
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays wk19

It's week 19 (eeeeek!) of my little Waste Not Wednesdays challenge, here to encourage you to dig out all that unused and neglected stash and get it used :o)  It's also my lovely Mum and her hubby Andrew's first wedding anniversary today, and this is the card I made for them...

I've had this cute LOTV stamp for AGES and the poor thing's never been inked until now - no idea why not!  I coloured it with promarkers and flexmarkers and added my little Viva pearl dots.  The papers aren't exactly old - they're from a Papermania pad I bought a few months ago, but I'd only used them once and then forgot about them.  All cardstock is from my scrap drawers (yes, I have 4 drawers... and a box... full of scraps!).  The sentiment is LOTV, gems are old ones from my stash, ribbon buckle from Wild Orchid Crafts.  The Whimsy corner dies and gorgeous vintage style ribbon are both available from The Stamp Basket.  I always have to decorate the insides to match when it's a card for my mum, she complains if I don't lol!

I'm entering my card for the following challenges:
I'm really sorry if I've not managed to visit your blog for the last couple of days - I'm visiting as many of you as I can, but the school have decided that the kids will be off on Friday... apparently they have to give an extra day because the Jubilee bank holiday falls when they'll be off anyway for spring bank.  They only told us at the start of this week though, and I've been trying to get everything done so that we can spend Friday in the park... after all this rushing, it'll probably rain all day lol!

Hope you all have a lovely evening :o)


  1. gorgeous card..the inside looks lovely too but i can't bear to use so much paper on one card!! x

  2. This is so cute, I love the image and your great sky in the back ground. The brown and blue look fab together and such a great bow, still haven't mastered bow tying :)

  3. Such a lovely card Lisa - I am sure your mum will love it!

    Sharon x

  4. I'm so behind with blog hopping too Lisa...a case of a rather full plate at the moment I think!!! Your little rabbits are so cute, I can't believe it's a year...I remember the photos on your blog last year :0)
    That's a bit rich to spring an extra day holiday at short notice! Don't think our school is....makes you wonder if it's for the teachers benefit or the children's!!!
    Jenny x

  5. Wow what a gorgeous card Lisa!
    Today is my 21 wedding anniversary!
    Big XXX Heidy

  6. Gorgeous Lisa..! love the image Mum will just love it..!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. Hi hun
    aww adorable card, gorgeous image, fabulous colouring, pretty papers & embelies, sue,x

  8. Adorable card, Lisa, with such a gorgeous image. Perfect for their anniversary. I am sure they both loved it. Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Tine :)

  9. Uber cute image Lisa, you've made a beautiful card with it - your Mum and her hubby will love it - you can see the love that has gone into making it! hugs Karen x

  10. So cute Lisa. Love the sweet little bunnies and the gorgeous papers. Such a lovely Anniversary card.
    Denise xx

  11. :( I hope your Friday is worth it honey! :)

  12. Oh forgot to say - what a super sweet card, Lisa! and I got to be first - yay!

  13. So beautiful! I can't believe it's a year already!!

    Our Head has added the day to the summer holidays so we finish a day earlier.

  14. Oh that's so sweet Lisa! Love it.

    Susan x

  15. Hi Lisa,
    Aww what a sweet image another on my wish list :)
    Love the papers and design :) x

  16. Love this image's hard to imagine how many unused stamps there must be out there and we still haven't ever go
    Fab card.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  17. Wow This is stunning, gorgeous colours and such a cute image
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  18. Gorgeous card, hun. I love those cute little bunnies!! I keep meaning to join in with your challenge - you wouldn't believe the amount of unused stash I've got!! I deserve some serious wrist slapping LOL!! I promise I'll join in this week - am off to put it on my list now! Hugs, Marie xx

  19. Fantastic creation Lisa, so sweet, love it!

    Thanks so much for joining us at Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge this week.

    Hugs, Franz.

  20. Gorgeous, love the LOTV image and the DP, pretty colour scheme and just love those little extra embellishments too.

  21. Awwww Lisa that image is sooooo cute and adorable, I love how you have coloured them, the papers and design of the card is superb.
    Lorraine x

  22. Hi Lisa, this is fabulous, love the papers and colours and the sky looks fabby. Your mum and her hubby are gonna love it.
    Happy anniversary to them.
    Hope it don't rain for the park hun.
    Hugs Sue W.

