
Tuesday 13 December 2011

How to make 70 cards very fast!

Yep, I actually made 70 of these little cards in a couple of hours yesterday morning, and then I made another 12 less simple cards in the afternoon... 82 cards in one day - go me lol :o)  And then when I'd made that lot, I went Christmas shopping with my mum and didn't get back until nearly 10pm, so I apologise for being very behind in visiting your blogs but I will catch up tonight.

These are Morgan's cards for his friends at school, using the pre-coloured versions of Carol Singing Cat and Ice Skating Hoot from Pink Gem Designs, printed onto linen card.  These images come with a black line version that you can colour and you also get the pre-coloured image, which is ideal when you have a lot of cards to make - I made 35 of these...

... and I made 35 of these for Dex's friends at nursery, using Fairy Teddy, Teddy with Christmas Tree and Teddy with Candy Cane, again in the pre-coloured versions from Pink Gem Designs.

I was right about getting Dex's cold - I'm feeling really awful today!  I just seem to shake one thing off and then I get something else, or if I'm ok one of the kids will be poorly, fed up with it now!  I've got to get gifts made for the nursery staff today, and lots more to do tomorrow including watching Dex as a shepherd in his first nativity!  All I really want to do is curl up in the chair and fall asleep, wonder if I can find a spare half hour to do that this afternoon...


  1. Wow They are gorgeous, A fab idea too, I still haven't made many of my crimbo cards. Loads to do!!!
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  2. Oh wow, they are beautiful CAS cards, and so many in such a short time :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Lisa these are so sweet, what a busy day you had, bet it looked like an assembly
    Hope you feel better soon and can shake off the cold. Sorry been missing but just can't catch up on Christmas as going away 18th and need to be finished xx

  4. Oh Lisa I love them,great fast card hun!
    Sorry to hear that your not feeling well!
    Please take care!
    Hugs Heidy

  5. They are gorgeous Lisa well done. xx Jan

  6. Fab cards, go you!!!!. Love the simplicity of them and pre coloured designs are such a good idea.
    Lyndsey xx

  7. I am totally in awe of your productivity Lisa! Hope the cold is better soon, Jo x

  8. woo!! you go girl! great cards, sorry you feel poorly x

  9. just stunning....all of them!

    hugs Sarah x

  10. Lovely cards. I know how easy they are cos i made loads very similar for my grandsons to take to school. You can see mine on my blog

  11. 82 cards - WOW!!! But each of them is very lovely - the recipients must be very happy

  12. wowzers lISA - 82 cards in 1 day!!!
    They are gorgeous as usual and are sure to be loved by the lucky recipients.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  13. oh these are brilliant i just need to find out how to centre my cards. lol

  14. FANTASTIC Lisa!! No wonder you're worn out! I must remember these for next year.

  15. WOW amazing cards hun, their friends will love them - love the personalisation too. Hugs, Claire x

  16. Ooh!!!!! Lisa these are amazing, you clever thing. The kids at school will love them. Hope you feel better soon, keep snuggled up and have a lovely time watching your little shepherd tomorrow.

    Donna x

  17. OMG...How amazing, the cards are all so fab, your a little wonder woman....sorry to hear your feeling off colour hun, hope your soon well, enjoy Dex' play....take a box of

  18. Wow Lisa, I'm well impressed with your quick cards. They're gorgeous and what a great idea.

    Hope you get time to have a well earned rest soon!

    Kat xx

  19. Cor - 82 cards, and I thought I was doing well with 50 odd of 'em!!! You've knocked my socks off. Such sweet cards and love that you've personalized them, Lisa.

    I gave in this year and let Emily buy a box of ones that she liked to hand out at school, but think I will file this idea for next year (if you don't mind).

    Hope you feel better soon, it's horrible having to soldier on when you feel rotten and just want to go to bed.

    Take care, Sarah

  20. These are amazing Lisa what a brilliant idea! hugs Rebekah xx

  21. Wow Lisa,
    fantastic cards and so quick
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  22. WOW....super awesome idea hun love the images.....its hard believe how many you got made....
    Hope you feel better soon shug.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  23. Fabulous cards and so many, hope you feel better soon, Mary x

  24. cor blimey are superwoman.what a massive ammount of cards and they are really gorgeous the cute images :D
    really hope you feel better soon hun.

    xx coops xx

  25. fabby!!! Love this collection of cards!! Hugs Juls

  26. Go Lisa! These are FAB! Hope you feel better soon.
    Jo x

  27. Oh Lisa I do hope that you are not coming down with a bug just before Christmas. I am in awe of your skills at making so many wonderful cards they are fabulous those images are sooooo cute.
    Lorraine x

  28. Wow, 82 cards in one day, that must be a record! They look fab, hope you feel better soon!
    Helen x

  29. Wowwweeee Lisa! And they are soooooo fabulous! Their little friends will be so pleased!
    Christine x

  30. I hope you're feeling much better. Oh I love these cards! I think I am going to have to resort to something like this at the rate I am going, lol. These are sooo cute!

  31. What a brilliant idea Lisa, these are fantastic! Wow you have been busy!
