Joey x

  9. Oooops - just read you're poorly...Take care of yourself Lisa and get treated if it goes on too long...not worth just thinking it will go away - it wont! xx

  10. Hope you are feeling better soon Lisa! It is no good being sick :( I love this little cutie...the fur texture is so spot on and I love the embossing. I have some candy over on my blog if you are interested too! :)

  11. Think it's gorgeous hun,sorry your still not well!
    Sending big hugs your way!
    XXX Heidy

  12. Hi Lisa

    So sorry that you're still suffering, think the Doc may give you some anti-biotics to clear it up! I've been coughing on and off since March so know how you feel!

    Fabulous cutie bear card... and I love that embossing folder you've used on the coredinations card.... it's gorgeous!

    Christine x

  13. Such a gorgeous card Lisa , I think your colouring is fabulous and this image is sooo cute and love these colours.
    I hope you feel better soon
    Big hugs Emma xx

  14. Are you crazy wumman, it's a wonderful card and the colours are great :o)
    I hope you are soon better...hugs
    Jackie xx

  15. Your card is gorgeous Lisa, and i love the effect of your colouring, been trying to get one of those pearl pens from our local craft shop, but they never seem to have the right colour, think i will have to go and order one online. Janette x

  16. Lisa, you're always so hard on yourself! Its perfect colouring and colours - a fab card, as always.

    Sorry I missed last weeks WnW - managed to join in this week.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.


    PS - I felt so bad that I hadn't got one set of the LoTV sentiments, that I've ordered two of the sets!!!

  17. hello Lisa. you are always so apologetic!! you have no reason to be.
    hope you get sorted at the Doctors on Friday.

    love the card. gorgeous image. fab embossing. love the colours

    hugs to you xxx

  18. so gorgeous lisa.i love your colours and embossing and the bear is stunning ;D

    xx coops xx

  19. Absolutely gorgeous Lisa! Hope you feel better soon!
    Helen x

  20. This is so cute and adorable. x

  21. Gorgeous card Lisa!! We are always harder on ourselves than others. This card is fabulous and there is nothing wrong with the colours! I hope you are feeling better soon!! Have a great day!! Gloria

    Visit my blog. I would love more followers.

  22. This is so cute and adorable Lisa, the image is fabulous, the papers, design and embossing look wonderful.
    Lorraine x

  23. EEK I love that bear and your coloring! Adorable!

  24. Hope you're feeling better by now, Lisa. Thanks for the challenge, as always! Donna ☺

  25. What's not to love about this card? It is absolutely perfect! Your colouring is FAB! Hope you feel better soon. Kx
