
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Waste Not Wednesdays wk12

Well it's not very good when you don't have a card for your own challenge, is it?!  My cold got worse again over the last couple of days and all I want to do is sleep... I really did try to get a card made for today but it just wasn't happening.

So for now, I'm just popping in to announce the winner from last week, and that is...

Number 12 - Carole

Congrats Carole!  Please send me an email and I'll send you the fab Easter set from DigiStamp Boutique :o)

I'm adding the link as usual, and if I get chance this week, I'll make a card and add it here.  Back to 'just for fun' again this week - don't forget you can link up anything you've made using any forgotten and neglected stash and I'll pop round to see what you've made :o)


  1. Oh sweetie, sending you the biggest of get well hugs, Sxxx

  2. Aww! Lisa, hope you feel better very soon hun.

    Donna x

  3. Get well soon hun.
    Sending hugs and best wishes.
    Debs xx

  4. Poor Lisa, Hope you are soon feeling better sweetie. keep warm and take good care of yourself xxxx
    Hugs Mau xx

  5. Hope you feel better soon sweetie..

    big hugs Vicky xx

  6. Hope you feel better real soon!

  7. Sorry to hear you are unwell. I had that cold before Xmas and it knocked the stuffing out of me. Hope you feel much better soon Karen x

  8. Hi there, just found your blog and become a follower, hope you are feeling better very soon, blessings Hilde

  9. Sorry to hear your still poorly hun!
    Take care!
    XXX Heidy

  10. Are you sure it's not a viral infection Lisa? A cold shouldn't hang around so long! I hope you soon get better :o)
    Jackie xx

  11. Awwww hope you feel better soon.... I have the throat/chest bug that's doing the rounds.. feel yucky too and like you, just want to sleep!

    Christine x

  12. hope you & your family are feeling better soon!

  13. I have just found your blog and this is the first time I have entered one of your challenges. Thank you for providing the fun challenge.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  14. Fun, fun challenge! It really is good to dig into my hoarded supplies...if I use them, they can be enjoyed by others too!