  23. Lisa I love this, so pretty and so sweet!

  24. So beautiful Lisa, love the image and soft colours...gorgeous.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  25. Beautiful card Lisa, love the blue and brown together. Sue x

  26. This is gorgeous! I love the image, the colours, everything! The papers are gorge too! Laura x

  27. WOW Lisa where has that year gone???
    Stunning card as always hun.
    I think I NEED to get me one of those Viva peral pens :o)
    Have a fabulous day.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  28. Oh what a wonderful card Lisa, fab image too.

  29. Gorgeous card, love the image and such pretty colours. Will try to play along this week. You've reminded me I have some of those ribbon buckles, thanks.

  30. What a gorgeous card, so cute. Happy Anniversary to your Mum and her hubby :o)
    Jackie xx

  31. Absolutely Stunning! I love the image, your layout, the colours are absolutely gorgeous and those corners are fab! I love the way you have designed the inside too. Wow. Hugs, Jill x

  32. so stunning lisa.gorgeous colours and details and i really love the sweet bunnies image :D

    xx coops xx

  33. I love it! I love the image and the colours and the corners and .. and .. and... love it Lisa! hugs x

  34. absolutely gorgeous. beautiful papers. fab image. love your little pearls x

  35. First Anniversary!!??!! You can't be serious, a whole year - it feels like yesterday you showed us their wedding card! Hope they have a lovely Anniversary, I'm sure your gorgeous card will go down a treat. I'll be back later for the challenge Donna ☺

  36. Hi Lisa, gorgeous card - love those bunnies! Another one here who can't believe it's a year ago that you were showing us the pics and who is terribly behind with commenting.

    I'm planning on having some surf time tonight and will be back to catch up with your blog proper later.


  37. Right here I am again! Been having a nosy back through your blog and reading all about Dex's antibiotic nightmare - hope he's all OK now? We had, for the first time, problems with Emily having her antibiotics last week. Why on earth they made it smell and taste of aniseed I do not know! Loads of chocolate bribery went on at our house.

    As for school, I know just how you feel - that was me last year!!! Now I'm worrying how she will cope with Year 1 in Sept. She will be fine, I'll be a wreck!! They seem so little don't they when they start school - but I can see the changes in her, I wonder what it will be like in 10 years when they are moving onto the next step!


  38. Ooh Lisa this is absolutely gorgeous. I really love the scene you've created and how do you get your bow so perfect?

    I hope you're well.


  39. Gorgeous card Lisa, sooo pretty! Fab colouring too. Wedgie xxx

  40. WoWzA, this is fabulous! LOVE it!!

  41. Adorable card, I love the pearls dotted about on the image. Great colouring, clever sky too...always impresses me as I'm hopeless at it lol. Will be back soon with an entry. Found you on Feline Playful BTW. Hugs lin

  42. Very sweet card Lisa. Beautiful color combination and embellishments. Cute bunnies, amazing coloring as always. Hugs. Lily

  43. Back with my entry. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and thanks for the fun challenge. Hugs lin

  44. Oh I love that bunny image! Perfect for your anniversary card and I love how you colored it, the clouds in the sky and those teeny pearls again!

  45. Ah this is the cutest!! I really love that image and your colouring is just beautiful. Love the soft tones :)

  46. ..... and I'm back for the challenge, lol Donna ☺

  47. Your bunny card is so soft and pretty! Thanks for the fun challenge; I used an oldie but goodie DP and Bella Dots.

  48. Beautiful card. The little bunnies are so cute. Love the decoration carried into the middle. x

  49. Beautiful card. Sweet image and gorgeous colors.

    I have a scrap paper cabinet, those scraps add up so quickly. LOL

    Happy Anniversary to your mother.

    Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Days Away.


  50. Lisa this is adorable, love the papers and sweet image you used on your card. Thank you for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers this week and good luck.

  51. A beautiful card. I love the image and the lovely soft pastel colours you have used.

    Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Days Away.

    Hugs Sarahxx
